Bi Meiguang;Che Peizhong;Zhang Xiaohua;et al.
. 2007, 1(1): 33-34.
Yannong No.1 is a new cucumber F_ 1 hybrid developed by crossing two inbred lines A-3-5-1-2-5-7 which was selected from Haiyangbaihuanggua as a female parent and B-3-5-4-5-1-8 which was selected from Yantaibaiyu as a male parent.It has stronger resistance to downy mildew,powdery midew than Haiyangbaihuanggua and Luhuanggua No.3,tolerance to low temperture and weak light.Its fruit is about 20 cm in length and 3.5 cm in diameter and 100-120 g in weight.Its skin is smooth and white-green with luster.