中国蔬菜  2014, Vol. 1 Issue (4): 47-    DOI:
品种选育 最新目录| 下期目录| 过刊浏览| 高级检索 |
秋冬萝卜新品种秦萝1 号的选育
秦萝1 号是由两个自交不亲和系LS6-8 和LS32-12 配制而成的秋冬萝卜一代杂种,生长期76~80 d(天);叶丛半直立,羽状裂叶;肉质根圆柱形,根长25~30 cm,横径7 cm,青绿色,外表光滑,肉色翠绿,肉质致密,收尾好,须根、歧根少;单根质量800~1 200 g,平均667 m2 产量5 300 kg 左右;对霜霉病、病毒病和黑腐病的抗性比对照青丰冬和豫萝卜1 号强。适宜在陕西、山西、宁夏、甘肃等地推广种植。
A New Autumn Winter Radish Variety—‘Qinluo No.1’
‘Qinluo No.1’ is a F1 hybrid of autumn and winter radish developed by crossing 2 selfincompatibility lines LS6-8 and LS32-12.Its growth period is 76-80 days.The foliage is half-erect and the leaves are pinnatifid.Its fleshy root is of cylindrical shape,25-30 cm in length and 7 cm in diameter with blue green and smooth peel.Its flesh is jade green in color with dense succulent.It has less fibrous and ambiguation root.The
single root weight is 800-1 200 g,and the average yield is about 79.5 t·hm-2. Its resistance to virus disease,black rot and downy mildew is stronger than that of the contrasts‘Qingfengdong’ and‘ Yuluobo No.1’.It is suitable for cultivation in Shaanxi ,Shanxi,Ningxia and Gansu.

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