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人工接种CMV 后辣椒植株中病毒含量的时序变化及症状表型

王兴兴 张正海 曹亚从 王立浩 张宝玺*   

  1. 中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所,北京 100081
  • 出版日期:2016-09-26 发布日期:2016-09-26

Temporal Change of CMV and Symptom Phenotype in Pepper after Artificial Inoculation

WANG Xing-xing,ZHANG Zheng-hai,CAO Ya-cong,WANG Li-hao,ZHANG Bao-xi *   

  1. Institute of Vegetables and Flowers,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
  • Online:2016-09-26 Published:2016-09-26


以5 份不同类型的辣(甜)椒为供试材料,人工接种CMV 重花叶型株系,通过DAS-ELISA 方法,分别检测接种5、
10、15、20、25、30 d 后辣椒植株中CMV 含量的时序变化,同时对供试材料进行人工接种抗性鉴定,并对2 种方法得到的
数据进行相关性分析。结果显示:不同类型供试材料接种5~15 d 后的病毒含量逐渐增加,并于15 d 时达到最高水平,之后
略有回落;通过DAS-ELISA 检测得到的植株病毒含量与人工接种抗性鉴定得到的病情指数呈正相关,说明2 种鉴定方法获

关键词: CMV, 辣椒, DAS-ELISA, 时序变化, 症状表型


Taking 5 pepper of different genotypes as experimental material,after artificial inoculating heavy
mosaic strain CMV,we tested the temporal change of CMV content in 5,10,15,20,25,30 days by DASELISA.
At the same time,the artificial classification method was used,and we carried out analysis on the
correlation of data gained through these 2 methods.The results showed that the virus content increased at 5,
10,15 days in turn,reached the highest level at 15 days.Then,the virus content reduced slightly.The virus
content of the plants obtained by DAS-ELISA was positively correlated with the disease index obtained by artificial
inoculation.The results obtained by the 2 methods were consistent.

Key words: CMV, Pepper, DAS-ELISA, Temporal Change, Symptom Phenotype