中国蔬菜  2014, Vol. 1 Issue (4): 52-    DOI:
品种选育 最新目录| 下期目录| 过刊浏览| 高级检索 |
皱皮丝瓜新品种早皱2 号的选育
早皱2 号是以D02 为母本,P02 为父本配制而成的丝瓜一代杂种。熟性早,生长势较强;以主蔓结瓜为主,早春栽培主蔓第1 雌花节位为第4~8 节;从出苗至始收55~60 d( 天);果实中棒形,纵径35~40 cm,横径5~6 cm,单果质量0.5~0.6kg,外皮淡绿色,密布横褶皱,果顶平圆,果肉致密,品质较优;抗白粉病和疫病。前期产量1 100 kg·(667 m2)-1,总产量3 000 kg·(667 m2)-1,适合湖南、重庆、四川、湖北等地大面积栽培。
A New Wrinkled Luffa Variety —‘ Zaozhou No.2’
‘ Zaozhou No.2’ is a luffa F1 hybrid taking D02 as female parent and P02 as male parent. It is of  early muturity and has strong growth vigor. The first female flower in early spring cultivation is located at the 4th - 8th joint of the main stem. The main branch is bearing luffa. It takes 55 to 60 days from sowing to first harvest. The fruit is of rod shape and its longitudinal diameter and transverse diameter are 35-40 cm and 5-6 cm,respectively.
 The single fruit weight is 0.5-0.6 kg. The rind color is light green with dense transverse wrinkles,and the fruit top is round and flat. Its fruit has good flesh texture and is of high quality. It is resistant to powdery mildew and blight. The yield of early period is 16.5 t·hm-2 and the total yield is 45 t·hm-2. It is suitable for large scale cultivation in Chongqing,and Provinces of Hunan,Sichuan and Hubei.

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