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蔡尽忠1,2 林婉英1 何少贵1 朱 玲1,2 易书营1 王燕云1,2*   

  1. 1 厦门华厦学院检验科学与技术系,福建厦门 361024;2 厦门市环境监测工程技术研究中心,福建厦门
  • 收稿日期:2018-07-17 出版日期:2019-01-01 发布日期:2018-10-08
  • 通讯作者: 王燕云,副教授,主要从事环境监 测与评价研究,
  • 作者简介:蔡尽忠,男,副教授,主要从事环境微生物研究,E-mail:cjz@hxxy.
  • 基金资助:


Effects of Starter and Microbial Agent on Vegetable Waste Compost

CAI Jin-zhong 1,2,LIN Wan-ying 1,HE Shao-gui 1,ZHU Ling 1,2,YI Shu-ying 1,WANG Yan-yun 1,2*   

  1. 1 Department of analytical Science and Technology,Xiamen Huaxia College,Xiamen 361024,Fujian,China;2 Xiamen
    Environment Monitoring Engineering Technology Research Center,Xiamen 361024,Fujian,China
  • Received:2018-07-17 Online:2019-01-01 Published:2018-10-08


以玉米秸秆为辅料,葡萄糖为起爆剂,设置了V0(蔬菜废弃物+ 玉米秸秆)、V1(V0+ 微生物菌剂)、V2(V0+ 微生
物菌剂+ 起爆剂)、V3(V0+ 起爆剂)4 个处理,所有处理的初始C/N 都调节为25,含水率调节为60% 左右,通过测定堆体温度、
含水率、C/N、pH 值、电导率(EC)、发芽指数(GI)等指标,研究起爆剂和微生物菌剂对蔬菜废弃物堆肥效果的影响。结
数方面均优于其他处理,且能缩短堆肥周期,提高堆肥产品品质。总体堆肥效果表现为:V2 > V1 > V3 > V0

关键词: 起爆剂, 微生物菌剂, 蔬菜废弃物, 堆肥


Taking corn stalk as auxiliary material and glucose as starter,this paper sets 4 treatments,
including V0(vegetable waste+corn stalk),V1(V0+microbial agent),V2(V0+microbial agent+starter),V3
(V0+starter).The initial C/N and moisture content were set as 25 and about 60%,respectively.The effects
of starter and microbial agent on vegetable waste compost were studied by measuring the temperature,moisture
content,C/N,pH value,electrical conductivity(EC)and germination index(GI),etc. indexes.The results
showed that the treatments of adding starter and microbial agent at the same time was better than that of the other
treatments in heating rate,maximum temperature,high temperature days,decrease in moisture content,
decrease of C/N and increase of germination indexes.V2 could also shorten the composting period and improve the
quality of compost products.The overall composting effect is V2 > V1 > V3 > V0

Key words: Starter, Microbial agent, Vegetable waste, Compost