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露地专用黄瓜新品种吉杂17 的选育

赵福顺 谭 克 姜奇峰 田 硕 李志民 金玉忠 王宇微 许世霖   

  1. 吉林省蔬菜花卉科学研究院,吉林长春 130033
  • 收稿日期:2018-10-10 出版日期:2019-01-01 发布日期:2018-11-28
  • 作者简介:赵福顺, 男, 研究员, 主要从事蔬菜育种工作, 电话:0431- 82532033,
  • 基金资助:

    国家重点研发计划“ 七大农作物育种” 重点专项

A New Cucumber F1 Hybrid —‘ Jiza 17’

ZHAO Fu-shun,TAN Ke,JIANG Qi-feng,TIAN Shuo,LI Zhi-min,JIN Yu-zhong,WANG Yu-wei,XU Shi-lin   

  1. Institute of Vegetables and Flowers of Jilin Province,Changchun 130033,Jilin,China
  • Received:2018-10-10 Online:2019-01-01 Published:2018-11-28


吉杂17 是以自交系H7704 为母本,以自交系01104-1-2-0-0 为父本配组杂交选育而成的华南型黄瓜一代杂种。
植株长势强,主蔓结瓜为主,产量高,果实棒状,长18~19 cm,单瓜质量170~200 g,果皮绿白色,果实商品性优良。每
667 m2 产量约6 100 kg,田间对黄瓜霜霉病、枯萎病、疫病的抗性强于对照吉杂8 号,适宜吉林省露地栽培。

关键词: 华南型黄瓜, 吉杂17, 一代杂种, 露地


‘Jiza 17’ is a new cucumber F1 hybrid of southern China type,developed by crossing inbred lines
‘H7704’ as female parent and‘ 01104-1-2-0-0’ as male parent.The plant has strong growth vigor.Its fruits
are setting mainly on main vine.It has high yield.The fruits are of rodlike shape,and 18-19 cm in length.The
single fruit weight is 170-200 g.The fruit peel is green white in color.The fruit has superior commodity.Average
yield is about 91.5 t·hm-2.In fields its resistances to cucumber downy mildew,Fusarium wilt and Phytophthora
blight are stronger than that of the contrast‘ Jiza No.8’.It is suitable for cultivation in open fields of Jilin Province.

Key words: Cucumber of southern China type;&lsquo, Jiza 17&rsquo, ;F1 Hybrid;Open field