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郑钦中1 李楠洋1 刘子英1 孟艳玲1 贾兵国1 王素娜1 王 星1 邹志荣2 李勇军3 王丽萍1*   

  1. 1 河北工程大学园林与生态工程学院,河北邯郸 056038;2 西北农林科技大学园艺学院,陕西杨凌
    712100;3 杨凌模久温室科技有限公司,陕西杨凌 712100
  • 出版日期:2021-10-01 发布日期:2021-10-08
  • 通讯作者: 王丽萍,女,博士,教授,专业方 向:设施蔬菜结构与环境调控,
  • 作者简介:郑钦中, 男, 硕士研究生, 专业方向: 设施环境工程,E-mail:
  • 基金资助:
    2019 年邯郸市科技专项计划项目(19422011008-43)

Analysis on Application Performance of Solar Greenhouse Actively Accumulating Thermal by Water Module

ZHENG Qinzhong1,LI Nanyang 1,LIU Ziying 1,MENG Yanling 1,JIA Bingguo 1,WANG Suna 1,#br# WANG Xing1,ZOU Zhirong2,LI Yongjun3,WANG Liping 1*   

  1. 1 College of Landscape and Ecological Engineering,Hebei University of Engineering,Handan 056038,Hebei,China;
    2 College of Horticulture,Northwest A & F University,Yangling 712100,Shaanxi,China;3Yang Ling Model Greenhouse
    Science & Technology Co. LTD.,Yangling 712100,Shaanxi,China
  • Online:2021-10-01 Published:2021-10-08

摘要: 针对目前日光温室设计和建造过程中存在的墙体蓄热能力较差、土地利用率低、土壤资源缺乏和施工速度慢等问题,
创新设计了一种装配式水模块主动蓄热日光温室(GH1)。对GH1 与普通日光温室(GH2)的室内温度、地温、相对湿度进
行测定和比较分析。结果表明:连续晴天时,GH1 白天最高温度和最低温度分别较GH2 高1.2 ℃和1.8 ℃,夜间平均温度
高1.2 ℃ ;平均地温高1.5 ℃。连续阴天时,GH1 平均温度白天较GH2 高5.3 ℃,夜间高4.0 ℃ ;平均地温高2.0 ℃。极端
天气时,GH1 平均温度较GH2 高4.8 ℃,平均地温高1.8 ℃。经连续31 d 的测试,结果显示,GH1 的平均最低温度较GH2
高1.1 ℃,夜间平均温度较GH2 高3.8 ℃。晴天时,GH1 平均相对湿度比GH2 降低14.7 百分点,阴天时比GH2 降低4.1 百

关键词: 装配式, 水模块, 主动蓄热, 日光温室, 温度

Abstract: Aiming at the problems existed in current design and construction of solar greenhouses,
including poor thermal accumulation capacity in wall,low land utilization rate,shortage of soil resources
and slow construction speed,etc.,this paper innovatively designed a prefabricated solar greenhouse actively
accumulating thermal by water module(GH1).The paper also conducted measurement and comparetive
analysis on the indoor temperature,ground temperature and relative humidity between GH1 and ordinary solar
greenhouse(GH2).The results showed that during the consecutive sunny days,the highest temperature at
day time and lowest temperature of GH1 were 1.2 ℃ and 1.8 ℃ higher than that of GH2,respectively.And the
average temperature at night was 1.2 ℃ higher,and average ground temperature of GH1 was 1.5 ℃ higher than
that of GH2.During consecutive cloudy days,the average day time temperature of GH1 was 5.3 ℃ higher
than that of GH2,4.0 ℃ higher at night,and average ground temperature was 2.0 ℃ higher.During extreme
weather,the average temperature of GH1was 4.8 ℃ higher than that of GH2,and average ground temperature
was 1.8 ℃ higher than that of GH2.The test results for 31 consecutive days showed that the average minimum
temperature of GH1was 1.1 ℃ higher than that of GH2,and average night temperature was 3.8℃ higher than
that of GH2.When it is sunny,the average relative humidity of GH1 was 14.7 percentage point lower than
that of GH2.And when it was cloudy,it was 4.1 percentage point lower than that of GH2.In summary,the
technical scheme for solar greenhouse actively accumulating thermal by water module is feasible, and its overall
thermal accumulation performance is obviously better than that of the ordinary solar greenhouses.Especially
under consecutive cloudy and extreme rain and snow conditions,it can maintain a higher indoor temperature
and ground temperature.

Key words: assembly type, water module, active heat storage, solar greenhouse, temperature