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2009 Vol.1 Issue.20,Published 2009-10-15

1 Research Progress in Innovating Alliaceous Vegetable Germplasm Resources
WANG Yong-qin;LIANG Yi;GUAN Xuan-li;ZHANG Zhi
This paper reviewed the research progress in innovating alliaceous vegetable germplasm resources.The main innovating methods include inter-specific cross,cell engineering,gene engineering.Many important characters,such as disease and pest resistance,herbicide resistance,salt tolerance,cytoplasmic male sterility,etc.were created.The applying prospect of alliaceous vegetable germplasm resources in China was discussed.
2009 Vol. 1 (20): 1-10 [Abstract] ( 1250 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 448KB] ( 1372 )
11 Relationship between Endogenous Hormone Contents and Head-splitting Character during Brassica oleraca L.var.capitata L.Vegetative Period
ZENG Ai-song;LIU Yu-mei*;FANG Zhi-yuan;YANG Li-mei;ZHUANG Mu;ZHANG Yang-yong;SUN Ji-feng;SUN Pei-tian
This study was designed to elucidate the relationship between endogenous hormone contents and head-splitting character of Brassica oleraca L.var.capitata L.Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays(ELISA)was used to determine the contents of indoleacetic acid(IAA),gibberellin(GA3),cytokinin(ZR)and abscisic acid(ABA)and to analyze their ratio changes,so as to probe into the relation between head-splitting and endogenous hormone.These endogenous hormones were taken from head leaves of 4 Brassica oleraca L.var.capitata L.cultivars which differ in splitting susceptibility during vegetative period.The results showed that during the whole vegetative period,the contents of IAA and GA3 in splitting-resistant cultivars were higher than those of splitting-susceptible cultivars.ZR content had less effect on head-splitting of Brassica oleraca L.var.capitata L.ABA content was the highest among the 4 endogenous hormones,and there were great dynamic differences between splitting-resistant and splitting-susceptible cultivars.The high ratio of(IAA+GA3+ZR)to ABA at the late stage could keep the Brassica oleraca L.var.capitata L.head in a strong growing vigor,thus reduce the headsplitting probability.
2009 Vol. 1 (20): 11-16 [Abstract] ( 1405 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 500KB] ( 985 )
17 Effects of Different Oligosaccharides on Mineral Element Absorption of Brassica campestris L.var.utilis Tsen et Lee
ZHANG Yun-hong;WU Li-shu*;LIU Yi-xian;ZHANG Geng;ZHAO Kai;GENG Ming-jian;ZHANG Shan-xue
A hydroponic trial was conducted to investigate effects of several oligosaccharides(sodium alginate and its oligosaccharides,oligoglacturonide and chitosan oligosaccharide)with the application concentration of 0,10, 20, 50,100 mg·L-1 on mineral element absorption of Brassica campestris L.var.utilis Tsen et Lee.The results showed that sodium alginate and its oligosaccharides and oligoglacturonide had significantly promotive effects on the absorption of N,P,Ca,Mg,B,Mn,Zn in low concentration.Oligoglacturonide with low concentration also promoted the K absorption to some extents.In high concentration,three oligosaccharides had no significant effects on the mineral element absorption,and did not improved Cu absorption in all concentration used in our experiment.Chitosan oligosaccharide could promote the absorption of N,Mg,B,Cu,Zn in low concentrations,but caused the luxury uptake of Cu and reduced the absorption of N,P,K,Mg,Mn and the transport of Ca from aerial part to the shoot in high concentrations.
2009 Vol. 1 (20): 17-22 [Abstract] ( 1357 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 266KB] ( 870 )
23 Control of Cucumber Powdery Mildew with Physcion
YANG Yu-hong;GONG Hui-zhi;YANG Cui-rong;FENG Lan-xiang;XU Xiang-rong;QIAN Yi-xin;XIE Bing-yan*
Through screening from 7 different propotions in greenhouses,0.5 % physcion is identified to display the best efficient control on cucumber powdery mildew,which reaches about 90 % control efficacy below 1 000-fold dilution,signifcantly higher than this of triadimefon and emodin AM.Then the action mode,prevention duration,stability,control techniques and field control efficacy of 0.5 % physcion were further investigated.The results showed that 0.5 % physcion has both protection and control activities.And the former is more prominent than the later,showing 94 % control efficacy 14 days after inoculation.The duration of the protective efficacy of 0.5% physcion could last 3-4 days.The efficacy was stable in different temperatures and illumination during cucumber growth.The control efficacy was also significant stable in field trial.
2009 Vol. 1 (20): 23-28 [Abstract] ( 1325 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 473KB] ( 980 )
29 Separation and Identification of Bacillus LBC-1 against Alternaria brassicae
LI Chun-hui;LI Shu-na;WANG Na-xian;DU Shu-tao;WANG Shi-ying;ZHU Bao-cheng
Twenty strains of Bacillus were isolated by sampling soil from fields of various regions via preliminary screening.They have antagonistic activities against Alternaria brassicae.A strain named LBC-1 with a relatively higher antagonistic activity was obtained via secondary screening.Strain LBC-1 was characterized by physiological and biochemical experiments,morphological features observation,and 16S rDNA sequence analysis.Based on the results,strain LBC-1 was finally identified as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens.Strain LBC-1 was a broad-spectrum antagonistic strains of spore-forming bacteria.
2009 Vol. 1 (20): 29-34 [Abstract] ( 1195 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 407KB] ( 849 )
35 SCAR Markers for Identification of Cucumber Powdery Mildew Resistance
CUI Hong-yu;ZHANG Gui-hua*;DU Sheng-li

The co-dominant AFLP marker was successfully converted into simple and applied SCAR markers.Two

special SCPM166 and SCPM66 were designed according to the sequence information of AFLP fragments.The SCAR-PCR

result showed that the resistant parent,resistant F2 plants and hybrid plants possessed 166 bp fragment,while

the susceptible parent and susceptible F2 plants did not possess any fragments by primer SCPM166.This

indicated that the SCAR marker could identify susceptible homozygous single plant.The susceptible

parent,susceptible F2 plants and hybrid plants possessed 66 bp fragment,while the resistant parent and

resistant F2 plants did not possess any fragments by primer SCPM66.This indicated that the SCAR marker could

identify homozygous resistant single plant.By joint application of these 2 dominant SCAR markers,homozygous

resistant plant and homozygous susceptible plant could be identified simultaneously.It is equivalent to a

commonly dominant SCAR marker.

2009 Vol. 1 (20): 35-39 [Abstract] ( 1221 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 1115KB] ( 988 )
40 Effects of Different K Source and Applying Dosage on Yield,Quality and Nutrient Absorption on Cabbage
WANG Gui-liang;HUANG Yu-fang;YE You-liang*

Taking KCI and K2SO4 produced in Russia,Luobupu K2SO4 produced in Xinjiang and K2SO4 produced in

Kaifeng as experimental materials,the experiment was carried out to study the effects of different K sources

and applying dosage on cabbage varieties of‘Redai’and‘Moyu’.The results showed:potassium application

could increase cabbage yield,the content of protein and VC,decrease the content of nitrate.When the amount

of K application was 300 kg·hm-2,the effects of Luobupu K2SO4 was better than or close to the other K

sources.K2SO4 produced in Russia and K2SO4 produced in Kaifeng had the worst effect.Potassium application

increased‘Redai’output value by 29.9 %-33.2 %,and that of‘Moyu’by 15.8 %-20.5 %.Utilizing return

equation,it gained the best economical potassium application for‘Redai’was 354.0 kg·hm-2,the highest

output value was 98 463.4 Yuan·hm-2;that for‘Moyu’was 333.0 kg·hm-2 and the highest output value was 98

201.2 Yuan·hm-2.

2009 Vol. 1 (20): 40-45 [Abstract] ( 1286 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 496KB] ( 873 )
46 Effect of Exogenous Allelochemical Vanillic Acid on Soil Eenzyme Activity and Soil Nutrient for Pepper Seedling
LI Chun-long

Effect of exogenous allelochemical vanillic acid on soil enzyme activity and soil nutrient for

pepper seedling was studied in this article.The results showed that 4 kinds of soil enzyme activities were

increased along with the increase of vanillic acid concentration.Furthermore,polyphenol oxidase activity

increased by 13.3 %,compared to the control when vanillic acid concentration got 1×10-7 mol·L-1.The

contents of soil organic matter,available P and available K tended to decrease with the increase of vanillic

acid concentration.While the soil NO-3-N content tended to increase.Relations between the 4 soil enzyme

activities and soil organic matter content,available P and available K were significantly negative.But their

relation with soil NO-3-N contents was significantly positive or very significantly positive.

2009 Vol. 1 (20): 46-49 [Abstract] ( 1264 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 197KB] ( 913 )
50 Effects of Root-zone Temperature on Photosynthesis Characteristics of Cucumis melo L.Seedlings
ZHANG Yu-xin;CHANG Tao*;QU Ya-ying;ZHAO Peng

Cucumis melo L.seedlings of‘Yindi No.3’and‘Xizhoumi No.1’were used to study the effects of

different root-zone temperatures on chlorophyll content,photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence

parameters by Eco-organic soilless cultivation experiments.The results indicated that chlorophyll content,net

photosynthetic rate(Pn),stomatal conductance(Gs),stomatal limitation value(Ls),transpiration rate

(Tr),chlorophyll fluorescence(F),photochemical quantum yield(Yield),photochemical quenching(qP)and non-

photochemical quenching(NPQ)were decreased with the decreasing of root-zone temperature.The decline of net

photosynthetic rate of Cucumis melo L.was caused by non-stomatal limitations under low root-zone

temperature.Inhibition of PSⅡ photochemistry activity is one of the important causes for low net

photosynthetic rate of Cucumis melo L.seedlings under low root-zone temperature.

2009 Vol. 1 (20): 50-54 [Abstract] ( 1050 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 137KB] ( 870 )
55 Effects of Low Light on the Growth and Development of Different Sweet Pepper Varieties
MA Wei-yuan;LIU Guang-ji;ZHANG Yan-an;ZHANG Yi-fei;CUI Hong-wen

Taking three different sweet pepper varieties as test materials,and sun shade net to stimulate

artificial low light environment,this paper studied the effect of low light on the growth of different sweet

pepper varieties.The results showed that after 85 % low light treatment,the bud stage,flowering period,the

door pepper fruit setting period,two-layer pepper fruit setting period,harvesting period and defeat seedling

stage of the three varieties were obviously delayed,compared with the control.The fresh weight of single

plant leaves decreased 43.97 %-77.26 % and the number of leaves per plant reduced 12.95 %-63.74 %.The longer

the low light treatment last,the greater the amount of reduced.Among these 3 tested varieties,J04 has the

stronger resistence to low light.Under low light conditions,its plant height,stalk thickness,number of single

plant leaves and fresh weight of single plant leaves were kept in a high value,and its number of fruit

setting was also the highest.

2009 Vol. 1 (20): 55-58 [Abstract] ( 1194 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 366KB] ( 894 )
59 A Preliminary Report on Controlling Watermelon Fusarium Wilt with Four Endophytes
LI Jin-long;WANG You-qi;JIA Xiu-fen;WEI Zhou-yu;TAO Shu-chun

The inhibition effects of pathogen mycelium of watermelon Fusarium wilt in indoor and field control

effect were tested by using endophyte R14,R21,S11and Ha8 introduced from Zhuhai Agriculture Research

Center.The result showed that the inhibitory rate of endophyte R14,R21 and S11 to the fungus of watermelon

Fusarium wilt in indoor were over 80 %;The control effect of,watermelon Fusarium wilt in field were over 60

%,firstly by pouring endophyte Ha8 fermentation broth to root,and then by pouring endophyte R14 and S11

fermentative liquid to root for the second,third and fourth times.

2009 Vol. 1 (20): 59-60 [Abstract] ( 1189 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 126KB] ( 785 )
61 Investigation of Aquatic Vegetable Resources and Production in the Middle and South Area of Anhui Province
KE Wei-dong;LI Feng;SUN Ya-lin;LI Ming-hua

Through investigating the aquatic vegetable resources and productions in 14 counties and cities of

the middle and south area of Anhui Province,62 accessions of aquatic vegetable resources were

collected,including 18 accessions wild resources,44 accessions of local cultivars.Some special local

cultivars such as‘Xuehugong’ou’,‘Tongchengshuiqin’,‘Jixishuiyu’and‘Lujingqinya’,etc.was

collected.And cultivation and production of aquatic vegetables in middle and south areas of Anhui Province

was also investigated.According to the result of investigation,suggestion was put forward that water dropwort

cultivated in our country should be two kinds.One is Oenanthe javanica(BL.)DC.,and the other is Oenanthe

sinensis Dunn.

2009 Vol. 1 (20): 61-67 [Abstract] ( 1126 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 339KB] ( 819 )
68 A New Early-maturty Chinese Cabbage F1 Hybrid —‘Jinqiu 65’
LIU Xiao-hui;WEN Feng-ying;ZHAO Bing;LUO Zhi-min;WANG Chao-nan

‘Jinqiu 65’is a new earlymaturity autumn Chinese cabbage F1 hybrid developed by crossing self

-incompatible lines H38 with H218.Its growth period is about 65 days.The plant is 45 cm in height,55 cm in

width.Its leaf head is 37 cm in height,14 cm in diameter and 2.5 kg in weight.The plant type is compact and

with dark green leaves,moderate leaf-wrinkle and light green petiole.The leaf head is overlapping on top.It

has higher resistance to downy mildew,soft rot and virus than‘Qiulu 60’.It can yield about 60 t·hm-2.

2009 Vol. 1 (20): 68-69 [Abstract] ( 1069 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 124KB] ( 895 )
70 A New Tomato F1 Hybrid —‘Hangza No.1’
ZHENG Ji-rong;WANG Hui-li

‘Hangza No.1’is a new early maturity tomato F1 hybrid,developed by crossing 8947-1-2-2-3-1 as

male parent with 9905-1-2-1-1-1 as female parent.It is about 113 days from sowing to harvesting.It is a

variety with indeterminate growth and red color fruit.Its average single fruit weight is about 200 g.Its

fruit hardness is 0.97 kg·cm-2.It is good for storage and transportation.It has excellent quality.Its VC

content is 159.0 mg·kg-1 and licopene content is 32.4 mg·kg-1.The soluble solid content is 5.03 %.It is

resistant to leaf mold.It can yield about 90 t·hm-2.It is suitable for plastic shed cultivation in spring or

in protected field in early spring in the Yangtze River Valley.

2009 Vol. 1 (20): 70-72 [Abstract] ( 1025 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 154KB] ( 789 )
73 A New Tomato F1 Hybrid with Hard Flesh and Big Fruit —‘Beiyan No.1’
ZHANG Feng-li;TANG Shu-fa;HAO Yong;JIN Xin;XIA Guang-yu;HUANG Min

‘Beiyan No.1’takes 05B-91 as female parent,and 05B-93 as male parent.It is a F1 hybrid tomato

with hard flesh and big fruit.It belongs to boundless growth type with middle early maturity.Its growing

period is about 106 days.Its matured fruit is red in color and of flat round shape.Its soluble solid content

is 4.8 %,VC content is 114.4 mg·kg-1,soluble general sugar content is 2.7 %.It is resistant to leaf mould

and ToMV.Its fruit hardness is 0.84 kg·cm-2.It is tolerant to storage and transportation.The average single

fruit weight is 192.7 g.Its yield is about 90 t·hm-2.It can be cultivated in open or protected fields all

over China.

2009 Vol. 1 (20): 73-75 [Abstract] ( 1110 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 152KB] ( 789 )
76 A New F1 Hybrid of Muskmelon —‘Yinzhu’
CHEN Wei-guo;ZHAO Bao-quan;TIAN Bin;ZHANG Guo-he;LI Ya-dong

‘Yinzhu’is a new mid-maturity F1 hybrid of muskmelon developed by crossing C70(03TM25-4)as female

parent and C69 as male parent.In open field,its whole growing period lasts about 98 days and its fruit

development period is about 50 days.It has strong growth vigor.It is resistance to leaf blight and downy

mildew,mid-resistance to powdery mildew.The fruit shape index is about 1.1.It has long round fruit with

milky-white skin,with or without sparsity net.The fruit flesh is white-green and about 3.5 cm in

thickness.The soluble solid content is 15 %-17 %.Its firm rind is suitable for transportation.The fruit

weight is about 1.1 kg.The yield is about 31.5 t·hm-2.It is suitable for cultivation open or protected field

in Northwestern China.It extension area is about 13 000 hm2.

2009 Vol. 1 (20): 76-78 [Abstract] ( 1170 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 157KB] ( 705 )
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