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赵玉红 康 珍 孙 涛 朱轲钰 张 琪 胡晓辉*   

  1. 西北农林科技大学园艺学院,农业农村部西北设施园艺工程重点实验室,陕西省设施农业工程技术研究
    中心,陕西杨凌 712100
  • 收稿日期:2021-06-29 出版日期:2021-10-01 发布日期:2021-09-03
  • 通讯作者: 胡晓辉,女,教授,博士生导师, 专业方向:设施园艺生理生态,
  • 作者简介:赵玉红,女,硕士研究生,专业方向:设施作物栽培及生理生态,E-mail:
  • 基金资助:
    才推进计划- 科技创新团队项目(2021TD-34),财政部和农业农村

Effects of Different Nutrient Solution Supply Frequency on Yield,Quality and Water Use Efficiency of Bag Cultured Pepper in Solar Greenhouse

ZHAO Yuhong,KANG Zhen,SUN Tao,ZHU Keyu,ZHANG Qi,HU Xiaohui*   

  1. College of Horticulture,Northwest A & F University,Key Laboratory of Protected Horticultural Engineering in Northwestern
    China,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Facility Agricultural Engineering Technology Research Center of Shaanxi
    Province,Yangling 712100,Shaanxi,China
  • Received:2021-06-29 Online:2021-10-01 Published:2021-09-03

摘要: 为了构建陕北地区日光温室袋培辣椒精准水肥管理模式,本试验以拉菲78-9 为试材,采用基质袋培方式,以单株
需水量为标准,设置每天供应1 次、每2 d 供应1 次、每3 d 供应1 次、每3 d 供应6 次和每3 d 供应4 次5 个营养液供应频
率,研究不同营养液供应频率对日光温室越冬茬袋培辣椒产量、果实品质及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,每3 d 供应6
次营养液处理和每天供应1 次营养液处理的辣椒产量较高,分别为10 161.66、10 062.98 kg · hm-2;每天供应1 次营养液处理
的果实还原糖、VC、游离氨基酸含量均高于其他处理,且该处理的水分利用效率亦最高(77.99 kg · m-3)。采用Topsis 综合
评价法对辣椒产量、果实品质、水分利用效率进行评价,结果表明贴合度以每天供应1 次营养液处理最高,达到0.858。综
上,陕北地区日光温室越冬茬袋培辣椒,每天供应1 次营养液的综合效果最好。

关键词: 日光温室, 辣椒, 营养液供应频率, 产量, 品质, 水分利用效率, Topsis 法

Abstract: In order to establish a precise water and fertilizer management mode for pepper bag culture in
solar greenhouse in Northern Shaanxi region,this experiment took‘Lafei 78-9’as test material;adopted
matrix bag culture method,and took water demand of single plant as standard;set up 5 nutrient solution supply
frequencies as once in one day,once in 2 days,once in 3 days,6 times in 3 days,and 4 times in 3 days;and
studied the effects of different nutrient solution supply frequency on yield,fruit quality and water use efficiency
of pouched overwinter pepper in solar greenhouse.The results showed that the treatment of supplying nutrient
solution for 6 times in 3 days and suplying nutrient solution once a day had obtained higher pepper yield.
Which were 10 161.66 kg · hm-2 and 10 062.98 kg · hm-2 ,respectively.The contents of reducing sugar,
VC and free amino acids in fruit treated with nutrient solution once a day were higher than those by the other
treatments.Besides,the water use efficiency by this treatment was also the highest(77.99 kg · m-3).The
yield,fruit quality and water use efficiency of pepper were evaluated by Topsis comprehensive method.The
results showed that the fitting degree was the highest when the nutrient solution was supplied once a day,
reaching 0.858.In conclusion,the comprehensive effect of supplying nutrient solution once a day is the best
for pepper bag culture in solar greenhouse Northern Shaanxi region.

Key words: solar greenhouse, pepper, nutrient solution supply frequency, yield, quality, water use efficiency, Topsis