China Vegetables ›› 2016, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (1): 71-73.

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A New Tomato F1 Hybrid with Resistance to TYLCV—‘ Jinongjiafen’

REN Guo-san1,WANG Wen-jun2,CHENG Jia-xiang1,HUANG Chuan-hua1,WANG Xin-feng1,MA Jin-gang3,YAO Fu-you4   

  1. 1Jinan Vocational College of Nursing,Jinan 250102,Shandong,China;2Jinan City Agriculture Institute, Jinan 250316,Shandong,China;3No.71939 Military Unit, Peoples Liberation Army, Jinan 250013,Shandong,China;4Dongping County Agriculture Bureau, Taian 271500,Shandong,China
  • Received:2015-05-26 Revised:2015-08-13 Online:2016-01-19 Published:2016-01-01

抗TYLCV 番茄新品种济农佳粉的选育

任国三1 王文军2 程加祥1 皇传华1 王新峰1 马金刚3 姚福友4   

  1. 1 济南护理职业学院,山东济南 250102;2 济南市农业科学研究院,山东济南 250316;3 中国人民解放军71939 部队,山东济南 250013;4 山东省东平县农业局,山东泰安 271500
  • 基金资助:



‘Jinongjiafen’ is a new tomato F1 Hybrid of mid maturity developed by crossing self-line 09205-7 as female parent and self-line 99011-3 as male parent. The plant has strong growth vigor with high fruit setting ability. It is tolerant to cold. Its fruit is bright pink in color, and of round shape without shoulder. Its fruits are uniform in size with smooth peel. It is tolerant to storage and transportation. It is resistant to TYLCV(containing resistant gene Ty3). The single fruit weight is about 300 g. It can yield about 187.5 t·hm-2. It is suitable to be cultivated in green house in the Northern Yangtze River Valley.

Key words: Tomato;&lsquo, Jinongjiafen&rsquo, ; F1 Hybrid;TYLCV resistance;Facility cultivated


济农佳粉是以自交系09205-7 为母本,以自交系99011-3 为父本配制而成的中熟番茄一代杂种。植株生长势强,耐寒,坐果率高,果实粉红艳丽,果形圆整无果肩,大小均匀整齐,表皮光滑,不裂果,耐贮运,抗番茄黄化曲叶病毒病(含抗病基因Ty3)。平均单果质量300 g 左右,日光温室栽培每667 m2 产量12 500 kg,适宜长江以北地区保护地栽培。

关键词: 番茄, 济农佳粉, 一代杂种, 抗TYLCV, 设施栽培