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2003 Vol.1 Issue.6,Published 2003-11-20

2003 Vol. 1 (6): 1-3 [Abstract] ( 862 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 215KB] ( 841 )
3 Influence of Droplet Size and Spray Volume on Retention of Chlorpyrifos on Cabbage Leaves
Zhu Jinwen;Shi Jiang;Zhu Guonian;et al.
The retention characteristics of chlorpyrifos droplets on cabbage leaves were detected by using the tracer of ponceau S. The results indicated that the chlorpyrifos droplets were apt to deposit when the droplet size (VMD) was 157. 3 μm. The retention of chlorpyrifos treated with the droplet size of 149.5μm and spray volume 192 L·hm-2 was 1. 36 times more than that treated with droplet size 233.7μm and spray volume 695 L·hm-2. The deposition on cabbage leaves was maximum when the spray volume was 383 L·hm -2...
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 3-5 [Abstract] ( 1002 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 255KB] ( 725 )
6 Factors Affected Plant Regeneration Frequency of in Vitro Cultured Radish (Raphanus stavius L.)
Wu Jian;Gong Yiqin;Deng Bo?et al.
Factors affected plant regeneration frequency of in vitro cultured radish were investigated. Genotypes and explants were the most important factors;the kind of hormone and the rate of their concentration also had important effect on plant regeneration. Supplement of AgNO3 could significantly increase the plant regeneration frequency. NAA was more suit-able for radish rooting than IAA.
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 6-8 [Abstract] ( 930 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 198KB] ( 626 )
9 Comparison of Various Varieties of Muskmelon in Solar-greenhouse
Qi Hongyan;Li Tianlai;Fan Wenli;et al.
Eight muskmelons varieties were cultivated in solar-greenhouse. The rate of growth and development, yield and quality of various varieties were investigated. The results indicated that the rate of growth and development of vari-ous varieties was similar except the eighth variety. The latter grew faster than others. The yield of the third one was the highest,the content of total soluble solid and the thickness of pulp were best among all of varieties. The yield of the second one was only lower than the third...
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 9-11 [Abstract] ( 971 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 262KB] ( 662 )
12 Color-formation of Chinese Kale Stalk under High Temperature
Liu Houcheng;Huang Qin;Chen Riyuan;et al.
The stalk pigments and correlate factors in three Chinese kale (Brassica alboglabra Bailey) cultivars under high temperature were studied. The results showed that the contents of chlorophyll, anthocyanin and flavonoid were highest in Jianyexia,followed by Hetang. The order of contents of organic acid was Jianyexia > Zhonghua > Hetang. There were higher phenylalanine ammonialyase (PAL) activities in cultivar which had higher anthocyanin content. The stalk color of Chinese kale was syntheses of chloroph...
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 12-14 [Abstract] ( 1137 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 271KB] ( 775 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 14-14 [Abstract] ( 797 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 103KB] ( 691 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 14-14 [Abstract] ( 637 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 102KB] ( 748 )
15 Control Effect of Two New Type of Insecticides of Zeta-cypermethrin and Methoxyfenozide to Spodoptera exigua
Li Dingxu;Hou Wenbang;Guo Wang;et al.
Laboratory experiments and field trials were conducted to determine the efficiency of two new type of insec-ticides to Spodoptera exigua. The results showed that both insecticides of 18.1% Fury EC and 24% Runner SC had excel-lent control efficacy to the insect pest. Tank-mixing of the 5 000-fold dilution of Funy with 1 500-fold phoxim or 6 000-fold Runner with 2 000-fold Beta-cypermethrin can decrease the control cost .
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 15-16 [Abstract] ( 1277 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 167KB] ( 779 )
17 A New Double-harvest Water Bamboo Cultivar Ejiao No. 2
Ke Weidong;Zhou Guolin;Fu Xinfa;et al.
Ejiao No. 2 is a new double-harvest water bamboo cultivar developed from a variant from cultivar Zhongjiejiao. It s plant has medium tillering ability. The fleshy stem looks like a candle with white colour and smooth skin, 18 -20 cm in length,3. 5 - 4.0 cm in diameter,and has the average weight of 90 - 100 g. It is earlier maturity in au-tumn, and can be havested from early to middle September, with average yield of 18.75 t·hm-2.And it is medium maturity in summer,harvest from late-May to mid-June,with ave...
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 17-19 [Abstract] ( 994 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 244KB] ( 649 )
19 A New Bitter Gourd F1 Hybrid Chunfeng 50
Liu Zhengguo;Xiao Xizhu;li Jiazhen
Bangkok green bitter gourd,Bilu No. 1 and Qingzhou Darou were used as breeding materials, superior inbred lines were developed by crossing with mixed pollen of two fathers and selection of pedigree method of filial generation. Superior F1 hybrid Chunfeng 50 was developed by combining ability test. It grows vigorously. The fruit is long type with green skin,and 26.3 cm in length and 6.45 cm in diameter. The average fruit weight is 420 g. The yield is about 52.5 t ·hm -2.
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 19-20 [Abstract] ( 937 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 163KB] ( 850 )
21 A Super-early Chinese Cabbage F1 Hybrid Zhongbai 50
Zhang Shujiang;Sun Rifei;Li Fei;et al.
Zhongbai 50 is a super-early maturity Chinese cabbage F1 hybrid developed by self-incompatible lines of Shanxixinzhongzi and B00018,suitable for summer and early fall cultivation. It needs 45 -50 days from sowing to harvest. Everage head weight is 1. 1 kg with harrel shape and has good quality. It is resistant to TuMV,Middle resistant to downy mildew and Alternaria leaf spot.
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 21-22 [Abstract] ( 816 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 121KB] ( 599 )
23 A New Eggplant F1 Hybrid Xinqie No.4
Wang Cuizhong;Li Xiaoguo;Zhang Hongwei
Xinqie No. 4 is a new eggplant F1 hybrid with early-maturity. The female parent is a good inbred line se-lected from Xinjiang Changqie, which is a local variety in Xinjiang. And the male parent Y25 also is a nice inbred line from Zhejiang local variety. The F1 hybrid grows vigorously. It can be harvested for the first fruit in 30 days after transplanting. The fruit is long and lustrous, purple-red in color,and fresh of fruit is green-white. Its yield is 37. 5 t ·hm-2in open field in early spring, and early ...
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 23-24 [Abstract] ( 916 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 167KB] ( 685 )
25 A New Watermelon F, Hybrid—Hainong No.8
Wang Shuqin;Zheng He;Xu al.
Hainong No. 8 is a new Watermelon F1 hybrid,and is highly resistant to fusarium wilt and anthracnose. The fruit is ellipse covered with dark green stripe and has red flesh and high marketable percentage. The central soluable solid content is 11% -12% ,marginal is 9 % -10 % ,fruit husk is about 1 cm thick. The average furit weight is about 10 kg. Average yield is 75 t·hm-2. It has been extended all over the country for more than 7 000 hm2.
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 25-26 [Abstract] ( 858 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 170KB] ( 690 )
27 A New Asparagus Bean Variety Suifeng No. 8
Xu Xunzhi;Huang Shaoli;Huang Youbao;et al.
Sulfeng No. 8 is a new green asparagus bean variety developed by systemic selective breeding from Hongzuiyan. It has an early-middle maturity,high yield and resistant to rainwater. It takes 55-60 days from sowing to first harvest in spring and 49 -50 days in summer or autumn. It grows vigorously and has two branches. The first fruit grows from the fifth burl in the main branch. The average fruit weight is about 25 g, and the fruit is about 60 cm long and 0.85 -0.90cm thick,and is green,shining and well prop...
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 27-28 [Abstract] ( 840 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 178KB] ( 819 )
29 A New Stem Lettuce Variety Feiqiao Woju No. 1
Chen Youyu
Feiqiao Woju No. 1, a stem lettuce, was selected from the population of local varieties in Feiqiao village. It appeared early maturity, verdure,succulence,fibreless and fragrance,and yields 37.5 -45.0 t ·hm-2.
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 29-30 [Abstract] ( 938 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 170KB] ( 690 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 31-32 [Abstract] ( 789 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 191KB] ( 726 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 33-34 [Abstract] ( 727 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 151KB] ( 781 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 35-36 [Abstract] ( 851 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 170KB] ( 733 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 37-37 [Abstract] ( 869 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 84KB] ( 594 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 38-38 [Abstract] ( 785 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 179KB] ( 753 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 39-40 [Abstract] ( 772 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 190KB] ( 718 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 41-42 [Abstract] ( 878 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 191KB] ( 913 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 43-44 [Abstract] ( 736 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 197KB] ( 573 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 45-46 [Abstract] ( 760 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 205KB] ( 764 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 47-48 [Abstract] ( 674 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 176KB] ( 604 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 48-50 [Abstract] ( 672 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 288KB] ( 781 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 51-51 [Abstract] ( 721 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 86KB] ( 572 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 52-52 [Abstract] ( 730 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 136KB] ( 737 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 53-54 [Abstract] ( 737 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 186KB] ( 714 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 55-55 [Abstract] ( 782 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 95KB] ( 648 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 56-56 [Abstract] ( 832 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 74KB] ( 753 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 57-58 [Abstract] ( 748 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 186KB] ( 623 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 58-58 [Abstract] ( 748 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 94KB] ( 705 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 59-62 [Abstract] ( 877 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 325KB] ( 632 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 62-63 [Abstract] ( 738 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 199KB] ( 799 )
2003 Vol. 1 (6): 64-64 [Abstract] ( 657 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 86KB] ( 717 )
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