›› 1996, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (1): 11-0.

• 试验研究 • Previous Articles     Next Articles

A Preliminary Research on the Process in the Expansion of Long Chinese Yam Stem Tuber

Shi Zhengtai; Zhao Zhen an; Jia Jingtao; Xu Zonggang; Zhang Pengfei; Cui Yulan; Duan Zhenfeng; Ma Yonghua   

  1. The Agricultural Bureau of ZouPing County; Shandong Province; 256200
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1996-01-20 Published:1996-01-20


石正太; 赵振安; 贾惊涛; 徐宗刚; 张鹏飞; 崔玉兰; 段振凤; 马用华;   

  1. 山东省邹平县农业局;

Abstract: For three-year continuous research on long Chinese yam stem tuber, we have drawn a conclusion: the process in the expansion of the stem tuber can be divided into four periods; the beginning period is from the second decade of May to the first decade of June, the prelimiary period is from the second decade of June to the second decade of July, the flourishing period is from the last decade of July to the first decade of September, the last period is from the second decade of September to the first decade of ...

摘要: 通过连续3年挖取长山药块茎调查结果,山药块茎5月中旬~6月上旬为膨大始期,6月中旬~7月中旬为膨大初期,7月下旬~9月上旬为膨大盛期,9月中旬~10月上旬为膨大后期。在此基础上,提出了配套的高产栽培技术。

关键词: 长山药, 块茎, 膨大进程