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2009 Vol.1 Issue.4,Published 2009-02-15

1 Carrot Diseases and Development of Breeding for Diseases Resistances
OU Cheng-gang;ZHUANG Fei-yun;ZHAO Zhi-wei;HUANG Jian-xin
The article reviewed about carrot diseases, diseases resistances, selecti on and utilizati on of disease resistance germplasm, and discussed the devel opment of carrot breeding for diseases resistances in China.
2009 Vol. 1 (4): 1-6 [Abstract] ( 2000 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 337KB] ( 1621 )
7 Cloning of Encoding FMRFamide-like Peptide (Mi-flp-16)Gene in Meloidogyne incognita and Analysis of in Situ Hybridization
WANG Tian-yang;XIAO Luo;CHEN Guo-hua;MAO Zhen-chuan;YANG Yu-hong;XIE Bing-yan*
To clone and characterize the encoding FMRFamid-like peptides genes from Meloidogyne incognita,total RNA was extracted from the J2 nematodes.One gene was obtained by RACE and named Mi-flp-16(GenBank:EU549831).The full length cDNA sequence of Mi-flp-16 was 690 bp,with a 528 bp ORF and encoding a 176 amino acids protein.The protein has three FLPs,including two AQTFVRF and one GQTFVRF.Using in situ hybridization technique to detect the expression of Mi-flp-16,found that it was expressed in neurones associated with the circumpharyngeal nerve ring.
2009 Vol. 1 (4): 7-11 [Abstract] ( 2199 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 576KB] ( 1517 )
12 Acquirement of Leaf Mutants from Brassica Allosextuple Species
ZHANG De-shuang;ZHANG Feng-lan;YU Yang-jun;ZHAO Xiu-yun;YU Shuan-cang;XU Jia-bing
CGMCC № 2553 were cultivated via isolated microspore culture and embryoids of different stages were obtained.DH regeneration plants were obtained by subculture.After DH plants were set at low temperature treatment situation for 15-20 days,they would grow in greenhouse or they were directly grew in greenhouse with naturally lower temperature for 30-40 days.Results showed 172 DH plants in 2006,230 DH plants in 2007 were obtained,275 plants had been domesticated in 2008.Some DH regeneration plants could transform into leaf mutants.From 2006 to 2007,8 wrinkledness leaf mutants were gotten.The highest rate of getting mutants was 2.29 %.2 mutant plants had gotten seeds.The leaf mutants mainly showed wrinkledness in the surface of preceding leaves at early stage.Then the wrinkle leaves could transfer to normal ones and some also keep the wrinkledness later with their growth.Further studies showed some DH plants could generate two or more than two stems in which wrinkledness mutant and wild type often burgeoned at the same parent.The mutants had the same characteristics as wild types except for the leaf wrinkledness,therefore they were the better materials for studying the wrinkledness characteristic.The finding is useful in studying,locating and cloning the wrinkledness gene(s)linked to leaf mutants of Brassica allosextuple CGMCC № 2553 DH lines in the future.
2009 Vol. 1 (4): 12-16 [Abstract] ( 1407 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 756KB] ( 955 )
17 Effects of GA3 and PP333 Treatments on Plant Morphology,Physiology and Blossoming of Early Flowering Mutant (ef) of Chinese Cabbage-pak-choi
YU Xiao-lin;ZHANG Hai-min;CAO Jia-shu*
In the period of Chinese cabbage-pak-choi two leaves,the ef mutant plants were sprayed by different concentration of GA3 and PP333 treatments,respectively.Based on investigation of plant height,plant width,number of leaves and the dates of plant heading,budding and flowering,G-POD and APX activities were tested.Results showed that there was very significant difference in plant height,G-POD and APX activity by the treatment with GA3 and PP333,but no difference in plant width and number of leaves.After the treatment with GA3,G-POD activity firstly declined then increased.But the result was just opposite by the treatment of PP333.APX activity declined firstly and then increased by the treatment of GA3 and PP333.Different treatments had significant affects on flowering date of ef mutants,GA3 treatment could stimulate their blossoming,while PP333 treatment could delay their blossoming.
2009 Vol. 1 (4): 17-20 [Abstract] ( 1330 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 417KB] ( 912 )
21 Genetic Analysis of Salinity Tolerance in Brassica campestris L.ssp. chinensis(L.)Makino var.communis Tsen et Lee.
QIU Yang;LI Xi-xiang*
Genetics of salinity tolerance in Pak-choi were investigated by an eight-parent complete diallel cross Ⅱ design only including direct crosses.Genetic effect analysis was estimated by Hayman method.Inheritance of salinity tolerance in Pak-choi was fitted to the additive-dominant model.Salinity tolerance was mainly controlled by dominant genes and salinity sensitivity was controlled by recessive genes.There were additive effect and dominant effect in genetic effects.However,the dominant effect played a major role and over-dominance might exist in salinity tolerance exhibition.Inheritances of salinity tolerance may be controlled by few major genes.
2009 Vol. 1 (4): 21-25 [Abstract] ( 1412 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 262KB] ( 933 )
26 Correlation Analysis on Pumpkin Polysaccharide,Soluble Solid Content and Taste Characters
LI Xin-zheng;YANG Peng-ming;FAN Wen-xiu;LIU Zhen-wei;Du Xiao-hua
96 pumpkin cultivars were chosen to investigate the correlation between polysaccharide,soluble solid content and taste characters of pumpkin fruits.The results indicated the highest polysaccharide content was 6.19 %,the lowest was 0.84 %.The highest was 7.4 times of the lowest.The highest soluble solid content was 12.7 %,the lowest was 3.3 %.The highest was 3.8 times of the lowest.The big variations in polysaccharide content and soluble solid content of the tested pumpkin cultivars showed their broad genetic bases.The correlation between polysaccharide content and dry powder,taste sweetness were very significant.The correlation coefficients were 0.664 0 and 0.660 8,respectively.The regression equation was Y1=0.027X1+0.045X2+0.251.The correlation between soluble solid content and dry powder,taste sweetness were significant or very significant.The correlation coefficients were 0.359 2 and 0.584 6,respectively.The regression equation was Y2=0.031X1+0.156X2+1.431.
2009 Vol. 1 (4): 26-29 [Abstract] ( 1818 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 197KB] ( 1423 )
30 Clustering Analysis of Dioscorea batatas Decne Germplasm Resources from Guangxi Autonomous Region
LIANG Ren-fan;WANG Jun-min;QIN Fang;HE Long-fei*;WEI Ben-hui
12 Dioscorea batatas Decne germplasm resources from Guangxi Autonomous Region were collected and planted in the fields,their major biological characters were observed and measured.These resources were classified into 4 or 2 groups by clustering analysis,according to their main biological characters.At the same time,they could be classified into 4 groups including North Dioscorea batatas Decne,South Dioscorea batatas Decne,Wildness Dioscorea batatas Decne and Disoscotea alata L.based on their morphology and ecology characters.
2009 Vol. 1 (4): 30-34 [Abstract] ( 1359 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 341KB] ( 888 )
35 Components and Concentration of Glucosinolates in Shoots and Roots of Different Turnip Cultivars
SUN Wen-yan;HE Hong-ju;ZHANG Hong-yan*;ZHANG Fu-suo
The components and concentration of glucosinolates(GSs)in shoots and roots of two turnip(Brassica campestris L.ssp.rapiferaMetzg)cultivars(‘Hongyuan’and‘Baiyu’)were identified and analyzed by ISO9167-1:1992(E)HPLC international standards method.The appearance and taste of the two cultivars are different.The same components of GSs were identified in both cultivars,including 6 aliphatic GSs,progoitrin,glucoraphanin,gluconapoleiferin,glucoalyssin,gluconapin and glucobrassicanapin,the aromatic GS,gluconasturtiin,and 3 indole GSs,4-hydroxyglucobrassicin,4-methoxyglucobrassicin and neoglucobrassicin.The total GSs concentration in shoots and roots of‘Hongyuan’were 12.13 and 11.25 μmol•g-1 DW,while the total GSs concentrations in shoots(49.98 μmol•g-1 DW)was one and half times than that in roots(33.43 μmol•g-1 DW)of‘Baiyu’,espectively.The significantly higher total GSs content in‘Baiyu’than that in‘Hongyuan’because of the higher concentration of aliphatic GSs,especially gluconapin in‘Baiyu’was higher than in‘Hongyuan’.The proportion of aliphatic GSs in shoots and roots of‘Hongyuan’was lower than that in‘Baiyu’,but the proportion of indole and aromatic GSs in‘Hongyuan’was higher than that in‘Baiyu’.
2009 Vol. 1 (4): 35-39 [Abstract] ( 1278 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 215KB] ( 757 )
40 Studies on Flavor Compounds of Traditional Dushan Greengrocery Fermented
XU Li;JIAO Lu-ying;HE Pei-yin
Volatile compounds of traditional Dushan greengrocery fermented were investigated jointly by steam distillation,gas chromatographymass spectrometry(GC/MS).The results showed that a total of 11 classes,28 species volatile components were identified from 2 different samples of traditional Dushan greengrocery fermented.These volatile components included ester,acid,amide,ethanol,aldehyde,hydroxybenzene,alkene,benzene,ketone,thiazole and salt.Among them,acid,aldehyde and ester were the main volatile components,which played an important role in flavor formation of Dushan greengrocery fermented.
2009 Vol. 1 (4): 40-43 [Abstract] ( 1105 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 301KB] ( 853 )
44 Effects of Humic Acid Fertilizer on Urease Activity in Ginger Growing Soil and Nitrogen Absorption of Ginger
LI Zuo-mei;LIU Lan-lan;SHI Chun-yu*;CHEN Xiao-guang;ZHANG Chao;YAO Hai-lan
In this study,effects of humic acid fertilizer on soil urease activity and available nitrogen content,nitrogen absorption of plant,and rhizome yield in ginger growing soil via pond culture.The results showed that in comparison with no fertilizers,the application of equal quantity humic acid could significantly increase soil available nitrogen content,plant nitrogen absorption and rhizome yield,and soil urease activity decreased during the early growing stage,but it increased in the later stage.In comparison with equal quantity treatment of non-organic fertilizers,the application of slow releasing humic acid fertilizer could significantly increase soil urease activity,soil available nitrogen content and plant nitrogen absorption during the later ginger growing stage,and increase rhizome yield by 9.17 %.
2009 Vol. 1 (4): 44-47 [Abstract] ( 1860 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 391KB] ( 1203 )
48 Effects of Different Allelochemicals on Mineral Elements Absorption of Tomato Root
GENG Guang-dong;ZHANG Su-qin;CHENG Zhi-hui*
Effects of 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid,dibutyl phthalate and diphenylamine on mineral elements absorption of young tomato root system were studied in this paper.The results showed that the absorption of N,P and K were affected by these three allelochemicals.The inhibitive effect of 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid on the absorption of N,P and K increased with its concentration rising.Low concentration of dibutyl phthalate increased the absorption of N,but decreased the absorption of P and K.Its high concentration restrained the absorption of N,P and K,while the low concentration of diphenylamine could stimulate the absorption of N and K,but restrain the absorption of P.Generally,the P absorption was mostly affected by these allelochemicals.
2009 Vol. 1 (4): 48-51 [Abstract] ( 2306 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 345KB] ( 1848 )
52 Tomato Seedling Culture by Inoculating Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Ralstonia Solanacearum Control
LONG Liang-kun;LI Zhi-kun;YAO Qing;WANG Yan;ZHU Hong-hui*
In pot experiments,tomato seedlings were inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Glomus versiforme(AM-1)and Glomus spp.(AM-2).The effects to mycorrhizal root percentage which under different substrate conditions or at different inoculation time were analyzed,respectively.The results indicated that the highest percent of micorrhizal root could be obtained by substrate of vermiculite and soil mixture at the ratio of 1∶3 in volume.No significant difference of mycorrhizal root percent was observed between inoculating at seeding stage and at oneleaf stage,but a significant decrease of mycorrhizal root percentage was present when inoculating at twoleaf stage.In pot experiment under greenhouse conditions,tomato seedlings with higher percentage of mycorrhizal root could delay the occurrence of tomato bacterial wilt(Ralstonia solanacearum).but at the later stage,the state of illness would become aggravate.
2009 Vol. 1 (4): 52-55 [Abstract] ( 1833 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 250KB] ( 1297 )
56 Effects of Transplanting Time on Growth and Yield of Chinese Chive Cultivated in Plate with Organic Substrate in Greenhouse
XU Zhen-hang;LI Kun;HAN Dao-jie;WANG Ying-hua;YU Xian-chang*
A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study effects of transplanting time on growth and yield of Chinese chive cultivated in plate filled with organic substrate.The results indicated that properly advancing or putting off the transplanting time could increase plant height,stem diameter and yield of Chinese chive and that trangplanting time of November 24 was the best.With transplanting time deferred,number and length of new roots decreased but leaf width increased,leaf number changed little.There was a responding relation between transplanting time and Chinese chive variety,which may be related to dormancy characteristic of Chinese chive variety and the nutrition accumulated in rhizoma and roots.Rhizogenesis,growth and yield of‘Pingjiu No.2’were higher than those of‘791’,‘Zigenhong’,and‘Xindugenhong’.
2009 Vol. 1 (4): 56-59 [Abstract] ( 2370 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 512KB] ( 1614 )
60 Initial Studies on Factors Influencing Cutting Reproduction of Esculent Chrysanthemum
WANG Ru-hua;JIA Zhi-min;PANG Xing-jie;ZHOU Jing
Studies were carried out on relevant factors influencing cutting reproduction of esculent chrysanthemum from substrates selection,quicksets lengths,rooting powder treatment and esculent chrysanthemum varieties.The results showed that perlite was the best substrate for cutting,root-ability was stronger when the length of the quickset was 10 cm,and root-ability could be promoted significantly by rooting powder.There were big differences among varieties in root-ability of quicksets.
2009 Vol. 1 (4): 60-62 [Abstract] ( 1370 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 164KB] ( 1008 )
63 Initial Investigation on Wild Vegetable Resources Used both as Drug and Food in Emei Mountain
SONG Liang-ke;ZHAO Man-qian;MAO Can-quan;WEI Yi;ZHOU Jia-yu
The wild vegetable resources with drug and food dual usage in Emei Mountain are abundant.Through on-spot investigation,specimen collection,identification and sorting,these wild vegetable resources were categorized into 30 families,54 genera and 85 species.Among them,5 families,7 genera and 10 species are fungi;2 families,2 genera and 2 species are pteridophyte;1 families,1 genera and 1 species is gymnosperm;22 families,44 genera and 72 species are Angiosperm.
2009 Vol. 1 (4): 63-65 [Abstract] ( 1204 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 101KB] ( 1083 )
66 A New Spring Chinese Cabbage F1 Hybrid —‘Jingchunbai No.2’
YU Yang-jun;ZHANG Feng-lan;ZHANG De-shuang;ZHAO Xiu-yun;YU Shuan-cang;XU Jia-bing
‘Jingchunbai No.2’is a new spring Chinese cabbage F1 hybrid bred by crossing self-incompatible line 92A7 with 9421.It takes about 55-60 days from transplanting to harvest.It is tolerant to inmanturity bolting,and is high resistant to downy mildew,virus disease and black rot.Its characteristics include strong growth vigor,36.9 cm in plant height,53.2 cm in plant spread,green outer leaf,light green petiole and light yellow inner leaf.Its head shape is ovate.Average head weight is about 2.5 kg.Its yield in open field is about 112.5-120.0 t•hm-2.It has been extended to Beijing,Hebei,Shandong,Gansu,Yunnan and Guizhou etc.
2009 Vol. 1 (4): 66-68 [Abstract] ( 1174 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 97KB] ( 913 )
69 A New Tomato F1 Hybrid —‘Akesi No.1’
LI Zhen-xing;LI Zhi-liang;SUN Bao-juan;LUO Shao-bo
‘Akesi No.1’is a tomato F1 hybrid bred by crossing line X20 which is good quality,high resistant to bacterial wilt and virus disease as female parent and 1801 as male parent.It grows vigorously.It is of middle and late maturity.It takes about 108 days from seedling to harvest in spring cultivation and about 99 days in autumn cultivation.Its fruit is of round shape with 0.96 fruit shape index.Its young fruit shoulder is not green.The matured fruit is red in color with better firmness.Its average single fruit weight is 125 g and the fruit thickness is 0.75 cm.It is good for storage and transportation.It is middle resistant to bacterial wilt and virus disease.It can bear fruit under high temperature with good stress resistance and superior quality.It is suitable for exporting,city marketing and transporting to Northern areas.Its yield is about 45 t•hm-2.It is suitable to be cultivated in open field in Southern or similar climate region.
2009 Vol. 1 (4): 69-71 [Abstract] ( 1284 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 160KB] ( 903 )
72 A New Tomato F1 Hybrid —‘Jinonglifen’
REN Guo-san;CHENG Jia-xiang;ZHAO Chuan-lin;WANG Hong-dui;ZHANG Feng;WANG Lei;YE Ai-min
‘Jinonglifen’ is a new Tomato F1 hybrid developed by crossing self-lines Fushou 99011-1 and Chaoyan 99003-1.It is mid-maturity.It has strong growth vigor,high fruit setting rate and the fruit is uniform and of round shape with 0.83 fruit shape index.The peel is pink with not green shoulder.The flesh is 9.75 mm thick.The fruit is able to bear transportation.The average fruit weight is about 250 g.The yield under plastic shed in spring is about 150 t•hm-2.It is about 195 t•hm-2 in greenhouse in winter.It is suitable for cultivation in protected field in Northern China.
2009 Vol. 1 (4): 72-74 [Abstract] ( 1181 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 150KB] ( 886 )
75 A New Cowpea Variety —‘Telv No.60’
HUANG Yun-ping;WANG Yu-hong;DING Wei-hong;GU Bin-quan;LI Lin-zhang
‘Telv No.60’was bred by taking Ningbo local variety‘241-1’as female parent and the introduced variety‘G36’as male parent,through separate and systematic selection for 8 generations.It is early maturity.It takes 60 days from seeding to pod harvest in spring cultivation;and about 48 days in summer cultivation.Its whole growing period is 80-100 days.The tender pod is dark green,long stick-shaped with even size and identical color,about 60 cm long.A single pod weight is 18 g.It is of good quality,with high moisture content,low coarse fibre tender,crisp leaves and tastes good.This variety can grow normally from July to August and unease to premature senescence.It has stronger resistance to rust,whitely mildew and downy mildew than‘901’.Its yield is over 30 t•hm-2.It has been extended to Ningbo,Zhoushan,Taizhou of Zhejiang province and Shanghai etc.
2009 Vol. 1 (4): 75-77 [Abstract] ( 1264 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 158KB] ( 909 )
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