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参与番茄叶形发育的TCP 转录因子的表达及生物信息分析

张雪莹 尹一歌 姜 晶 刘 欣*   

  1. 沈阳农业大学园艺学院,设施园艺省部共建教育部重点实验室,辽宁省设施园艺重点实验室,辽宁沈阳
  • 收稿日期:2021-06-29 出版日期:2021-10-01 发布日期:2021-09-02
  • 通讯作者: 刘欣,女,博士,讲师,主要从事 蔬菜分子生物学研究,
  • 作者简介:张雪莹,女,硕士研究生,主要从事番茄叶形发育的分子调控研究,
  • 基金资助:

Expression of SlTCPs Transcription Factors involved in Tomato Leaf Shape#br# Development and Bioinformatic Analysis

ZHANG Xueying,YIN Yige,JIANG Jing,LIU Xin*   

  1. College of Horticulture,Shenyang Agricultural University,Key Laboratory of Protected Horticulture,Ministry of
    Education,Key Laboratory of Protected Horticulture of Liaoning Province,Shenyang 110161,Liaoning,China
  • Received:2021-06-29 Online:2021-10-01 Published:2021-09-02

摘要: TCP 是植物特有的一类转录因子,在植物的生长发育过程中起着重要作用。本试验选取18 个在番茄叶片组织中高
表达的TCP 转录因子,检测其在叶片不同发育时期的表达水平,筛选出与叶片发育进程相关的SlTCP2、SlTCP4、SlTCP8、
等10 个TCP 家族成员。对其进行生物信息分析,
结果表明这10 个SlTCP 成员分布在8 条不同的染色体上,它们的碱基、氨基酸长度以及分子量大小相差较大,均为不稳定
的亲水性蛋白;SlTCPs 的蛋白结构和成分分析表明,中间约50 aa 长度的氨基酸序列保守性相对较高且丝氨酸占比较多;
SlTCPs 蛋白的亚细胞定位预测均在细胞核上。以上SlTCPs 蛋白均含有TCP 家族典型的保守域,其保守基序的分类与系统
进化树的分支一致。组织表达分析结果表明,SlTCP11、SlTCP15、SlTCP24 在番茄叶片发育各个时期的不同组织器官中,
均有相对较高的表达水平。对番茄典型叶形突变体LA2922、LA2532 及其对应的野生型进行qRT-PCR,结果表明SlTCP2
在LA2922 和LA2532 叶片中的表达水平呈相反趋势。结合生物信息分析
结果,明确了SlTCP2、SlTCP11、SlTCP14、SlTCP15、SlTCP19、SlTCP24 可能在番茄叶形发育中起关键作用,为进一步探

关键词: 番茄, TCP 转录因子, 叶形发育, 生物信息学, 实时定量PCR

Abstract: TCP is a class of transcription factors unique to plants and plays an important role in plant
growth and development.Selecting 18 TCP members highly expressed in tomato leaf tissue,this study detected
their expression levels at different development stages;and screened out 10 TCP family members related to
leaf blades development process,including SlTCP2,SlTCP4,SlTCP8,SlTCP11,SlTCP14,SlTCP15,
,etc..Then bioinformatic analysis was performed on them.The
results indicated that these 10 SlTCPs members were distributed in 8 different chromosomal locations.There
were relatively larger differences in their length of basic group,amino acid and molecular weight.And all
of the TCPs were unstable hydrophilic proteins.Analysis of SITCPs protein structure and element indicated
that in center about 50aa length amino acid sequences were relatively well conserved.Moreover,serine took
relatively larger proportion.The site prediction of SlTCPs protein subcellular fraction were all localized on the
nucleus.The above mentioned SlTCPs protein all contained the conserved domains of typical TCP family.
Its classification of conserved motif was consistent with the branching of phylogenetic tree.Results of tissue
expression analysis showed that SlTCP11,SlTCP15 and SlTCP24 all had relatively higher expression levels
in different tissues and organs at each stage.Using typical tomato leaf shape mutant materials LA2922 and
LA2532 and their corresponding wild types,this experiment conducted qRT-PCR.The results indicated that
the expression levels of SlTCP2,SlTCP11,SlTCP14,SlTCP15,SlTCP19 and SlTCP24 in leaf blades of
LA2922 and LA2532 were in the opposit direction.Combining with the results of bioinformation analysis,it
was specified that SlTCP2,SlTCP11,SlTCP14,SlTCP15,SlTCP19,and SlTCP24 might play a key role in
the development of tomato leaf shape.This has laid foundation for further explorating the molecular mechanism
of tomato leaf blades growth and development.

Key words: Solanum lycopersicum, TCP transcription factors, leaf shape development, bioinformatics, qRT PCR