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刘玉梅1,2 白龙强2 慕 英2 李衍素2*   

  1. 1 菏泽学院园林工程系,山东菏泽 274000;2 中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所,北京 100081
  • 出版日期:2016-09-26 发布日期:2016-09-26

Effect of New Type White Sunshade Nets on Seedling Environment and Growth of Tomato Seedlings

LIU Yu-mei1,2,BAI Long-qiang2,MU Ying2,LI Yan-su2*   

  1. 1Landscape Engineering Department of Heze University,Heze 274000,Shandong,China;2Institute of Vegetables and
    Flowers,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
  • Online:2016-09-26 Published:2016-09-26


以番茄品种中杂105 为试材,研究了不同遮光率的新型白色遮阳网和传统黑色遮阳网覆盖对网室内温光环境、番茄
幼苗生长指标及生理特性的影响。结果表明:随着遮阳网遮光率的降低,网室内光量子通量密度(PFD)、气温、5 cm 和10
cm 地温均呈升高趋势。遮光率50% 的黑色遮阳网和白色遮阳网的透射光谱明显不同,黑色遮阳网对紫外光的透光率较高,
合来看,夏季番茄育苗宜根据实际情况选择遮光率20%~40% 的遮阳网,其中遮光率20% 的白色遮阳网效果较好。

关键词: 白色遮阳网, 遮光率, 育苗环境, 番茄, 生长


Taking tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)cultivar‘Zhongza105’as experimental
material,this paper studied the effects of different sun-shade nets and tranditional black sun-shade nets on
inside light and temperature environment,tomato seedling growth and physiological properties.The result
showed that with the decreasing of shading rate,photon flux density(PFD),air temperature,5 cm and 10
cm soil temperatures all showed an increasing tendency.Compared with the 50% shading rate of black net,the
transmittance of 50% white net was remarkably different.The black sunshade net has higher UV transmittance
rate and there were not much differences between the transmittance rates of infrared light and visible light.While
the transmittance rates of UV light and part of infrard light of white sun-shade net was significantly lower than
the visible light.Therefore,the white sunshade net used as outside shading net of greenhouse could have better
cooling effect.Along with the decreasing shading rate,both black and white net treatments were all helpful for
increasing plant height,stem diameter,leaf area,total biomass,sound seedling index,root system activity and
foliar blade thickness of tomato seedling.Summing up the above,in summer according to the actural condition of
tomato seedling development,sunshade nets with shading rate between 20%-40% might be a good choice,among
them the white sun-shade net with 20% shading rate had the better effect.

Key words: White sunshade net, Shading rate, Seedling environment, Tomato, Growth