The Research Advance of Plant miRNAs Response to Abiotic Stress
LIU Yu-feng1,WANG Xiao1,CHEN Hai-yin1,LIU Kun1,LIU Yang1,QI Ming-fang1,NING Xiaofeng#br#
2,LI Tian-lai1*
1College of Horticulture,Shenyang Agricultural University,Key Lab of Protected,Ministry of Education,Collaborative Innovation Center of Protected Vegetable Surround Bohai Gulf Region,Shenyang 110866,Liaoning,China;2College of Engineering,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang 110866,Liaoning,China
MicroRNAs(miRNAs)are 20-24 nt non-coding RNA,which plays a very important role by
targeting mRNA under abiotic stress. This paper focused on the low temperature,exogenous ABA and drought
stress in the regulation mechanism of miRNA,and to further clarify the mechanism of miRNAs in response to
abiotic stress.