1 Institute of Economic Crops,Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Wuhan 430064,Hubei,China;2Hubei Academy
of Agricultural Sciences,Wuhan 430064,Hubei,China;3Key Laboratory of Vegetable Germplasm Enhancement and Genetic
Improvement of Hubei Province,Wuhan 430064,Hubei,China;4Kasetsart University,Bangkok 10900,Thailand;5College
of Horticulture and Forestry Sciences,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,Hubei,China
Abstract:Solanaceous vegetables are one of the most important fruits and vegetables in vegetable production
in China.However,extreme weather such as high temperature etc. has seriously restricted their growth and
development,damaged their yield and quality.Therefore,it is particularly urgent to carry out studies on heat
tolerance of solanaceous vegetables.This paper reviewed the effects of heat stress on growth,development and
physiological metabolism of solanaceous vegetables;research progress made on identification of heat tolerance,
mechanism of heat stress response and heat tolerance,and measures to improve heat tolerance,etc.The paper
also prospected the future research direction,aiming at providing methods and ideas for further analysis of heat
tolerance mechanism,and improving studies on heat tolerance of solanaceous vegetables.