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杨永岗 张化生 李晓芳 苏永全   

  1. (甘肃省农业科学院蔬菜研究所,甘肃兰州 730070)
  • 收稿日期:2020-02-01 出版日期:2020-10-01 发布日期:2020-06-10
  • 作者简介:杨永岗,男,博士,研究员,专业方向:西甜瓜育种及栽培,E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

Changes of Endogenous Hormone Content in Watermelon Varieties with Different Branching Forms During Their Growth Process

YANG Yong-gang,ZHANG Hua-sheng,LI Xiao-fang,SU Yong-quan   

  1. (Vegetable Research Institute,Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Lanzhou 730070,Gansu,China)
  • Received:2020-02-01 Online:2020-10-01 Published:2020-06-10

摘要: 以多分枝西瓜品种陇抗9 号与不分枝西瓜品种无杈早为试材,采用超高效液相色谱串联质谱的分析方法,研究分
等内源激素含量的变化。结果显示,在伸蔓期与果实膨大初期,不分枝西瓜品种叶片中ICA、IAA+ICA 含量显著高于多分
枝西瓜品种;在整个生长期,不分枝西瓜品种叶片中Z、DHZ+Z 含量低于多分枝品种;且不分枝西瓜品种的(ICA+IAA)/
可见,较高含量的ICA 对西瓜侧枝的分生有抑制作用,较高含量的Z 与DHZ 对西瓜侧枝的形成有促进作用;(ICA+IAA)/

关键词: 西瓜, 内源激素, 分枝

Abstract:  Taking multi-branch watermelon variety ‘Longkang No.9’ and no branch watermelon variety
‘Wuchazao’ as experimental materials,this paper studied and analyzed the changes of endogenous hormone
content,including Indole-2-carboxylic acid(ICA),indole-3-acetic acid(IAA),zeatin(Z),dihydrozeatin
(DHZ),abscisic acid(ABA),gibberellin(GA1,GA3,GA4 and GA7) by HPLC-MS/MS during
watermelon growth period.The results showed that the contents of ICA,ICA+IAA in watermelon leaves of no
branch variety were significantly higher than that of multi-branch variety during vine spreading period and fruitexpanding
early stage.During the whole growth period,the contents of Z,DHZ+Z in no branch variety were
lower than that of multi-branch variety.Furthermore,the ratios of (ICA+IAA)/(Z+DHZ),(ICA+IAA)/
ABA,(ICA+IAA)/(GA1+GA3+GA4+GA7) in no branch variety were significantly higher than that of multibranch
variety during vine spreading period and early stage of fruit expanding.Thus,it could be seen that
higher contents of ICA could inhibit the branching of watermelon side shoots;while the higher content of DHZ
and Z could promote the form of watermelon lateral branches.The higher ratios of( ICA+IAA)/(Z+DHZ),
(ICA+IAA)/ABA,(ICA+IAA)/(GA1+GA3+GA4+GA7) were harmful to the formation of water melon

Key words: Citrullus lanatus, Endogenous hormone, Branch