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2008 Vol.1 Issue.7,Published 2008-07-18

Liu Ruowei;Dong Guokun;Ying Shanting;et al.
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 969 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 235KB] ( 1046 )
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 4-4 [Abstract] ( 780 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 29 )
Qiu Zhengming;Guo Fengling;Yao Minghua;et al.
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 5-7 [Abstract] ( 999 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 194KB] ( 1275 )
Zhang Huanli;Huo Hong;Li Yi;et al.
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 8-9 [Abstract] ( 934 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 129KB] ( 1092 )
10 Effect of Base and Top Dressing Fertilizer Doses on the Growth and Yield of Chinese Chive
Yu Hongjun;Jiang Weijie;Shi Zhenxia;et al.
In this paperthe effect of different doses of base fertilizer and top dressing fertilizer on the growth and yield of Chinese chive of Eco-organic type soilless cultureEOTSCwas studied.The results showed that the treatment of 16 kg·m-3 base fertilizer can have the highest total yield and total production valuewhile 8 kg·m-3 of base fertilizer dose can get the highest net incomeand there were no remarkable differences between pseudostem width and leave width with the treatments of 12 and 16 kg·m-3 base fertilizer.In the experimenttreatment with 7 kg·m-3 of top dressing fertilizer can get the highest total yield and total production valuebut the treatment of 4 kg·m-3 can get the highest net incomeand there were no significant differences in pseudostem width with the treatments of 7 and 10 kg·m-3.The leave width was even better than that in the above 2 treatments.Thereforein EOTSC the best base fertilizer dose is 8 kg·m-3 and the best top dressing fertilizer dose is 4 kg·m-3 per time.
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 10-13 [Abstract] ( 1240 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 195KB] ( 895 )
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 13-13 [Abstract] ( 739 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 98KB] ( 790 )
14 Effect of BTH Treatment on Latent Infection Rate of Certain Fungus in Muskmelon
Li Mei;Bi Yang;Xie Minhua
The plants of muskmelon were sprayed with benzothiazoleBTHat 100 mg·L-1 for 123 and 4 times at 7 days before floweringyoung fruit periodfruit enlarging period and netting periodrespectively.Latent infection rate of fungus were analyzed in young fruit periodfruit enlarging periodnetting period and mature period.The results showed that spraying with BTH in pre-harvest period had reduced significantly the latent infection rate of fungus.All the 4 treatments decreased the latent infection rate of fungusbut the secondthird and fourth treatments had better effect.The latent infection rate of fungus in mature period was 23.53 % of the contrast.There was difference between A.alternata and Fusarium sp.with pre-harvest treatment.
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 14-17 [Abstract] ( 1069 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 195KB] ( 775 )
17 Studies on Watermelon Drought Resistance Identification Indices and Method in Gravel-mulched Land of North-west China
Liu Dongshun;Yang Wanbang;Zhao Xiaoqin;et al.
The growth and physiological characteristics of 7 watermelon varieties and their parents were studied by artificial drought stress in potsso as to filtrate identification indices for drought resistance.The result indicated that the accumulation amount of dry mattersthe root-top ratioR/T),relative water contentsRWCwere decreased by different degrees under dry conditions.The weaker drought resistancethe bigger decreasing ratiowhile cell plasma membrane permeabilityand pralineProcontents were increased.The weaker is drought resistancethe bigger is cell plasma membrane permeabilityand the smaller is praline contents amplitude.Combining the yields of various hybrid combinations under cultivation conditions of gravel-mulched landcomprehensive evaluation was carried out on these indices by subordinate function value.There are correlations between indexsubordinate function average value and yield of watermelon.So we can use the growth and physiological indices of watermelon for early prediction of drought resistance.
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 17-21 [Abstract] ( 1198 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 320KB] ( 791 )
22 Effect of Exogenous Gibberellin on the Contents of Endogenous Hormones in Stem Apex of Broccoli
Wang Tingqin;Yang Xian
Different concentrations of exogenous gibberellin(GA)(50 mg•L-1,100 mg•L-1,150 mg•L-1)were sprayed on leaves of broccoli at the 20th day before and 10th day after inflorescence differentiation,respectively.The effect of exogenous gibberellin on the contents of endogenous hormones in stem apex of broccoli was studied.The results indicated that the development of broccoli was closely correlated with changes of endogenous hormones in plant.It was favorable for flower differentiation at inflorescence differentiation period to keep lower contents of IAA,GA1/3,and proper level of iPAs in stem apex,whereas proper levels of IAA,GA1/3,and keep lower content of iPAs was in favor of curd formation at curd emergence period.The balance of endogenous hormones was influenced by exogenous GA in stem apex of broccoli.The synthesis of IAA was inhibited by exogenous GA in stem apex,so its content decreased at both periods of inflorescence differentiation and curd emergence.The content of GA1/3 in vivo increased under treatment of low concentration of exogenous GA,but decreased under treatment of high concentration of exogenous GA.However,the changes of GA1/3 content in vivo exhibited the contrary tendency at curd emergence period.The content of iPAs increased with increment of the treated concentrations of GA at the stage of inflorescence differentiation.On the contrary,iPAs content decreased with increment of treated concentrations of GA at the stage of curd emergence.
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 22-25 [Abstract] ( 1297 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 394KB] ( 1188 )
25 Effects of Light,Temperature and Relative Humidity on the Growth of Alfalfa Sprouts
Zhu Meiyun;Pan Zhili;Wang Yanping;et al.
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 25-26 [Abstract] ( 953 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 129KB] ( 988 )
27 Elementary Studies on Pathogen of Eggplant Verticillium Wilt and its Differentiation of Pathogenicity in Heilongjiang Province
Lin Mi;Zhang Peizhi;Guan Zhongyan;et al.
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 27-28 [Abstract] ( 919 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 107KB] ( 1009 )
29 A New Cucumber F1 Hybrid —‘Zhongnong No.20’
Gu Xingfang;Zhang Shengping;Wang Ye;et al.
‘Zhongnong No.20’is a new cucumber F1 hybrid using inbred line 02484 as maternal parent and 02465 as paternal parent.Its fruit is about 30-35 cm in length with short neck and dark shining green skin.The fruit neck is less than 1/8 of the fruit length.It is good for supermarket sale.It has high resistance to ZYMV,WMY,resistance to angular leaf spot,downy mildew,powdery mildew,middle resistance to Fusarium wilt and CMV.The yield is over 150 t·hm-2.It is suitable for open field cultivation in spring or summer and autumn.
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 29-31 [Abstract] ( 1085 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 220KB] ( 902 )
32 A New Broccoli F1 Hybrid —‘Bilu No.1’
Ding Yunhua;Jian Yuancai
‘Bilu No.1’is a new broccoli F1 hybrid developed by crossing CMS line CMS9507 as female parent and inbred line 9355 as male parent.It is middle-late maturity.The growing period from planting to harvest is about 80 days.The curd is compact in structure and semispherical in shape,with small and green buds and without leaf.Its stem is not hollow.The single curd weighs averagely 400 g.It has high resistance to TuMV and resistance to black rot.The yield is about 15 t·hm-2.
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 32-34 [Abstract] ( 1171 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 166KB] ( 822 )
34 A New Cauliflower F1 Hybrid —‘Shengxue No.2’
Hu Limin;Tao Xinglin
Shengxue No.2’is a new cauliflower F1 hybrid developed by crossing self-incompatible line 94-24 and inbred line 2001-23.Its growth vigor is middle strong.The flower looks tight and it is shaped round or tall round.Its color is white with good quality.The commercial flower curd rate is 96.4 %.It can be harvested about 75 days from planting to harvest in spring and about 90 days in autumn.In spring planting,its average curd weight is around 1.06 kg,and the yield is 40.5 t·hm-2.In autumn planting,the average curd weight is around 1.18 kg,and the yield is 43.5 t·hm-2.It is suitable to grow at most areas of northern China in spring and autumn.
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 34-35 [Abstract] ( 1244 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 131KB] ( 851 )
36 A New Pea F1 Hybrid —‘Baofeng No.5’
Dong Lifeng;Wang Fengbao;Fu Jinfeng
Baofeng No.5semi-leafless peapossessing earliness and high yieldwas bred and selected from the multiple crossing combinationZhongwan No.6and 90-E-10 and Zhongwan No.5.It has about 4.4 pods per plant and 5.8 seeds per pod and 1000-seed weight is about 217 g.The cultivar has normal bottle-green stipuleswhite pods and green round seeds.The rate of double-pod is over 40 %.It takes 94 days frow sowing to harvest.It has stronger resistance to damping-offroot rot and powdery mildew thanzhongwan No.6.It possesses high essential amino acids needed by humanand protein and fattiness in dry seeds are 21.17 % and 1.77 % respectively.Dry seeds yield is about 3 750 kg·hm-2 and potential yield is 5 700 kg·hm-2.It is suitable to be planted in east Hebei region.
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 36-38 [Abstract] ( 1134 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 164KB] ( 919 )
38 A New Asparagus Bean Variety —‘Heyan No.2’
Yang Lianyong;Song Wu;Guan Feng;et al.
Heyan No.2is a new asparagus bean variety which is developed by system selection crossing betweenQuannengdoujiaoandFengchan No.2.It is early-mature.When planted in springit has a growing period of 90-100 daysits first flowering is in 45-50 daysfirst picking in 55-60 days.When planted in summerits growing period is about 70-80 daysfirst flowering in 40-45 daysfirst picking in 45-50 days.Its pod is light green54-59 cm in length0.84-0.86 cm in diameter and about 24.5 g in weight.The yield is 34.5-39.0 t·hm-2 in spring cultivation.It is suitable to be cultivated in spring and over summer to early autumn.
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 38-39 [Abstract] ( 1283 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 131KB] ( 834 )
40 A New Pepper F1 Hybrid —‘Saila No.1’
Li Chengde;Song Xuedong;Zhang Zhengjun
Saila No.1’is a new pepper F1 hybrid by crossing inbred line B200326 as female parent from a local variety‘niujiaowang’in Inner Mongolia with inbred line No.28 as male parent from a local variety‘changyangjiaojiao’in Gansu.It is midearly maturing and has strong growth vigor and fruit setting ability.It is middle resistant to Phytophthora blight.Its tender fruit is dark green,mature fruit is dark red.The fruits are horn shaped,35.5 cm in length and 2.9 cm in width.The single fruit can weight about 76.8 g.The VC content is 86 mg·kg-1.It is a good commercial variety.The yield is about 37.5 t·hm-2 in open field in spring,about 72 t·hm-2 in plastic tunnel in early spring and about 79.5 t·hm-2 in solar greenhouse in winter.It is suitable to grow in northwest part of China.
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 40-41 [Abstract] ( 1260 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 129KB] ( 1154 )
42 Present Status of Studies on Technique for Identification of Resistance and QTL for Resistance to Tomato Gray Mold
Zou Qingdao;Xu Ming;ZhangZijun;et al.
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 42-44 [Abstract] ( 1169 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 173KB] ( 1037 )
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 45-46 [Abstract] ( 903 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 128KB] ( 804 )
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 46-47 [Abstract] ( 673 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 130KB] ( 1097 )
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 47-47 [Abstract] ( 721 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 23KB] ( 650 )
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 48-49 [Abstract] ( 734 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 88KB] ( 785 )
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 49-51 [Abstract] ( 675 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 105KB] ( 591 )
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 51-51 [Abstract] ( 634 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 42KB] ( 683 )
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 52-53 [Abstract] ( 723 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 128KB] ( 865 )
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 53-54 [Abstract] ( 678 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 208KB] ( 717 )
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 55-55 [Abstract] ( 746 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 638KB] ( 722 )
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 56-57 [Abstract] ( 761 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 664KB] ( 907 )
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 57-58 [Abstract] ( 701 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 128KB] ( 749 )
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 59-60 [Abstract] ( 686 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 183KB] ( 863 )
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 61-61 [Abstract] ( 672 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 111KB] ( 726 )
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 62-62 [Abstract] ( 712 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 103KB] ( 606 )
2008 Vol. 1 (7): 63-64 [Abstract] ( 754 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 179KB] ( 643 )
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