中国蔬菜 ›› 2022, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (10): 45-51.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1北京华耐农业发展有限公司研究中心,北京 102200;2北京市密云区农业技术推广站,北京 101500
  • 收稿日期:2022-01-26 出版日期:2022-10-01 发布日期:2022-06-21
  • 作者简介:王冬梅,女,农艺师,专业方向:蔬菜遗传育种,

One Year Two-generation Propagation Tetechnology of Cabbage and Its Application in Male Sterility Transformation

WANG Dongmei1,GAO Xiaoxu2,XU Jingxiu1,JIA Jun1   

  1. 1Beijing Honor Agriculture Development Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 102200,China;2Miyun District Agriculture Technology Promotion Station of Beijing,Beijing 101500,China
  • Received:2022-01-26 Online:2022-10-01 Published:2022-06-21

摘要: 通过模拟结球甘蓝繁殖世代各阶段所需的生长条件,将每个阶段所需的时间压缩到最短,从而达到一年完成两个育种世代的目的。以种子成苗为节点,将一年分为两个周期,即夏秋周期和冬春周期,夏秋周期由于春化+开花时间较长,导致其完成世代的时间略长于冬春周期。采用剥取未成熟胚珠进行培养的方法可以缩短种子成熟所需的时间,适合的胚珠剥取时间为授粉后45~50d。春化温度4~7℃条件下,除冬性强的甘蓝材料外,基本都能在60d之内通过春化。该方法仅适用于甘蓝雄性不育转育,冬性不是很强的材料基本上可以实现一年繁殖两代,利用SSR标记辅助选择,能够精准确定下一个世代的回交母本。

关键词: 结球甘蓝, 一年两代繁殖技术, 雄性不育, SSR标记

Abstract: This study simulated the growth conditions required by each stage of cabbage propagation,and shortened the time period required by each stage to the minium.Therefor,the aim of completing two breeding generations in one year was realized.Taking seed becoming seedling as a nodal point,one year was devided into 2 cycles:summer-autumn cycle and winter-spring cycle.The period of summer-autumn cycle was slightly longer than that of winter-spring cycle,due to vernalization and flowering.Cultivating method of exfoliating immature ovules could shorten time duration from pollination to seedling and the best time for exfoliating immature ovules was 45-50 days after pollination.Under the condition of 4-7 ℃ vernalization temperature,almost all cabbage varieties could be vernalized within 60 days,except for varieties with strong winterness.This method was only suitable for cabbage male sterility transfer.Basically,varieties without stronger winterness could breed two generations within one year.With SSR markers assisting selection,the backcross female parent for next generation could be accurately determined.

Key words: cabbage, technology of one year two breeding generations, male sterility, SSR marker