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段亚军1 张 惠1 吕 诗1 张玉坤1 王小敏1 宁国辉1 杨志新1,2*   

  1. (1 河北农业大学资源与环境科学学院,河北保定 071001;2 河北省农田生态环境重点实验室,河北保定
  • 收稿日期:2019-12-04 出版日期:2020-10-01 发布日期:2020-03-09
  • 通讯作者: 杨志新,女,教授,博士生导师,主要从事农业废弃物资源化利用与土壤污染防控修复研究,E-mail:
  • 作者简介:段亚军,男,硕士研究生,主要从事农业废弃物资源化利用研究,E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

Analysis on Quantity,Distribution Characteristics and Utilization as Resource Manure Potential of Different Kinds Vegetable Wastes in Hebei Province

DUAN Ya-jun1,ZHANG Hui1,LYU Shi1,ZHANG Yu-kun1,WANG Xiao-min1,NING Guo-hui1,#br# YANG Zhi-xin1,2*   

  1. (1College of Resources and Environmental Science,Hebei Agricultural University,Baoding 071001,Hebei,China;2Hebei
    Key Laboratory of Farmland Ecological Environment,Baoding 071001,Hebei,China)
  • Received:2019-12-04 Online:2020-10-01 Published:2020-03-09

摘要: 以河北省11 个地级市8 大类主要蔬菜废弃物为研究对象,利用草谷比估算了河北省不同蔬菜废弃物资源量。结
果表明:2011~2016 年期间河北省蔬菜废弃物资源量平均以每年4.26 万t 的速度增加,2016 年达到了230.37 万t。其中,
甘蓝类(57.87 万t)、白菜类(43.42 万t)和茄果类(29.98 万t)蔬菜废弃物资源量最高,比平均值分别增加了100.98%、
为50.57%~82.52%。以唐山市(40.81 万t)、石家庄市(35.17 万t)、保定市(29.78 万t)和张家口市(27.96 万t)蔬菜废
弃物资源量最多,总量占全省的58.04%。将全省蔬菜废弃物全部进行肥料化,相当于每667 m2 农田间接施加纯氮3.01 kg、
纯磷1.85 kg、纯钾2.99 kg 和有机质72.61 kg,相当于全年化肥用量的6.68% 和有机肥299.20 万t,其中,甘蓝类、白菜类和
茄果类蔬菜氮磷钾养分量最高,总量占8 类蔬菜的57.73%,有机质含量根茎类最高。全省蔬菜废弃物资源量在2011~2016

关键词: 蔬菜种类, 蔬菜废弃物, 资源量, 分布特征, 肥料化

Abstract: Taking 8 kinds of main vegetable wastes in 11 prefecture-level cities of Hebei Province as study
object,the paper estimated the quantity of different vegetable wastes resources in Hebei Province by grassgrain
ratio.The results showed that the quantity of vegetable waste resources in Hebei Province increased at
an average rate of 42 600 t · a-1 from 2011-2016,reaching 2.30 million t in 2016.Among which,cabbage
(578 700 t),Chinese cabbage(434 200 t) and solanaceous vegetables(299 800 t) had the highest quantity
of vegetable waste resources,increasing by 100.98%,50.80% and 4.12%,respectively compared with
the mean value,followed by tubers,beans and melon vegetables.Those of leaf and bulb vegetables were
the lowest.The quantity of waste resources was distributed unevenly among each prefecture-level city,
with 50.57%-82.52% coefficient variation.Tangshan(408 100 t),Shijiazhuang(351 700 t),Baoding
(297 800 t) and Zhangjiakou(279 600 t) had the maximum quantities,accounting for 58.04% of the whole
province.Utilization as resource manure of all these vegetable wastes in the province was equivalent to indirect
application of 45.15 kg · hm-2 pure nitrogen,27.75 kg · hm-2 pure phosphorus,44.85 kg · hm-2 pure potassium
and 1 089.15 kg · hm-2 of organic matter per 667 m2 farmland;and equivalent to 6.68% of the annual amount
of chemical fertilizer and 2.992 million t of organic fertilizer,among which cabbage,Chinese cabbage and
solanaceous vegetables had the highest nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium nutrients,accounting for 57.73%
of the 8 kinds vegetables.The organic matter content in tubers vegetables was the highest.The quantity of
vegetable waste resources in the whole province showed a steady upward trend from 2011-2016.There were
significant differences in the quantities of all kinds of vegetable wastes and nutrients in different regions,among
which vegetable yield and waste coefficient had become important factors affecting the difference of vegetable
waste resources quantities.

Key words: Vegetable kinds, Vegetable waste, Resource quantity, Distribution characteristics, Utilization as resource manure