China Vegetables ›› 2023, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (1): 60-67.

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Establishment and Application of Real-time PCR for Detecting SdhB-H278Y Mutation in The SdhB Gene Associated with Corynespora cassiicola in Cucumber

ZHU Guangxue1,2☆,YAN Yutao2☆,SUN Bingxue2,ZHOU Rongjia2,YUE Yuanyuan2,XIE Xuewen2,CHAI Ali2,LI Lei2,LI Baoju2*,SHI Yanxia2*   

  1. (1College of Horticulture,Qingdao Agricultural University,Qingdao 266109,Shandong,China;2Institute of Vegetables and Flowers,Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences,Beijing 100081,China)
  • Received:2022-09-16 Revised:2022-12-12 Online:2023-02-07 Published:2023-01-01



  1. (1青岛农业大学园艺学院,山东青岛 266109;2中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所,北京 100081)
  • 通讯作者: 石延霞,女,研究员,主要从事蔬菜病害综合防治研究,;李宝聚,男,研究员,主要从事蔬菜病害综合防治研究,
  • 作者简介:朱广雪,女,硕士研究生,主要从事杀菌剂抗药性机理研究,;阎昱韬,男,助理研究员,主要从事杀菌剂抗药性机理研究,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Based on the differences of SdhB gene of Corynespora cassiicola registered in GenBank,specific primers were designed for SdhB-H278Y mutation,and the real-time PCR detection system was established for detecting SdhB-H278Y mutation.The results showed that C. cassiicola carried SdhB-H278Y and SdhB-I280V mutations.The SdhB-H278Y mutants have high resistance to boscalid,the EC50 value of SdhB-H278Y mutants was 21.47 μg·mL-1 or > 30 μg·μL-1.The established standard curve of detection system existed a favorable linear correlation(R2 = 0.992 9).The detection system can detect the SdhB-H278Y mutation specifically with sensitivity of 3.6 × 10-4 ng·μL-1,which was 10 times of AS-PCR.The expected values were highly correlated with the detected values by verifying genomic DNA carrying different mutation ratios of SdhB-H278Y(R2 = 0.999 7).The system could also be used to detect the proportion of SdhB-H278Y mutant in the disease spot of corynespora leaf spot of cucumber,and the detection values were 0.12%-2.69% in Shandong.An efficient,sensitive and quantitative real-time PCR system was established for detecting SdhBH278Y mutation,providing technical support for corynespora leaf spot of cucumber controlling.

Key words: cucumber, Corynespora cassiicola, real-time PCR, resistance, boscalid

摘要: 根据GenBank已登录序列中黄瓜多主棒孢琥珀酸脱氢酶B 亚基(SdhB)基因序列差异,针对SdhB-H278Y 突变设计特异性引物,建立SdhB-H278Y突变实时荧光定量PCR(real-time PCR)检测体系。结果表明:供试多主棒孢携带SdhBH278Y、SdhB-I280V突变;SdhB-H278Y突变株对啶酰菌胺抗性较强,EC50值为21.47 μg·mL-1 或> 30 μg·mL-1;建立的real-time PCR检测体系具有良好的线性关系,相关系数R2 = 0.992 9,可特异性检测SdhB-H278Y突变,灵敏度为3.6 × 10-4 ng·μL-1,为AS-PCR的10倍。利用携带SdhB-H278Y突变不同比例的基因组DNA 对检测体系进行验证,预期值与检测值具有很高的相关性,R2 = 0.999 7;利用该检测体系对山东地区黄瓜棒孢叶斑病病斑中多主棒孢SdhB-H278Y突变株所占比例进行检测,检测结果为0.12%~2.69%。综上,本试验建立的real-time PCR检测体系高效、灵敏、定量,可用于多主棒孢SdhB-H278Y突变的检测,为黄瓜棒孢叶斑病抗性治理提供技术支持。

关键词: 黄瓜, 多主棒孢, real-time PCR, 抗药性, 啶酰菌胺