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荆子桓 王先裕* 龙安四 孙岚明 陈宝玲   

  1. 广西大学农学院,广西南宁 530001
  • 出版日期:2016-09-26 发布日期:2016-09-26

Screening of Tomato Rootstocks with Multi-resistance in Guangxi

JING Zi-huan,WANG Xian-yu*,Long An-si,SUN Lan-ming,CHEN Bao-ling   

  1. Agronomy College of Guangxi University,Nanning 530001,Guangxi,China
  • Online:2016-09-26 Published:2016-09-26


用田间抗性鉴定方法和分子标记技术,对20 份番茄砧木材料进行对比、鉴定,筛选抗番茄细菌性髓部坏死病的多抗砧木材
料。结果表明,砧木材料T034 和T103 不但对青枯病、根结线虫、枯萎病具有良好抗性,而且对番茄细菌性髓部坏死病表现

关键词: 广西, 番茄砧木, 番茄细菌性髓部坏死病, 抗性鉴定, 聚合多抗材料


Recently,a mass outbreak of tomato bacterial pith necrosis occurred in Guangxi,except bacterial
wilt,Fusarium wilt and root-knot nematode.This experiment compared and identified 20 pieces of tomato rootstock
material from Guangxi,and screened rootstock material with multi-resistance to tomato bacterial pith necrosis.The
results indicated that rootstocks T034 and T103 were not only resistant to bacterial wilt,Fusarium wilt and root-knot
nematode,but also to bacterial pith necrosis,belonging to multi-resistance polymerization material.

Key words: Guangxi, Tomato rootstock, Tomato bacterial pith necrosis, Resistance identification, Multi-resistance polymerization