
• 品种选育 • 上一篇    下一篇


任 毅 宫国义 张海英 郭绍贵 张 洁 李茂营 于泳涛 许 勇*   

  1. 国家西甜瓜改良中心,北京市农林科学院蔬菜研究中心,北京 100097
  • 收稿日期:2020-08-12 出版日期:2021-01-01 发布日期:2020-12-02
  • 通讯作者: 许勇,男,博士,研究员,主要从 事西瓜分子遗传育种与生物技术研究,电话:010-51503199,E-mail:
  • 作者简介:任毅,男,博士,副研究员,主要从事西瓜糖分形成分子机理与遗传育 种研究,电话:010-51503039,
  • 基金资助:

A High Quality and Cracking Tolerant New Watermelon F1 Hybrid —‘Jingying’

REN Yi,GONG Guoyi,ZHANG Haiying,GUO Shaogui,ZHANG Jie,LI Maoying,YU Yongtao,XU Yong*   

  1. National Watermelon and Melon Improvement Center,Beijing Vegetable Research Center,Beijing Academy of Agricultural
    and Forestry Sciences,Beijing 100097,China
  • Received:2020-08-12 Online:2021-01-01 Published:2020-12-02

摘要: 京颖是以自交系XM 为母本,以自交系HX3 为父本配制而成的早熟优质耐裂耐贮小型西瓜一代杂种。植株生长势
较强,嫁接后低温条件下易坐瓜,果实发育期30~35 d(天),全生育期约90 d(天);果实椭圆形,果皮绿色覆墨绿色锯齿
状窄条纹,单瓜质量约2.0 kg,果肉红色、均匀,中心糖含量12%~13%,最高可达15.7%;果皮薄而韧,耐裂,不易脱水,
肉质脆嫩,口感佳,耐贮运,货架期可达15 d(天);每667 m2 产量3 500 kg 左右,适于全国各地保护地小型西瓜高品质栽

关键词: 小型西瓜, 京颖, 一代杂种, 优质, 耐裂

Abstract: ‘Jingying’is a new early maturity,high quality,tolerance to cracking and long-time
storage mini-watermelon F1 hybrid, developed by crossing selfing line‘XM’as female parent and selfing
line‘HX3’as male parent.The plant has strong growth vigor and is easily bearing fruit under low temperature
after grafting.It takes about 90 days for whole growth period and 30-35 days for fruit development stage.
Its fruit is of elliptical shape with dark green rind,narrow stripes on the green peel.The single fruit weight
is about 2.0 kg.Its flesh is even red in color.The central sugar content is 12%-13%,the highest one can
reach 15.7%.The pericarp is thin and tenacious.The flesh is anti-cracking and anti-dehydration,crisp with
good taste and long-time storage tolerance.Its shelf life can reach 15 days.The yield is about 52.5 t · hm-2
It is suitable for high-quality cultivation in protected fields all over China and for long-distance transportation.

Key words: mini-watermelon, ‘Jingying’, F1 hybrid, high quality, cracking tolerance