China Vegetables ›› 2023, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (1): 107-109.

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A New Pepper F1 Hybrid—‘Xiangyanzidanjiao’

DONG Yajing,MIAO Wu*,LI Zeyuan,JIANG Xiang   

  1. (Hunan Xiangyan Seed Industry Co.,Ltd.,Changsha 410100,Hunan,China)
  • Received:2022-08-08 Revised:2022-10-09 Online:2023-02-07 Published:2023-01-01



  1. (湖南湘研种业有限公司,湖南长沙 410100)
  • 通讯作者: 缪武,男,博士,副研究员,主要从事辣椒新品种选育及推广工作,
  • 作者简介:董亚静,女,高级农艺师,主要从事辣椒分子标记辅助育种和新品种选育工作,电话:0731-82791222,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: ‘Xiangyanzidanjiao’is a F1 hybrid pepper variety with CMS male sterile line single pod pepper‘NO4583A’as female parent and single pod pepper inbred line‘RC18-771’as male parent.It is of medium maturity.The plant growth potential is stronger.The fruit is of taper shape.Fruit tip is obtuse.Mean fruit length is 4.8 cm,and fruit width is 2.2 cm.The pulp is 0.1 cm in thickness.The single fruit weigh is about 8.7 g.The unripe fruit is green in color,and ripe one is red in color,and the fruit surface is oily.The VC content is 1 493 mg·kg-1(FW),and spicy degree is about 18 000 SHU.It is suitable for dry processing,because it is easy to dry and wrinkle-free after drying.The average output of fresh pepper is 24 t·hm-2,average output of dry pepper is 6 t·hm-2,and average fresh dry ratio is 4.0.The variety is suitable for open field cultivation in spring and summer in Yunnan Guizhou and Hunan.

Key words: pepper;&lsquo, Xiangyanzidanjiao&rsquo, ;F1 hybrid

摘要: 湘研子弹椒是以CMS不育系单生朝天椒NO4583A为母本,以单生朝天椒自交系RC18-771为父本选育而成的一代杂种。中熟,植株生长势较强;果实锥形,果尖钝圆,平均果长4.8 cm,果宽2.2 cm,果肉厚0.1 cm,单果质量8.7 g左右;青熟果绿色,老熟果红色,果表油亮;VC含量1 493 mg·kg-1(FW),辣度1.8万SHU左右;易干制,且干后不皱,适合干制加工;鲜椒产量1 600 kg·(667 m2-1左右,干椒产量400 kg·(667 m2-1左右,鲜干比约为4.0;适宜云南、贵州及湖南春夏季露地栽培。

关键词: 辣椒, 湘研子弹椒, 一代杂种