中国蔬菜  2019, Vol. 1 Issue (7): 43-50    DOI:
研究论文 最新目录| 下期目录| 过刊浏览| 高级检索 |
于静1 熊兴耀2 高玉林3 王贵江4 王万兴2 吕和平5 朱杰华6 石瑛7 杨艳丽8 汤浩9 董道峰10 樊明寿1*
1 内蒙古农业大学农学院,内蒙古呼和浩特 010018;2 中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所,农业农村部薯类作物生物学与遗传育种重点实验室,北京 100081;3 中国农业科学院植物保护研究所,北京 100193;4 黑龙江省农业科学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150086;5 甘肃省农业科学院马铃薯研究所,甘肃兰州 730070;6 河北农业大学植物保护学院,河北保定 071001;7 东北农业大学农学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150030;8 云南农业大学植物保护学院,云南昆明 650201;9 福建省农业科学院作物研究所,福建福州 350013;10 山东省农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所,山东济南 250100)
Comparative Analysis of Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Different Potato Production Areas of China
YU Jing1,XIONG Xing-yao2,GAO Yu-lin3,WANG Gui-jiang4,WANG Wan-xing2,LYU He-ping5,ZHU Jie-hua6,SHI Ying7,YANG Yan-li8,TANG Hao9,DONG Dao-feng10,FAN Ming-shou1*
1College of Agronomy,Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Hohhot 010019,Inner Mongolia,China;2Institute of Vegetables and Flowers,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Root and Tuber Crops,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural affairs,Beijing 100081,China;3Institute of Plant Protection,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;4Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Harbin 150086,Heilongjiang,China;5Institute of Potato,Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Lanzhou 730070,Gansu,China;6College of Plant Protection,Agricultural University of Hebei,Baoding 071001,Hebei,China;7College of Agronomy,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin 150030,Heilongjiang,China;8College of Plant Protection,Yunnan Agricultural University,Kunming 650201,Yunnan,China;9Crop Research Institute,Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Fuzhou 350013,Fujian,China;10Vegetable and Flower Institute,Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Jinan 250100,Shandong,China)

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