中国蔬菜  2014, Vol. 1 Issue (4): 21-    DOI:
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EMS 诱变番茄自交系TTD302A 的突变表型鉴定和分析
为创制用于番茄遗传育种和基因功能研究的新种质,用0.7% 的甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)浸泡处理TTD302A 种子 8 h,清水冲洗后催芽育苗,定植于塑料大棚中,单株观察、单株留种。对M2 群体进行株系和单株的系统观察,表型表现一致的株系混合留种,有表型变异的单株进行单株留种,获得M3 种子。另外选取了15 份出现典型变异性状的M2 材料进行SSR 检测。通过对M2 群体表型性状的观察,共发现373 个变异性状,297 个变异单株,总的单株变异频率为7.1%。叶、花、果实和植株的表型变异频率依次为1.5%、2.8%、1.3% 和2.4%。SSR 分析结果表明9 份材料在 DNA 水平上有变异。
Identification and Analysis of Mutant Phenotype Tomato Inbred Line TTD302AInduced with EMS
To create new tomato(Solanum lycopersicum L.)germplasm applied both to genetic modified  breeding and functional genomics research on tomato,this study treated the seeds of TTD302A with 0.7% EMS for 8 h,then washed them by flowing water. M2 seeds were harvested from each plant independently in M1 generation. Afterwards,the agronomic traits and biological characters of each plant were both investigated and recorded in M2 generation at seedling stage,flowering fruit period and mature period,respectively. The leaves DNA of all mutation plants were extracted,of which 15 materials expressing typical variation characteristics were selected for SSR molecular  marker detection. Finally we harvested M3 seeds from single plant expressing character mutation separately. Through  observation on M2 group characters,we found 373 mutant characters and 297 mutant plants in total. The rate of all M2 phenotype mutation added up to 7.1%. It could be found that the mutation population contained abundant mutation types appearing in leaf,floral organ,fruit and plant. Their mutation rates were 1.5%,2.8%,1.3%,2.4%,respectively. The results of SSR analysis indicated that 9 materials had mutation in DNA level.

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