Studies of Biomass Acumulation of Different Parts in Main Tiller of Zizania latifolia |
Jiang Jiezeng; Cao Beisheng; Qiu Jiejuan; et al. |
Agricultural College; Yangzhou University; Jiangsu 225009 |
Abstract The changes of fresh and dry weight accumulation in leaves and stems as well as the net photosynthesis rate of function leaves on main tiller of the Zizania latifolia were studied with two typical varieties at their different growth and development stages.The results showed that,fresh and dry weight of blades,sheathes and culm increased steadily before the gall’s quick swelling period, the accumulation of culm surpassed those of blades and sheathes.Fresh and dry weight of culm and leaves decreased obviously...
Received: 18 April 2005