中国蔬菜 ›› 2014, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (1): 27-.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


 张恩平, 赵茹月, 李亮亮, 张淑红   

  1. (沈阳农业大学园艺学院,辽宁沈阳 110161)
  • 收稿日期:2013-09-27 修回日期:2013-11-28 出版日期:2014-01-01 发布日期:2014-01-19
  • 通讯作者: 李亮亮,男,副教授,博士,专业方向: 设施园艺及农业环境生态,
  • 作者简介:张恩平,男,副教授,博士,专业方向:蔬菜栽培与生态,
  • 基金资助:


Effects of Exogenous Tannic Acid, Salicylic Acid and Their Mixture on Tomato
Seed Germination

 ZHANG  恩Ping, ZHAO  Ru-Yue, LI  Liang-Liang, ZHANG  Shu-Hong   

  1. (College of Horticulture , Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110161 , Liaoning, China)
  • Received:2013-09-27 Revised:2013-11-28 Online:2014-01-01 Published:2014-01-19

摘要: 试验采用滤纸培养法,研究了鞣酸、水杨酸以及二者1∶1 的混合液对番茄种子发芽的影响。结果表明:鞣酸对番茄种子的萌发以及胚根和芽(胚轴+ 胚芽)的生长综合呈现低促高抑的趋势,当浓度达到0.2 g·L-1 时开始表现为抑制作用。水杨酸和混合液对番茄种子萌发以及芽的生长呈现抑制作用,并随着浓度的升高抑制作用逐渐增强,而对番茄胚根的生长表现为低促高抑;水杨酸在浓度0.5 g·L-1 时达到100% 的抑制作用。同时,在浓度0.5 g·L-1 时,2 种化感物质及其1∶1 混
合液的作用强度表现为水杨酸>二者1∶1 混合液>鞣酸。

关键词: 化感作用, 番茄, 种子萌发, 鞣酸, 水杨酸

Abstract: Adopting filter paper culture method, this research investigated the effect of tannic acid,salicylic acid and the mixture(1∶1) on tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) seed germination andseedling growth. The results showed that tannic acid presented a trend of promotion in low concentration and
inhibition in high concentration. When the tannic acid concentration reached to 0.2 g·L-1, it started to restrain seed germination and seedling growth. Salicylic acid and the mixture appeared to inhibit the seed germination and the hypocotyl and germ growth, and the inhibitory effects were enhanced along with the increase of their concentration, Whereas, salicylic acid and the mixture showed a tendency of promotion in low concentration and
inhibition in high concentration effect on tomato radide growth. When the salicylic acid concentration reached 0.5
g·L-1, it showed 100% inhibitory effect. At the same time, the intensity of inhibitory effects showed a trend of
salicylic acid > 1∶1 mixture > tannic acid under the concentration of 0.5 g·L-1.

Key words: Allelopathy, Tomato, Seed germination, Tannic acid, Salicylic acid