China Vegetables ›› 2016, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (1): 76-78.

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A New Yam Variety —‘Qinfenghuaishan’

CHEN Yang,MA Li-na, ZHOU Xian-zhi,LIN Yong-sheng   

  1. Agricultural Bio-resources Research Institute,Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Fuzhou 350003,Fujian,China
  • Received:2015-06-09 Revised:2015-09-22 Online:2016-01-19 Published:2016-01-01


陈 阳,马丽娜,周先治,林永胜   

  1. 福建省农业科学院农业生物资源研究所,福建福州 350003
  • 基金资助:



The new variety‘ Qinfenghuaishan’is bred by systematic selective method with excellent strains 06-33 collected from local resource material‘ Cunjinshu’ in Quanzhou, Fujian Province. It is of mid and late maturity. The plant has strong growth potential and vigorous branching ability. Its tuber peel is brown in color, and of long cylindrical shape. The fruit is 50-130 cm in length. Its single fruit weight is 500-1 100 g. It tastes good with excellent quality. It can yield about 37.5 t·hm-2. It is suitable to be planted in Fujian Province and the surrounding areas.

Key words: Yam;&lsquo, Qinfenghuaishan’;Systematic breeding


芹峰淮山是采用系统选育方法,从福建省泉州市收集的淮山地方资源材料寸金薯中筛选出06-33 优良品系培育而成。中晚熟,植株生长势强,分枝旺盛,块茎表皮褐色,长圆柱形,薯长50~130 cm,单薯质量500~1 100 g,薯味清香,品质优良,每667 m2 产量2 500 kg 左右,适宜在福建省及周边地区种植。

关键词: 山药, 芹峰淮山, 系统选育