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基于InDel 标记的茄子种质资源遗传多样性分析

张强强1,3 江海坤1,2 王 艳1,2 梁 赛1,4 隋益虎3* 贾 利1,2* 方 凌1,2 #br# 张其安1,2 董言香1,2   

  1. (1 园艺作物种质创制及生理生态安徽省重点实验室,安徽合肥 230031;2 安徽省农业科学院园艺研究所,
    安徽合肥 230031;3 安徽科技学院,安徽滁州 233100;4 安徽农业大学园艺学院,安徽合肥 230061)
  • 收稿日期:2019-12-10 出版日期:2020-10-01 发布日期:2020-03-18
  • 通讯作者: 隋益虎,男,博士,教授,主要从事园艺作物遗传育种工作,; 贾利,女,博士,助理研究员,主要从事蔬菜遗传育种工作,
  • 作者简介:张强强, 男, 硕士,主要从事蔬菜遗传育种工作,E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

Genetic Diversity Analysis of Eggplant Germplasm Resources Based on InDel Markers

ZHANG Qiang-qiang1,3,JIANG Hai-kun1,2,WANG Yan1,2,LIANG Sai1,4,SUI Yi-hu3*,JIA Li1,2*,#br# FANG Ling1,2,ZHANG Qi-an1,2,DONG Yan-xiang1,2   

  1. (1Key Laboratory of Horticultural Crop Germ Creation,Physiology and Ecology of Anhui Province,Hefei 230031, Anhui,
    China;2Institute of Horticulture,Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Hefei 230031,Anhui,China;3Anhui Science and
    Technology College,Chuzhou 233100,Anhui,China;4 Horticulture College of Anhui Agricultural University,Hefei 230061,
  • Received:2019-12-10 Online:2020-10-01 Published:2020-03-18

摘要: 用19 对InDel 标记对来自国内外的46 份茄子种质资源进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明:19 对InDel 标记的多态性
信息含量(PIC)范围在0.48~0.66 之间,均值为0.59。46 份茄子种质资源的遗传相似系数在0.32~1.00 之间,均值为0.70,
说明46 份茄子种质资源之间的遗传差异不大,遗传基础相对狭窄。利用UPGMA法进行聚类分析,在遗传相似系数为0.66 处,

关键词: 茄子, InDel 标记, 遗传多样性, 聚类分析

Abstract: In this experiment,19 pairs of InDel markers were used to study the genetic diversity of 46
germplasm resources of eggplant from home and abroad.The results showed that the PIC values of 19 pairs
of InDel markers ranged from 0.48-0.66,with 0.59 mean value.The genetic similarity coefficient of 46
eggplant germplasm resources was between 0.32-1.00 with 0.70 mean value,indicating little genetic difference
between 46 eggplant germplasm resources and with relatively narrow genetic basis.UPGMA method was
used for clustering analysis,and 46 germplasm resources of eggplant were divided into 4 groups at the genetic
similarity coefficient of 0.66.The clustering result had certain relevance with leaf color,corolla color and fruit
characters,while had little relevance with area of source.

Key words: Eggplant, InDel marker, Genetic diversity, Cluster analysis