Luo Shigen;Ding Xiaoqing;Yang Fanggen
. 2007, 1(12): 31-32.
Luling is a new bitter gourd F1 hybrid developed by crossing self-lines 97-2 and 96-3.It is mid-maturity.The growth period is 50 days.The plant grows vigorously.It has high rate of fruit-setting.The fruit is cyeindrical,green in colour with straight wart,25-35 cm in length,8-9 cm in diameter,1.1-1.3 cm in flesh thickness.Average fruit weight is 450-500 g.It yields 37.5 t·hm-2.It has stronger resistance to virus,downy mildew and Fusarium wilt than Shadikugua.It is suitable for cultivation in South China in s...