China Vegetables ›› 2022, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (10): 100-102.
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SU Yongquan,ZHANG Huasheng,YANG Yonggang,LI Xiaofang,REN Kaili
Abstract: ‘Longke No.12’ is a new mid-late maturing watermelon of large-fruit type,developed by crossing selfing line ‘14KH12’ as female parent and selfing line ‘14KH01’ as male parent.The plant has strong growth vigor.Its whole growth period is about 103 days and fruit developing period is about 40 days.The fruit is of oval shape.Its peel is jade green in color covered with dark green middle racks,and about 1.0 cm in thickness.Its pulp is red in color with crisp texture.The central soluble solids content is about 12.6%,and edge soluble solids content is about 10%.The single fruit weight is about 6.0 kg.It is resistant to watermelon fusarium wilt.It can yield about 64.5 t · hm-2.It is suitable for cultivation in open fields in Gansu Province or regions with similar climate conditions.
Key words: watermelon;F1 hybrid;&lsquo, Longke No.12&rsquo
摘要: 陇科 12 号是以自交系 14KH12 为母本,以自交系 14KH01 为父本配制而成的中晚熟大果型西瓜一代杂种。植株生长势强,全生育期 103 d(天)左右,果实发育期 40 d(天)左右;果实椭圆形,果皮翠绿色覆墨绿色中齿条带,厚 1.0 cm左右;果肉红色,质地酥脆,中心可溶性固形物含量 12.6% 左右,边部可溶性固形物含量 10.0% 左右;单果质量 6 kg 左右,高抗西瓜枯萎病,产量 4 300 kg · (667 m2)-1 左右。适宜甘肃省或同类型气候区域露地种植。
关键词: 西瓜, 一代杂种, 陇科 12 号
SU Yongquan,ZHANG Huasheng,YANG Yonggang,LI Xiaofang,REN Kaili. A New Large-fruit Watermelon F1 Hybrid—‘Longke No.12’[J]. China Vegetables, 2022, 1(10): 100-102.
苏永全,张化生,杨永岗,李晓芳,任凯丽. 大果型西瓜新品种陇科 12 号的选育[J]. 中国蔬菜, 2022, 1(10): 100-102.
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