›› 1999, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (1): 9-0.

• 研究论文 • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Breeding of a New Cucumber Variety ‘Jinyou No.2’ for Solar Greenhouse Production in Winter and Spring

Li Jiawang; Sun Zhongkui; Zhang Wenzhu   

  1. Tianjin Cucumber Research Institute 300192
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1999-01-20 Published:1999-01-20


李加旺; 孙仲魁; 张文珠;   

  1. 天津市黄瓜研究所;

Abstract: Jinyou No.2 is F 1 crossed the inbred line M 8 and inbred line P 2.M 8 which was obtained initially from decedents of 60 Coγ irradiating dry seeds at the dose of 23.22C·kg -1 . The hybrid is early maturing,high yielding and high disease resistance to Downy mildew,Powdery mildew,Fusarium wilt. It takes about 70 days from sowing to the first harvest. Its total yield was 82.5t·hm -2 ,19.3% 26.4% higher than that of Changchun Mici. It is cold tolerant in the early growing period and can grow ...

摘要: 在对近300份黄瓜品种资源进行筛选、鉴定的基础上,从1987年开始利用23.22C·kg-160Coγ射线辐射处理具某些优良特性的自交系干种子,并在其变异后代群体中分选出主要性状均能稳定遗传的优系材料辐M8,用其作亲本与另一高代自交系配制出适于冬春茬日光温室栽培的一代杂种津优2号。该品种植株生长势强、熟性早、产量高,从播种到始收70d(天)左右,每667m2产黄瓜5500kg左右,比对照长春密刺增加19.3%~26.4%,对霜霉病、白粉病、枯萎病有较强抗性;耐低温、弱光能力较强,前期10~13℃夜温及10000lx弱光条件下可正常生长。瓜条长32cm,长棒形,深绿色,刺瘤明显,白刺,商品性好,单瓜质量200g,顺直匀称,口感甜脆。

关键词: 黄瓜, 辐射诱变, 津优2号, 一代杂种