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节瓜ACC 合酶基因CqACS 的克隆与表达分析

彭 琴2 王 敏1,3 彭庆务1 江 彪1,3 林毓娥1 刘文睿1,3 梁肇均1 李 玲2* 何晓明1,3*   

  1. (1 广东省农业科学院蔬菜研究所,广东广州 510640;2 华南师范大学生命科学学院,广东广州 510631;
    3 广东省蔬菜新技术研究重点实验室,广东广州 510640)
  • 收稿日期:2019-11-17 出版日期:2020-10-01 发布日期:2020-04-08
  • 通讯作者: 何晓明,研究员,专业方向:细胞生物学,; 李玲,教授,专业方向:植物工程,
  • 作者简介:彭琴,女,硕士研究生,专业方向:细胞生物学,E-mail:qengqin.
  • 基金资助:

Analysis on Cloning and Expression of ACC Synthase(CqACS)Gene from Benincasa hispida

PENG Qin2,WANG Min1,3,PENG Qing-wu1,JIANG Biao1,3,LIN Yu-e1,LIU Wen-rui1,3,LIANG#br# Zhao-jun1,LI Ling2,HE Xiao-ming1,3   

  1. (1Vegetable Research Institute,Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Guangzhou 510640,Guangdong,China;
    2School of Life Sciences,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,Guangdong,China;3Guangdong Key
    Laboratory for New Technology Research of Vegetables,Guangzhou 510640,Guangdong,China)
  • Received:2019-11-17 Online:2020-10-01 Published:2020-04-08

摘要: 为分析ACC 合酶与节瓜雌性之间的关系,以雌性自交系(A36)和普通雌雄同株自交系(SX)为材料,克隆得
到节瓜ACC 合酶(CqACS)基因,并与葫芦科中已知的ACC 合酶基因进行同源序列比对分析、构建进化树;对A36 幼苗
叶片进行赤霉素(GA3)处理后用qRT-PCR 对CqACS 基因进行表达分析,并统计赤霉素处理前后20 节内的雌花率。结果
表明,CqACS 基因在雌性自交系A36 中的长度为1 318 bp,普通雌雄同株自交系SX 中长度为1 637 bp。经对比分析,SX
比A36 多了91、97、117 bp 3 个片段,除此之外只有2 个碱基的差别。同源序列比对发现,A36 中的CqACS 基因与西瓜中
Cit-ACS1 基因同源性最高,为95.31%,与黄瓜中的Cs-ACS1 基因同源性为91.13%;SX 中的CqACS 基因与西瓜中Cit-
基因同源性为78.04%,与黄瓜中的Cs-ACS1 基因同源性为76.06%。GA3 处理后,A36 的平均雌花节率(20 节位内)
为45%,而对照为90%;qRT-PCR 分析发现,与对照相比,CqACS 基因在GA3 处理后的相对表达量显著上调,且在第3 次
处理后4 h 上调最大。

关键词: 节瓜, ACC 合成酶, CqACS 克隆, 表达分析

Abstract: In order to find out the relation between ACC synthase and female chieh-qua,this study took
female inbred line(A36)and normal monoacious inbred line(SX)as material,gained CqACS gene through
coloning,then conducted homologous sequence comparative analysis with the known CqACS gene;and
constructed evolutionary tree.The expression profile of CqACS in seedling leaf blades of A36 was analyzed
after treatment with gibberellin(GA3)by qRT-PCR on CqACS gene.The female flower rate within 20 nodes
was carried out statistic analysis before and after gibberellin treatment.The results showed that the length of
CqACS gene in A36 of female inbred line was 1 318 bp and that in normal monoecism selfing line in SX was
1 637 bp.After comparative analysis,we found that SX in 3 bp base element:91,97 bp and 117 bp were
more than detected in A36,and only 2 basic group differences were found between them.The homologous
sequence comparison revealed that CqACS gene in A36 had the highest homology with Cit-ACS1 gene in
watermelon,reaching 95.31%.And the homology with cucumber Cs-ACS1 was 91.31%.CqACS gene in SX
had the homology with Cit-ACS1 gene in watermelon,reaching 78.04%,and the homology with cucumber
Cs-ACS1 was 76.06%.After GA3 treatment,the average female flower rate(within 20th node order)of GA3
treatment group in A36 was 45%.While,that of the contrast group was 90%.qRT-PCR analysis discovered
that the expression quantity of CqACS gene after GA3 treatment was significantly up-regulated.Compared with
the contrast group.Moreover,4 h after the third time treatment the up-regulated range was the largest.

Key words: Chieh-qua, ACC synthetase, CqACS cloning, Expression analysis