›› 1996, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (2): 10-0.

• 试验研究 • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Gourd Seedling-laying Caused by Fungai Infection

Xiao Guanghui   

  1. Hunan Horticultural Research Institute; Changsha 410125
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1996-03-20 Published:1996-03-20



  1. 湖南省园艺研究所;

Abstract: The occurrence patterns of gourd seedling-laying caused by Pythium aphanidermatum and Rhizoctonia solani were almost the same. Most of the seedlings were infected by pathogens before the sprouts had come up out of the ground. The younger seedlings were more seriously infected. The disease occurred more seriously in the garden and greenhouse soil where there were more pathogens. Low temperature high or middle humid soil, Low light intensity, slightly high pH soil and deep soil cover over seeds were favourabl...

摘要: 由瓜果腐霉菌(Pythiumaphanidermatum)和立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctoniasolani)引起的瓜类幼苗死苗的发病规律基本相同,病菌多在幼苗出土前侵染,苗龄愈小发病愈重。带菌量较多的菜园土和温室土发病较重。低温、高湿或中湿、弱光照、土壤偏碱、播种时盖土过深是真菌性死苗发生的有利条件。

关键词: 瓜类, 苗期病害, 瓜果腐霉菌, 主枯丝核菌