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2005 Vol.1 Issue.12,Published 2005-12-18

2005 Vol. 1 (12): 1-7 [Abstract] ( 869 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 454KB] ( 670 )
8 Effects of Exogenous Spermidine on Salt Tolerance of Cucumber Seedlings under NaCl Stress
Duan Jiuju;Guo Shirong
The effects of different concentration of exogenous spermidine (Spd) on salt tolerance of cucumber seedlings under 50 mmol·L -1 NaCl stress were studied in solution culture system.The results showed that low concentration (0.01-0.10 mmol·L -1 ) Spd treatments increased plant growth, net photosynthesis rate and stomatic conductance, and decreased chlorophyll content and root vitality, while high concentration of Spd inhibited growth of seedlings under salt stress.The most suitable concentration of exogenous ...
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 8-10 [Abstract] ( 1114 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 114KB] ( 745 )
11 Cloning of the Genes Resistant to Phytophthore Capsici in Pepper by Using the Differential Display Technique
Yi Tuyong;Zhang Baoxi;Xie Bingyan;et al.
We cloned two differentially expressed DNA fragments by using DDRT-PCR of the total RNA from the leaves of two pepper lines inoculated with Phytophthora capsici.We sequenced the fragments after cloning them into a T-vector and BLAST analysis indicated they came from two novel genes.The sequences are available from GenBank as accession AY497910 and AY497911.
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 11-13 [Abstract] ( 1084 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 235KB] ( 998 )
14 Effect of Nitrogen-inhibitors on the Nitrate Content and Yield of Vegetables
Huang Dongfeng;Luo Tao;Qiu Xiaoxuan
Experiment on effects of five kinds of nitrogen-inhibitors on the contents of nitrate and nitrite in vegetables and yields of vegetables was carried out.The results showed that three kinds of nitrogen-inhibitors pyridine, imidazole and dicyandiamide,obviously reduced the content of nitrate in vegetables by 9.6 %-31.1 %,and the effect on yield of vegetable was not obvious.The effects of the other two kinds of nitrogen-inhibitors,hydroguinone and catechol were not obvious as compared with control.
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 14-15 [Abstract] ( 1285 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 165KB] ( 733 )
16 Studies of Biomass Acumulation of Different Parts in Main Tiller of Zizania latifolia
Jiang Jiezeng;Cao Beisheng;Qiu Jiejuan;et al.
The changes of fresh and dry weight accumulation in leaves and stems as well as the net photosynthesis rate of function leaves on main tiller of the Zizania latifolia were studied with two typical varieties at their different growth and development stages.The results showed that,fresh and dry weight of blades,sheathes and culm increased steadily before the gall’s quick swelling period, the accumulation of culm surpassed those of blades and sheathes.Fresh and dry weight of culm and leaves decreased obviously...
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 16-19 [Abstract] ( 1123 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 213KB] ( 754 )
20 Onion-type Garlic and Its Formation Courses Analysis
Liu Shiqi;Zhang Shengping;Gu Weigang
Onion-type garlic is a garlic which bulb structure is similar to onion bulb because of physiological anomalism of garlic bulb development. Bulb of onion-type garlic is formed by thick basal sheath and thick outer scale of garlic bulbils, which fleshy scale and garlic stem are under developed and no any edible value. This study showed that the course of formation of onion-type garlic were as follows: N,P,K were over applied and their proportions was unsuited; nitrogenous fertilizer was over supplied and the ...
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 20-22 [Abstract] ( 955 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 129KB] ( 824 )
22 Coconut Coir Characters and Its Effect on Growth and Quality of Cucumber Seedling
Zhao Rui;Zhang Yulong;Chen Junqin;et al.
The experiment on effect of different mixture of peat, vermiculite and coconut coir as nursury growing media on cucumber seedling was carried out. The results showed that coconut coir has better water-holding capacity and suitable pH value for raising seedlings. Coconut coir is a kind of good horticulture substrate.
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 22-23 [Abstract] ( 1140 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 130KB] ( 928 )
24 Effect of Temperature and Light Intensity on Fruitbody Development of Pleurotus cystidiosus
He Lili;Han Lirong;Yang Yanjie
The effect of temperature, temperature difference between day and night, scattered light on anlage forming of Pleurotus cystidiosus and the influence of temperature on the fruitbody characters, yield and biological efficiency were carried out. The results indicated that the optimum range of temperature and temperature difference for Pleurotus cystidiosus anlage formation were 25-30 ℃ and 5-10 ℃ respectively. Pleurotus cystidiosus fruitbody could grow under 18-33 ℃, but 22-28 ℃ is the optimum temperature ran...
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 24-25 [Abstract] ( 1289 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 164KB] ( 1079 )
26 Evaluation on Heat Tolerance of Different Japanese Welsh Onion Varieties at Seedling Stage
Su Hua;Xu Kun;Liu Wei;et al.
he heat tolerance of different Japanese Welsh onion varieties with Zhangqiudacong as control were studied.The results indicated that under high temperature stress,electrolytic leakage and malondialdehyde content of Welsh onion leaves increased,superoxide,peroxidase,catalase activities changed remarkably.The hot injury index rose with time prolonging under high temperature stress,but the range of changes in different varieties were different.This indicated that there were remarkable differences of heat tole...
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 26-29 [Abstract] ( 1034 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 214KB] ( 814 )
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 29-19 [Abstract] ( 744 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 98KB] ( 601 )
30 Effect of Stress on Osmotic Substance Content in Cucumer Seedings
Zhang Shuhong;Zhang Enping;Si Longting;Pang Jinan;Ma Dehua
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 30-31 [Abstract] ( 906 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 90KB] ( 742 )
32 Study on Substrates for Grennhouse Eggplant Production in Eco-orgnic Type Soilless System
Pu Xingxiu;Lin Chunfeng
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 32-32 [Abstract] ( 917 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 127KB] ( 748 )
33 Occurrence and Serelogic Detection of 3 New Viruses From Pepper
Feng Lanxiang;Zhang Baoxi;Xie Bingyan;Wang Lihao;Yang YUhong;Mao Shengli
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 33-34 [Abstract] ( 906 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 90KB] ( 1078 )
35 Occurrence and Chemical Control Techniques of Squash Powdery Mildew
Cheng Boying;Li Haizhen;Jia Changcai;Wu Junxin
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 35-36 [Abstract] ( 955 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 89KB] ( 880 )
37 Screening of Insecticides on Controlling Bemisia tabaci
Li Yi;Xing Weifeng;Han Fangsheng;Qian Xing;Duan Ruihua;Xu Zongjin;Chen Yun
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 37-38 [Abstract] ( 941 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 88KB] ( 745 )
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 38-38 [Abstract] ( 837 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 94KB] ( 796 )
39 A New Tomato F_1 Hybrid—‘Xingyu 201’
Shang Chunming;Pang Zhuo;Lu Lifeng;et al.
Xingyu 201 is a new tomato F_1 hybrid developed by crossing female parent PS015 with male parent PS011. It is indeterminate-growth type and moderate-maturity with big fruit and is suitable for protected production. The fruit has high firmness (0.60 kg·cm -2 ), good transportation and storage characters. It has high resistance to leaf mould, resistance to virus and Fusarium wilt. Fruits soluble solid content reaches 5.0 %. It has a high yield of 75 t·hm -2 . It has been extented to Nanjing, Xi’an, Jinan, Shi...
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 39-40 [Abstract] ( 928 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 137KB] ( 634 )
41 A New Processing Tomato F_1 Hybrid—‘Xinfan No.15’
Zhou Weixin;Liu Zhizhong;Hong Wei;et al.
Xinfan No.15 is a new processing tomato F_1 hybrid with mid-maturity developed by crossing two inbred lines 97-2 and 9786. It grows vigorously. Fruits are firm,anti-crack and suitable for processing and transportation. The color of fruits is fresh-red. Tomato carotene content is 129 mg·kg -1 , the souluble solid content is 6 %, the total acid content is 0.36 %, fruit firmness degree is 4.1 N·cm -2 , the average fruit weight is 80 g. The average yield is 112.5 t·hm -2 . It has stronger resistance to early bl...
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 41-42 [Abstract] ( 923 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 129KB] ( 660 )
43 A New Hot Pepper F_1 Hybrid—‘Lanjiao No.3
Jing Caiqiao
Lanjiao No.3 is a new hot pepper F_1 hybrid developed by crossing self-line B199423 as female parent with self-line B199422 as male parent. It is moderate-early maturity and grows vigorously with high stress resistance and tolerance to Phytophthora blight. The fruit is deep green and horn shaped with good marketable character. Its yield is 37.5 t·hm -2 in open field in early spring and 70.5 t·hm -2 in spring plastic tunnel. It is suitable for plastic tunnel and open field cultivation in early spring in nort...
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 43-44 [Abstract] ( 982 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 129KB] ( 729 )
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 45-47 [Abstract] ( 833 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 179KB] ( 959 )
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 48-49 [Abstract] ( 753 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 305KB] ( 821 )
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 49-50 [Abstract] ( 849 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 211KB] ( 630 )
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 51-52 [Abstract] ( 801 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 130KB] ( 673 )
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 52-53 [Abstract] ( 750 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 93KB] ( 697 )
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 54-55 [Abstract] ( 776 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 57KB] ( 894 )
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 55-56 [Abstract] ( 754 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 144KB] ( 707 )
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 56-57 [Abstract] ( 757 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 135KB] ( 669 )
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 58-58 [Abstract] ( 719 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 42KB] ( 986 )
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 59-59 [Abstract] ( 781 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 94KB] ( 760 )
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 60-61 [Abstract] ( 898 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 94KB] ( 892 )
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 61-62 [Abstract] ( 794 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 422KB] ( 857 )
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 63-65 [Abstract] ( 777 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 454KB] ( 569 )
2005 Vol. 1 (12): 68-69 [Abstract] ( 828 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 62KB] ( 564 )
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