China Vegetables ›› 2023, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (1): 104-106.

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A New TYLCV Resistant Tomato F1 Hybrid—‘Qinglian No.1’

HU Jing’ang1,ZHANG Lixia1,LI Zijuan1,YING Fangqing1,HUANG Wen1,ZHOU Tao2,TIAN Zhaohui1*   

  1. (1Zhengzhou City Vegetable Research Institute,Zhengzhou 450015,Henan,China;2College of Plant Protection,China Agricultural University,Key Laboratory of Crop Pest Monitoring and Green Control,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100193,China)
  • Received:2022-07-22 Revised:2022-09-01 Online:2023-02-07 Published:2023-01-01



  1. (1郑州市蔬菜研究所,河南郑州 450015;2中国农业大学植物保护学院,农业农村部作物有害生物监测与绿色防控重点实验室,北京 100193)
  • 通讯作者: 田朝辉,男,副研究员,专业方向:植物保护,
  • 作者简介:胡京昂,男,博士,副研究员,专业方向:番茄遗传育种,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: ‘Qinglian No.1’is a new F1 hybrid of tomato variety developed by taking‘W44-3-1-16-7’as female parent and‘KG52-2-5-2-6-8’as male parent.This variety belongs to infinite growth type,and is of early maturity.The fruit is of round shape.The younger one has deep green shoulder.The fruit is pink in color,when it is fully ripened.The single fruit weight is 120-150 g.The sugar-acid ratio is 9.0.The VC content is 250 mg·kg-1,the soluble solid content is 5.7% and lycopene content is 52.0 mg·kg-1.It contains ty-3a gene,and is resistant to TYLCV and tolerant to transportation.The average early production is about 25.5 t·hm-2,and the total production is about 79.5 t·hm-2.It is suitable for planting in early spring and over winter in Henan,Shandong,etc. northern regions.

Key words: tomato;&lsquo, Qinglian No.1&rsquo, ;resistant to TYLCV;F1 hybrid

摘要: 青恋1号是以W44-3-1-16-7为母本,以KG52-2-5-2-6-8为父本配制而成的番茄一代杂种。无限生长类型,早熟,果实圆形,幼果有深绿果肩,果实完全成熟后为粉红色,单果质量120~150 g。糖酸比9.0,VC含量250 mg·kg-1,可溶性固形物含量5.7%,番茄红素含量52.0 mg·kg-1,含有ty-3a基因,抗番茄黄化曲叶病毒病,耐运输。每667 m2前期产量1 700 kg左右,总产量5 300 kg左右,适合河南、山东等北方地区早春及越冬种植。

关键词: 番茄, 青恋1号, 抗TYLCV, 一代杂种