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黄芸萍 张华峰 严蕾艳 王毓洪 应泉盛 王迎儿   

  1. 宁波市农业科学研究院蔬菜研究所,宁波市瓜菜育种重点实验室,浙江宁波 315040
  • 收稿日期:2015-03-25 修回日期:2015-08-21 出版日期:2015-09-28 发布日期:2015-10-05
  • 作者简介:黄芸萍,女,硕士,高级农艺师,主要从事西甜瓜育种与嫁接栽培技术 等研究,
  • 基金资助:


Effects of Different Artificial Supplement Light Sources on Grafted Watermelon Seedling Growth in Early Spring

HUANG Yun-ping,ZHANG Hua-feng,YAN Lei-yan,WANG Yu-hong,YING Quan-sheng,WANG#br# Ying-er   

  1. Institute of vegetables,Ningbo City Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Key Laboratory of Cucurbitaceous Vegetables
    Breeding of Ningbo City,Ningbo 315040,Zhejiang,China
  • Received:2015-03-25 Revised:2015-08-21 Online:2015-09-28 Published:2015-10-05


在早春持续低温阴雨寡日照的天气下,以甬砧5 号嫁接的拿比特西瓜嫁接苗为试验材料,利用LED 灯、高压钠灯
于心叶刚长出时进行连续25 d 的补光,以自然光照为对照。结果表明,人工补光能明显促进西瓜嫁接苗的生长,补光17 d 起,
采用LED 灯和高压钠灯处理的砧木下胚轴长度和接穗下胚轴长度快速提高,嫁接苗整体株高增长显著,且叶面积增大,砧
病等发病率降低。不同光源比较,LED 灯的效果优于高压钠灯,且长期运行的投入成本和使用成本也更低,是今后农业领域

关键词: LED 灯, 高压钠灯, 西瓜, 嫁接苗, 补光


In early spring,under successive cold,rainy and cloudy climate condition,this experiment took
‘Nabite’ scions grafted onto‘ Yongzhen No.5’ as material,and exposed them under LED light and high voltage
sodium lamp for supplementary light of continuous 25 days,taking natural light as the contrast. The results showed
that artificial supplement light could obviously accelerate the growth of grafted watermelon seedlings. After the
17th day under supplementary light,the artificial supplement light treatments had great impact on the growth of
seedlings:the hypocotyl lengths of rootstock and scion were rapidly increased,the plant height was remarkably
enlarged,leaf areas became bigger,stems became thicker,biomass accumulation was fastened,chlorophyll
content was improved,photosynthetic capacity of leaf blades was strengthened,survival rate of grafted seedlings
was improved,diseases occurrence rate was reduced. Compared with different light resources,the effect of LED
light is better than that of high voltage sodium lamp. Moreover,LED light has lower input and usage cost in long
time running. LED light might become one of the most promising artificial supplementary lights in agriculture field
in the future.

Key words: LED lamp, High voltage sodium lamp, Watermelon, Grafted seedling, Supplementary light