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2002 Vol.1 Issue.2,Published 2002-03-20

2002 Vol. 1 (2): 1-3 [Abstract] ( 678 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 114KB] ( 758 )
4 The Effect of Mechanical Brushing during Seedling Stage on the Growth and Development of Vegetable Plants
Li Guojing;F.Benoit;N.Ceustermans
The aim of the present research was to determine the possibility of the application of Mechanical Brushing (MB) during the nursery to prevent excessive growth instead of plant growth retardants. The intensity of MB was regulated by the time when the seedlings were subjected to MB and the density of the plastic slices. The results showed that MB significantly retarded plant elongation,reduced the intertruss length and increased the ratio of stem diameter to plant length. The sensitivities of sweet pepper,tom...
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 4-8 [Abstract] ( 927 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 232KB] ( 813 )
8 The Effects of Drought Stress on Cell-Protecting Enzymes and Ultrastructure of Cauliflower Leaf Cells
Chen Guoju;Yang Xian;Wu Xiaoying
The differences of various cauliflower cultivars in leaf activities of peroxidiase and nitrate reductase and cell ultrastructure under drought stress were investigated. The results showed that under drought stress,POD activity in all cultivars increased while NR activity increased only in late maturing cultivars and decreased in early and mid maturing cultivars. The changes of chloroplasts and mitochondria also varied with cultivars. In early and mid maturing cultivars,the chloroplasts became more rou...
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 8-11 [Abstract] ( 1335 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 491KB] ( 1539 )
12 Response of Different Tomato Cultivars to Ca Defeciency at Seedling Stage
Dong Caixia;Zhou Jianmin;Duan Zengqiang;et al.
Four tomato cultivars, Baiguoqiangfeng, Jiafen, Hezuo 903 and Jiangshu No.1 were studied on Ca uptake and transportation in the plant at the seedling stage in the condition of Ca deficiency by using solution culture. The results showed that the amounts of the absorbed Ca by seedlings under the normal supplement of calcium (CK) were significantly different among the four cultivars, the detailed order from large to small is as follows: Baiguoqiangfeng, Jiafen, Hezuo 903 and Jiangshu No.1. The absorption of Ca...
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 12-14 [Abstract] ( 1024 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 192KB] ( 821 )
15 Tissue Culture and In Vitro Propagation of Eutrema wasabia
Wang Li;Long Chunlin
The leafstalks with buds from Eutrema wasabia were cultured in MS medium supplemented with different combinations,and under different temperatures and pH values. The results show: 1. The optimal culture media are MS+6 BA 2.0mg·L -1 +NAA 0.03mg·L -1 for induction and differentiation of adventitious buds,and 1/2 MS+NAA 0.1mg·L -1 +IBA 0.05mg·L -1 +AC 0.3% for successful propagation and differentiation of roots;2. The suitable temperature is 16℃ and the optimum pH value is 6 for Eut...
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 15-16 [Abstract] ( 855 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 100KB] ( 992 )
17 Effect of Dormant Characteristics on the Growth of Different Chinese Chive Varieties
Li Yonghua;Lu Jianhua;Wang Xu;et al.
Effect of dormant Characteristics on the germination and growth of different Chinese Chive varieties were studied under different treatment as well as different cultivating methods through the experiments of fields and indoors. The results showed that under protected culture in winter in Henan,generally the optimal covering period of the dormant type Chinese Chive varieties is from the mid to late December. For the non dormant,the covering period is at any time according to market situation,but generally f...
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 17-18 [Abstract] ( 1182 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 131KB] ( 950 )
19 The Design for the Solar Lean-to Greenhouses in Cold Areas
Tao Zhengping;Li Mengling;Bian Mingdi;et al.
The comparison of light intensity temperature, relative humidity, and the test of cultivating autumn winter tomato,overwinter celery, spring cucumber were conducted in three solar lean to greenhouses with different height ridge and span in cold season. The results showed that the effect of the solar lean to greenhouse with 8 meters span and 3.7 meters height ridge was significantly superior to the other two in the north of N40° latitude.
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 19-21 [Abstract] ( 854 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 142KB] ( 799 )
22 A New Cucumber F_1 Hybrid─ Jinyou No.30
Ma Dehua;Li Shuju;Huo Zhenrong;et al.
Jinyou No.30 is a new cucumber F 1 hybrid with high resistance to chilling,low light and Fusarium wilt, resistance to downy mildew and powdery mildew. It is suitable for greenhouse cultivation in winter. Its plant grows vigorously,and it yields 150 t·hm -2 in winter greenhouse. Average fruit is about 35cm length and 220g weight. Fruits are dark green,sweet and crispy,with white spine and have good quality and high marketable percentage.
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 22-24 [Abstract] ( 908 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 130KB] ( 687 )
24 A New Early Pepper F_1 Hybrid Hajao No.6
Li Wenli;Qu Min;Liu Xiuyun;et al.
Hajao No.6 is a new pepper F 1 hybrid bred from WF 11 and CXF 1. It is early maturing,resistant to CMV and blight, and teleranct to low temperature. It could be cultivated in the open and protected fields. Its early yield is about 21.06t·hm -2 and total yield reachs 55.85t·hm -2 in the open field. The fruit shape is OX horn. The average weight per fruit is about 35g, and the fruit is 13.9cm long. The fruit is slightly hot.
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 24-25 [Abstract] ( 828 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 101KB] ( 756 )
26 A New Hot-pepper F_1 Hybrid Haifeng No.12
Xing Yongping;Li Chunlin;Zhang Shugen;et al.
Haifeng No.12 is a new hot pepper F 1 hybird developed by crossing inbred 96 21 1 with 96 12 4. 96 21 1 is a line from hybrid 92 401 by inbreding,96 12 4 is a line developed by anther culture. It has a early maturity,high yield and good marketable character. Its early yield is 25.9t·hm -2 ,and total yield is 49.1t·hm -2 . It is suitable for protected and open cultivation.
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 26-27 [Abstract] ( 982 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 92KB] ( 834 )
28 A New Hot-pepper F_1 Hybrid Ganfeng No.5
Chen Xuejun;Fang Rong;Wan Xinjian;et al.
Ganfeng No.5 is a hot pepper F 1 hybrid with early maturity,good quality. Average yield is 30t·hm -2 . It is high resistant to gray mold and hot pepper phytophthora blight,and is suitable for cultivation under both protection and open fields.
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 28-29 [Abstract] ( 812 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 90KB] ( 721 )
30 A New Chinese Cabbage F_1 Hybrid─ Sanyuan Chunhuang
Wang Wenjun;Zhang Liyun;Zhu Xiaolei;et al.
Sanyuan Chunhuang is a new Chinese Cabbage F 1 hybrid developed by crossing self incompatible line 90 2 and 90 7, which were selected from Chinese cabbage varieties introduced from Tianjin and Beijing. It is early maturing with growth period of 60 65 days.Its average yield is 60 90 t·hm -2 , 16 % higher than that of the control variety Luchunbai No.1. This variety is resistant to virus and downy mildew, and its resistance to soft rot is close to that of the control. The leaf head of the variety is...
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 30-31 [Abstract] ( 821 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 91KB] ( 752 )
31 A New Tomato F_1 Hybrid Za 93-15
Zhang Guoqiang;Xu Xiaoli;Zhan Yusi;et al.
Za 93 15,a middle early maturing hybrid developed by crossing inbred line Fen 88 2 4 1 as the female parent with self pollinated line Fen 78 1 12 4 3 as the male parent,is determinate,vigorous,tolerant of environmental stress and resistant to TMV,leaf mold,early blight and late blight. The average total output and average fruit weight is 65.2-106.5 t·hm -2 and 193 7g respectively. The fruit is round with pink color and a good taste.
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 31-32 [Abstract] ( 808 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 97KB] ( 752 )
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 33-33 [Abstract] ( 607 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 56KB] ( 767 )
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 34-35 [Abstract] ( 700 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 78KB] ( 594 )
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 36-37 [Abstract] ( 774 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 96KB] ( 736 )
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 37-38 [Abstract] ( 649 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 94KB] ( 653 )
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 39-39 [Abstract] ( 688 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 41KB] ( 811 )
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 40-40 [Abstract] ( 679 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 41KB] ( 824 )
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 41-43 [Abstract] ( 1020 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 134KB] ( 1048 )
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 44-45 [Abstract] ( 792 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 100KB] ( 721 )
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 45-46 [Abstract] ( 718 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 98KB] ( 756 )
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 46-47 [Abstract] ( 702 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 83KB] ( 725 )
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 48-48 [Abstract] ( 648 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 46KB] ( 846 )
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 49-50 [Abstract] ( 636 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 106KB] ( 748 )
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 50-50 [Abstract] ( 747 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 56KB] ( 614 )
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 51-51 [Abstract] ( 606 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 47KB] ( 682 )
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 52-55 [Abstract] ( 855 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 192KB] ( 1191 )
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 55-56 [Abstract] ( 641 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 88KB] ( 645 )
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 57-57 [Abstract] ( 640 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 110KB] ( 609 )
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 58-59 [Abstract] ( 681 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 88KB] ( 534 )
2002 Vol. 1 (2): 59-59 [Abstract] ( 590 ) [HTML 0KB] [ PDF 50KB] ( 685 )
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