中国蔬菜 ›› 2009, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (06): 25-30.

• 试验研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


张多娇 齐红岩* 陈璐璐   

  1. 沈阳农业大学园艺学院,辽宁省设施园艺重点实验室,辽宁省工厂化高效农业工程技术研究中心,沈阳 110161
  • 收稿日期:2008-07-30 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2009-03-15 发布日期:2009-03-15

Effects of Grafting on Pellicle Melon Flower Bud Differentiation and Flower Development

ZHANG Duo-jiao,QI Hong-yan*,CHEN Lu-lu   

  1. College of Horticulture,Shenyang Agriculture University,Liaoning Key Laboratory of Protected Horticulture,Shenyang 110161, Liaoning,China
  • Received:2008-07-30 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2009-03-15 Published:2009-03-15

摘要: 以日光温室地面正常管理的薄皮甜瓜永甜3号自根苗为对照(CK),以日光温室小拱棚内管理的南瓜砧木嫁接苗(T1)、永甜3号自砧嫁接苗 (T2)和部分自根苗(T3)为处理,研究嫁接和嫁接后环境条件对薄皮甜瓜花芽分化及花发育的影响。结果表明:小拱棚内的各处理之间,自根苗比嫁 接的两个处理初花期和盛花期均提早3~4 d,子蔓第1节位雌花率也极显著高于嫁接的两个处理;雌花质量无明显差异,均低于CK。CK初花期和盛花 期均较T3早1~2 d,子蔓第1节位雌花率极显著高于小拱棚内的各处理。体视显微镜和石蜡切片的结果表明,嫁接对花芽分化进程无明显的影响,小 拱棚内的各处理均比CK晚分化1片真叶。说明嫁接在一定程度上影响了薄皮甜瓜的花芽分化和花发育,表现为初花期和盛花期延后3~4 d,子蔓第1 节位雌花率下降6.1~15.2个百分点。但是,嫁接后的高夜温和遮光对其影响更大。

关键词: 薄皮甜瓜, 嫁接, 花芽分化, 花发育

Abstract: Taking‘Yongtian No.3’own-root plants,put on the ground of sunlight greenhouse as control(CK),the approach grafting (T1)inside of sunlight greenhouse,the own-root approach grafting of‘Yongtian No.3’(T2),and part of own-root plants(T3)also put in small arch tunnel as disposal,the effects of grafting and conditions after grafting on flower bud differentiation and flower development of pellicle melon were studied.The results indicated that among all disposals in the small arch tunnel,the elementary florescence and prosperous florescence of the own-root plants were 3-4 days earlier,and the sub-vine female flower rate was very significantly than the other 2 grafting disposals.The quality of female flower was all under CK.The elementary florescence and prosperous florescence of CK were 1-2 days earlier than T3,and the sub-vine female flower rate was very significantly than other disposals in small arch tunnel.Microscope and olefin slice up show that,all disposals in the small arch tunnel were one leaf shorter than CK,which show that the approach grafting had certain effects on flower bud differentiation and flower development,as the elementary florescence and prosperous florescence were delayed 3-4 d,and the sub-vine female flower rate declined 6.1-15.2 percentage point.But the high night temperature and cover light had even more effects on the plants after grafting.
