Abstract:In two parthenocarpic lines Severianin (pat-2/pat-2), Monalbo (pat-2/ pat-2) and one isogenic line of Monalbo (+/+) without pat-2 gene fruit set percent (FSP), fruit weight (FW), seed productivity (SP) and single plant yield(SPY) were investigated after 4 different pollination treatments. The two parthenocarpic lines could set fruit and the fruits normally developed even without pollination but non-pathenocarpic line could not if no pollination performed. SP of parthenocarpic line was much lower than that o...
收稿日期: 1900-01-01
陈新伟;. 不同授粉处理对pat-2/pat-2基因型番茄结实性的影响[J]. 中国蔬菜, 1996, 1(4): 5-0.
Chen Xinwei. Effect of Different Treatment of Pollination on Fruit Set and Seeding of Parthenocarpic (pat-2/pat-2) Tomato. , 1996, 1(4): 5-0.