China Vegetables ›› 2022, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (10): 103-106.

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A New Vegetable Soybean Variety—‘Langxian No.1’

WANG Jiliang1,ZHAO Chunxia1*,HUA Jianxin1,SUN Huigang2   

  1. 1Langfang Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences,Langfang 065000,Hebei,China;2College of Food and Biological Engineering,Xuzhou University of Technology,Xuzhou 221018,Jiangsu,China
  • Received:2022-04-04 Online:2022-07-01 Published:2022-10-01

菜用大豆新品种廊鲜 1 号的选育

王继良1,赵春霞1*,华建鑫1,孙会刚 2   

  1. 1 廊坊市农林科学院,河北廊坊 065000;2 徐州工程学院食品与生物工程学院,江苏徐州 221018
  • 通讯作者: 赵春霞,女,推广研究员,主要从事大豆遗传育种研究,
  • 作者简介:王继良,男,硕士,副研究员,主要从事大豆遗传育种研究,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: ‘Langxian No.1’ is a new vegetable soybean variety bred through hybridization between ‘Taiwan 292’ as female parent and ‘Jidou 12’ as male parent.Its growth period is about 85.5 days.It has determinate podding habit.The plant is about 54.3 cm in height.There are about 12 nodes in its main stem,and 41.6 valid pods in each plant.The average single plant pod weight is 80.2 g.There are 2.1 seeds in each pod.The standard pod number per 500 g is 175.6.The seeded-pod is 5.5 cm in length and 1.3 cm in width.The standard pod rate is 83.9%.Its seed coat and hila is yellow in color.The 100 fresh pod weight is about 257.8 g and 100 fresh seed weight is about 71.5 g.The average fresh pod yield is about 10.2 t · hm-2.It is suitable for summer sowing and plantation in central and southern regions of Hebei Province.

Key words: vegetable soybean;&lsquo, Langxian No.1&rsquo, ;selective breeding

摘要: 廊鲜 1 号是以台湾 292 为母本,以冀豆 12 为父本杂交选育而成的菜用大豆新品种。生育期 85.5 d(天)左右,有限结荚习性。株高 54.3 cm 左右,主茎节数约 12.0 节。平均单株有效荚数 41.6 个,单株荚质量 80.2 g;每荚粒数 2.1 粒,每500 g 标准荚数 175.6 个,二粒荚长 5.1 cm、宽 1.3 cm,标准荚率 83.9%。种皮、种脐黄色。百荚鲜质量 257.8 g 左右,百粒鲜质量 71.5 g 左右。鲜荚平均产量约 680 kg · (667 m2-1。适合河北省中南部地区夏播种植。

关键词: 菜用大豆, 廊鲜 1 号, 选育