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分子标记辅助选育聚合烟草花叶病毒属病毒抗性基因(L4)及马铃薯Y 病毒抗性基因(Pvr4)的甜椒自交系

于海龙 王立浩* 张宝玺 张正海 曹亚从   

  1. 中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所,北京100081
  • 收稿日期:2020-02-04 出版日期:2021-01-01 发布日期:2020-04-10
  • 作者简介:于海龙, 男, 助理研究员, 专业方向: 蔬菜遗传育种,E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

Molecular Marker-assisted Selective Breeding of Sweet Pepper Inbred Line with Resistance Gene(L4)to Tobamovirus and Resistance Gene(Pvr4)to Potato virus Y

YU Hailong,WANG Lihao*,ZHANG Baoxi,ZHANG Zhenghai,CAO Yacong   

  1. Institute of Vegetables and Flowers,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
  • Received:2020-02-04 Online:2021-01-01 Published:2020-04-10

摘要: 烟草花叶病毒属(Tobamovirus)病毒是危害我国辣椒生产最重要的病毒之一,其中辣椒轻斑驳病毒(PMMoV)
近些年来危害日趋严重。L 系列等位基因(L1、L2、L3、L4)是抗烟草花叶病毒属的主要抗性基因。为了提高辣椒品种烟草
花叶病毒属病毒和马铃薯Y 病毒(PVY)抗性,本试验分别以CM334(抗PVY,含Pvr4 基因)和引进材料200375(抗
PMMoV,含L4 基因)为抗源,以甜椒自交系83-163(中抗疫病和CMV)为回交亲本,进行多代回交并自交,利用分子标
记辅助选择结合苗期抗病性鉴定、形态选择,最终选育获得了聚合烟草花叶病毒属病毒抗性基因L4 和马铃薯Y 病毒抗性基
Pvr4 的早熟、大果型甜椒自交系PT83-163(中抗疫病和CMV,携带抗病基因Pvr4L4),经人工接种鉴定表现抗病,
其他园艺性状与自交系83-163 相当。

关键词: 辣(甜)椒, PMMoV, PVY, 分子标记辅助选育

Abstract: Tobamovirus is one of the most important viruses harming pepper production in China.In
recent years,damages by pepper mild mottle virus(PMMoV) has become more and more serious.The L
allelic genes( L1,L2,L3,L4) are the main resistant genes providing resistance against Tobamovirus.In order
to improve the Tobamovirus and PVY resistance of pepper varieties,this experiment took‘ CM334’( with
resistance to PVY,containing Pvr4 gene)and imported material ‘200375’(with resistantce to PMMoV,
containing L4 gene)as resistant resources,and sweet pepper inbred line‘ 83-163’( medium resistance
to Phytophthora blight and CMV)as backcross parents,and conducted multi-generation backcross and
selfing.Utilizing molecular marker-assisted selection(MAS)combined with seedling resistance identification
and morphological selection,this experiment at last obtained the early-maturing,large fruit sweet pepper
selfing line ‘PT83-163’,polymerizing 2 resistance genes L4 and Pvr4,both resistant to Tobamovirus and
PVY(medium resistant to epidemic disease and CMV,containing resistant gene Pvr4 and L4).By artificial
inoculation identification,line‘ PT83-163’ was resistance to disease and its horticultural traits were comparable
to that of the inbred line‘83-163’.

Key words: hot(sweet)pepper, pepper mild mottle virus(PMMoV), potato virus Y(PVY), molecular marker-assisted selective breeding(MAS)