China Vegetables ›› 2016, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (1): 78-80.

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A New Vegetable Soybean Variety —‘ Huaixiandou No.5’

YANG Jia-yin, XU Hai-feng, CHENG Bao-shan, LUO Bo-xiang   

  1. Agricultural Science Institute of Xuhuai Region in Jiangsu Province,Huai’an Experimental Station of National Center for Soybean Improvement,Key Laboratory for Agricultural Biotechnology of Huai’an City, Huai’an 223001, Jiangsu,China
  • Received:2015-08-14 Revised:2015-12-08 Online:2016-01-19 Published:2016-01-01

菜用大豆新品种淮鲜豆5 号的选育


  1. 江苏徐淮地区淮阴农业科学研究所,国家大豆改良中心淮安试验站,淮安市农业生物技术重点实验室,江苏淮安 223001
  • 基金资助:



‘Huaixiandou No.5’ is a new vegetable spring soybean variety bred by modified single seed descent, and crossing‘ Taiwan 75’ as female parent and‘ Gaoxiong No.5’ as male parent. It yields high, has good quality and is of middle maturity. The average fresh pod yield is 10.05 t·hm-2 and the period from seedling emergence to green pod harvest is 83 days. Its pods are dark green in color with white pubescence. The standard second seed pod is 5.6 cm in length and 1.3 cm in width. The 100 fresh pods weights 312.5 g, and 100 fresh seeds are 77.2 g in weight. It tastes sweet and waxy. It is suitable to be cultivated within Jiangsu Province in spring.


Key words: Vegetable soybean; Sweet-waxy;&lsquo, Huaixiandou No.5’; Selective


淮鲜豆5 号是以台湾75 为母本、高雄5 号为父本的杂交后代,采用改良单籽传法育成的菜用春大豆新品种。丰产、优质、中熟,出苗至采收鲜荚83 d(天)。平均每667 m2 鲜荚产量670 kg。鲜荚灰毛、深绿色,二粒标准荚长5.6 cm、荚宽1.3 cm,鲜百荚重312.5 g,鲜百粒重77.2 g。口感甜糯。适宜在江苏省内春播种植。

关键词: 菜用大豆, 甜糯, 淮鲜豆5 号, 选育