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2006 Vol.1 Issue.7,Published 2006-07-18

2006 Vol. 1 (7): 1-3 [Abstract] ( 986 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 115KB] ( 715 )
4 The Effects of Continuous Cucumber Cropping on Microbial Communities Structure Ⅰ—Based on Quantitative Analysis of Culturable Microbial Population
Liu Yafeng;Sun Fulin;Zhou Yi;et al.
Variation of culturable microbial population structure and essential soil enzyme activities were investigated with continuous cucumber cropping.The results indicated that culturable microbial population gradually decreased with continuous cucumber cropping.Bacteria showed a greater decrease trend in population than actinomyces and fungi.The decrease of bacterial population in rhizosphere and bulk soil reached a significant level when the third and the fourth cucumber crop were planted.The number of actinomy...
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 4-7 [Abstract] ( 1088 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 178KB] ( 825 )
8 Primary Study of Biological Accumulation to Heavy Metals in Vegetables
Jiang Jiezeng;Xu Xuehong;Yu Yunfei;et al.
The vegetable products and their corresponding soil were sampled in rural area.The heavy metal s contents of all samples and soil pH were tested.The results showed that,there were great differences on biological accumulation to heavy metal among vegetable species.The biological accumulation to heavy metal in leafy vegetables were higher as compared to other type vegetables.The concentrations of Cd in leafy vegetables were higher than other heavy metals.The concentrations of Cd in leafy vegetables had signif...
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 8-10 [Abstract] ( 1177 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 250KB] ( 784 )
11 Effect of Foliar Spraying KH_2PO_4 on Seed Production of Carrots(Daucus carota L.
Zhang Guangxing;Song Jianghua;Song Hongxia;et al.
This article studied the effect of spraying KH_2PO_4(2 and 5 g·L -1 )on plant growth,yield,quality and viability of seeds of carrots.The results showed that photosynthetic rate,transpirational rate,stem diameter,internode length,umbel diameter and biomass significantly increased by foliar application of KH_2PO_4 of 2 g·L -1 .Therefore,seed yields and 1 000-seed-weight increased remarkablely,and the germination vigor improved significantly.
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 11-13 [Abstract] ( 1007 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 219KB] ( 769 )
14 Investigation on Abnormal Tuber of Chinese Yam
Peng Hui;Zhao Bing;Liu Jian;et al.
The abnormal tubers of three cultivars(Nongdachangshanyao No.1,Huaishanyao and Taigushanyao)of Chinese yams(Dioscorea opposita Thunb.)were studied.The results showed that rates of abnormal tuber in Nongdachangshanyao No.1,Huaishanyao and Taigushanyao were 5.30 %,6.00 % and 5.70 % respectively under the suitable condition.The highest rates of abnonmal tuber in Nongdachangshanyao No.1 and Huaishanyao occured when the tuber was 500-600 g in weight and 50-60 cm in length;The highest rate in Taigushanyao occured...
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 14-15 [Abstract] ( 1120 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 254KB] ( 815 )
16 Studies on the Effective Factors of Microspore Culture in Chinese Cabbage
Han Yang;Ye Xueling;Feng Hui
The experiment on culture technique of the isolated microspore was conducted with Futian 50 and Changkuai genotypes of Chinese cabbage as the materials.The results showed that 0.1-1.0 mg·L -1 NAA inhibited the embryo emergence.2,4-D strongly inhibited the formation of microspore embryo.Low density of ctytokinin improved the frequency of microspore embryogenesis.The optimal content of ZT was 0.2 mg·L -1 and 6-BA was 0.4 mg·L -1 .The influence of 6-BA is greater than ZT.Comprehensive influence of auxin and ct...
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 16-18 [Abstract] ( 1077 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 110KB] ( 664 )
19 Effect of Exotic Pollen on the Growth of F0 Fruit in Luffa cylindrica(L.)M.J.Roem.
Yuan Xihan;Xu Hai;Su Xiaojun;Tan Yunfeng;Lu Chengmiao;Tian Yuan
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 19-21 [Abstract] ( 853 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 130KB] ( 645 )
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 20-20 [Abstract] ( 777 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 23KB] ( 551 )
21 Studies on Intercrop between Tomato and Sweet Herb in Controlling Trialeurodes vaporariorum
Wang Tiechen;Si Lishan;Xu Kai;Tong Erjian
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 21-22 [Abstract] ( 802 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 130KB] ( 977 )
22 Field Trail Different Pesticides against Cercospora apii Fres.
Chai Zhongliang;Xie Chengjun;Liu Puming;Zhang Zhigao;Gao Hongji
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 22-23 [Abstract] ( 897 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 94KB] ( 693 )
23 A New Chinese Cabbage F_1 Hybrid —‘Dongnong 906’
Zhang Yaowei;Cui Chongshi;Dong Yuncheng
Dongnong 906 is a new Chinese cabbage F_1 hybrid developed by crossing two self-incompatible lines 47-5-2 and 88-4-1.Its head shape index is 1.5.It takes only 63 days from sowing to harvest and can be harvested up to 85 days after sowing.The average head weight is about 1.8 kg in 65 days after sowing and 2.5 kg in 80 days after sowing.The yield in open field is about 60-75 t·hm -2 .It is resistant to TuMV,downy mildew and soft rot.It is suitable for cultivation in Heilongjiang,Jilin and InnerMongolia in aut...
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 23-24 [Abstract] ( 927 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 130KB] ( 676 )
25 A New Calabash Gourd F_1 Hybrid —‘Jiapu No.2’
Chu Weixiong;Gu Zhanggen;Jin Haigang
Jiapu No.2 is a new and early-maturing autumn calabash gourd F_1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred line D00-26 with D00-52.It is tolerant to high temperature,strong light,wet and waterlogging,and has higher resistance to virus and powdery mildew than the control varieties.It yields 4-5 straight marketable fruits per plant.The fruit is 40-50 cm in length,4-5 cm in diameter,400-500 g in weight,green in skin color and light sweet in taste.It yields 30.0-37.5 t·hm -2 and is suitable for protected cultivation ...
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 25-26 [Abstract] ( 1035 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 90KB] ( 755 )
27 A New Cucumber F_1 Hybrid —‘Jinnonglu No.1’
Ma Lijuan;Yue Dewu;Li Yajun;et al.
Jinnonglu No.1 is a new cucumber F_1 hybrid developed by crossing H40807 with G51918.It is early maturity and grows vigorously.The first female flower starts from node 2-3.The fruit has good flavor.Average fruit is about 35 cm long.Its yield is about 90 t·hm -2 .It has resitance to CMV and middle resistance to augular leaf spot.It is suitable for cultivation in greenhouse in winter and plastic tunnel in spring or autumn.
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 27-28 [Abstract] ( 968 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 86KB] ( 850 )
28 Promoting Application of Technical Criterion on Breeding of Elephant Taro
Zhang Shenglin;Liu Peiying
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 28-29 [Abstract] ( 780 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 88KB] ( 711 )
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 30-32 [Abstract] ( 997 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 121KB] ( 918 )
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 33-34 [Abstract] ( 780 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 131KB] ( 883 )
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 35-36 [Abstract] ( 760 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 43KB] ( 625 )
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 36-37 [Abstract] ( 715 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 99KB] ( 605 )
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 37-37 [Abstract] ( 719 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 23KB] ( 808 )
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 38-39 [Abstract] ( 757 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 77KB] ( 792 )
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 39-40 [Abstract] ( 765 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 94KB] ( 710 )
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 41-42 [Abstract] ( 777 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 93KB] ( 757 )
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 42-42 [Abstract] ( 857 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 130KB] ( 707 )
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 43-44 [Abstract] ( 784 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 149KB] ( 725 )
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 45-46 [Abstract] ( 785 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 134KB] ( 845 )
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 47-48 [Abstract] ( 849 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 136KB] ( 780 )
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 49-50 [Abstract] ( 715 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 134KB] ( 881 )
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 51-52 [Abstract] ( 755 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 131KB] ( 744 )
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 52-52 [Abstract] ( 995 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 94KB] ( 659 )
2006 Vol. 1 (7): 53-53 [Abstract] ( 742 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 96KB] ( 750 )
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