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李水凤1 王华英1* 许楚楚1 范正伟2 钟水良3 胡美华4   

  1. 1 杭州市萧山区农业技术推广中心,浙江杭州 311203;2 杭州伟友农业开发有限公司,浙江杭州 311241;
    3 杭州水良蔬菜专业合作社,浙江杭州 311241;4 浙江省农业技术推广中心,浙江杭州310020
  • 收稿日期:2020-04-15 出版日期:2021-01-01 发布日期:2020-09-07
  • 通讯作者: 王华英,女,高级农艺师,主要从 事蔬菜技术推广工作,
  • 作者简介:李水凤,女,硕士,高级农艺师,主要从事蔬菜品种及技术的试验示范 推广工作,
  • 基金资助:

Effect of Different Full Biodegradation Film on Stem Lettuce Production

LI Shuifeng1,WANG Huaying1*,XU Chuchu1,FAN Zhengwei2,ZHONG Shuiliang3,HU Meihua4   

  1. 1Xiaoshan District Agricultural Technology Extension Center of Hangzhou City,Hangzhou 311203,Zhejiang,China;
    2Hangzhou Weiyou Agricultural Development Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 311241,Zhejiang,China;3Hangzhou Shuiliang Vegetable
    Professional Cooperation,Hangzhou 311241,Zhejiang,China;4Agricultural Technology Extension Center of Zhejiang
    Province,Hangzhou 310020,Zhejiang,China
  • Received:2020-04-15 Online:2021-01-01 Published:2020-09-07

摘要: 引进10 种不同规格的全生物降解膜在茎用莴苣上进行试验,研究其对产量的影响。结果表明:与普通聚乙烯地膜
对照相比,除上海黑6 外,其他降解膜对茎用莴苣产量的影响不显著,但有随着膜厚度的降低产量减少的趋势;不同厚度的
量来看,云南白10 全生物降解膜最适合早春茎用莴苣露地地膜栽培。

关键词: 全生物降解膜, 降解情况, 茎用莴苣, 产量

Abstract: Ten kinds of full biodegradation films with different specifications were introduced and tested
on stem lettuce production.Their effects on yield were studied.The results showed that except ‘Shanghai
black 6’,the other degradable films had no significant effect on stem lettuce yield comparing with the ordinary
polyethylene film.But there was the tendency of yield decreasing along with the decrease of film thickness.
The thinner the film thickness was,the faster the degradation rate was.The time duration for black degradation
film entering into induction period was generally earlier than that of the white one.Comprehensively seen from
film degradation status and stem lettuce yield,full biodegradation film‘ Yunnan white 10’ was the most suitable
film mulching for stem lettuce cultivation in early spring.

Key words: full biodegradation film, degradation status, stem lettuce, yield