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外源EBR 与ALA 对高温胁迫下辣椒幼苗生长的影响

张文霞 ,陈 汉,胡佳未, 黄 科,王军伟*   

  1. 湖南农业大学园艺学院,蔬菜生物学湖南省重点实验室,园艺作物种质创新与新品种选育教育部工程研究中心,农业农村部园艺作物(蔬菜、茶叶等)基因资源评价利用重点实验室,湖南农业大学黄埔创新研究院,湖南长沙 410128
  • 收稿日期:2022-11-07 出版日期:2023-08-01 发布日期:2023-03-02
  • 通讯作者: 王军伟,男,副教授,主要从事设施园艺栽培生理研究工作,E-mail:
  • 作者简介:张文霞,女,硕士研究生,主要从事设施园艺栽培生理研究,
  • 基金资助:

Effect of Exogenous EBR and ALA on Chilli Seedling Growth under High-Temperature Stress

ZHANG Wenxia,CHEN Han,HU Jiawei,HUANG Ke,WANG Junwei*   

  1. College of Horticulture,Hunan Agricultural University,Key Labortory for Vegetable Biology of Hunan Province,Engineering Research Center for Horticultural Crop Germplasm Creation and New Variety Breeding,Ministry of Education,Key Laboratory for Evaluation and Utilization of Gene Resources of Horticultural Crops(vegetables,tea,etc.),Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China,Huangpu Innovation Research Institute of Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha 410128,Hunan,China
  • Received:2022-11-07 Online:2023-08-01 Published:2023-03-02

摘要: 为探究外源EBR 和ALA 对高温胁迫下越夏辣椒幼苗生长的影响,以博辣红牛和长研青香2 个辣椒品种为试材,喷施不同浓度的EBR(0.001、0.01、0.1、1.0 mg · L-1)与ALA(15、30、45、60 mg · L-1)。结果表明:外源EBR 和ALA均能不同程度地提升幼苗抵御高温逆境的能力,喷施不同浓度的EBR 和ALA 后,辣椒幼苗株高、茎粗、干鲜质量、壮苗指数等生长指标均呈上升趋势,抗氧化酶SOD、POD、CAT 活性增强,MDA 含量降低,脯氨酸、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白
含量增加,NR、NiR、GS 等氮代谢关键酶活性显著提升,且以0.01 mg · L-1 EBR 和45 mg · L-1 ALA 处理缓解高温胁迫效果最好。

关键词: 高温胁迫, 辣椒幼苗, 2, 4- 表油菜素内酯(EBR), 5- 氨基乙酰丙酸(ALA), 植物生长调节剂

Abstract: In order to investigate the effects of exogenous EBR and ALA on over-summer growth of chilli seedlings under high-temperature stress,this experiment took 2 chilli varieties‘Bolahongniu’and ‘Changyanqingxiang’,as test material,and sprayed different concentrations EBR(0.001,0.01,0.1,and 1.0 mg · L-1)and ALA(15,30,45,and 60 mg · L-1). The results showed that exogenous EBR and
ALA all could enhance seedling ability of resisting high-temperature adversity to different extent. After spraying different concentrations of EBR and ALA,the growth indexes of chilli seedlings including plant height,stemthickness,dry and fresh mass,and sound seedling index,etc. all showed an upward trend. The activities of antioxidant enzymes as SOD,POD,and CAT were strengthened. The content of MDA was reduced.The contents of proline,soluble sugar,and soluble protein were increased. The activities of key nitrogen metabolism enzymes like NR,NiR,GS,etc. were significantly enhanced. The treatment of 0.01 mg · L-1 EBR and 45 mg · L-1 ALA had the best effect on relieving high-temperature stress.

Key words: high-temperature stress;chilli seedling;2, 4-epibrassinolide(EBR);5-aminolevulinicacid(ALA);plant growth regulator