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2012 Vol.1 Issue.4,Published 2012-02-15

1 Research Progress on Cucumber Target Leaf Spot(Corynespora cassiicola)
YANG Shuang-juan,GU Xing-fang*,ZHANG Sheng-ping,MIAO Han,LI Bao-ju
Cucumber target leaf spot,caused by Corynespora cassiicola(Berk & Curt)Wei.,have resulted in an increasing losses in cucumber production recently.Phylogenetic diversity,pathogenous law methods of evaluating cucumber resistant to target leaf spot,resistant cucumber germplasm and their controlling methods are discussed systematically in this paper.Considering problems existing in current research,advices and suggestions are provided and future research orientation is prospected.
2012 Vol. 1 (4): 1-9 [Abstract] ( 2647 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 470KB] ( 2121 )
10 Research Progress on Grafting Effect on Fruit Quality of Watermelon and Melon
HUANG Yuan,BIE Zhi-long*,KONG Qiu-sheng,XIE Jun-jun,FAN Mo-lin
Grafting is an important way to enhance watermelon〔Citrullus Lanatus(Thunb.)Matsum. et Nakai〕and melon(Cucumis melo L.)tolerance to soil-born diseases and insects.However,contradictory ideas about the effects in fruit quality of grafted watermelon and melon are still existing.The present review summarized the progress made in sensory and nutritional quality of grafted watermelon and melon,and analyzed the reasons for these changes in fruit quality.Before ending, it prospected the research about the effect of grafting on fruit quality of watermelon and melon.
2012 Vol. 1 (4): 10-18 [Abstract] ( 1671 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 459KB] ( 1164 )
19 Research Progress on Carotenoid in Pepper Fruit
GUO Shuang1,HUANG Zhen1,CHANG Shao-dong1,CAO Cui-wen1,SHEN Huo-lin2*
The types and content of carotenoids in matured pepper(Capsicum annuum L.)fruit can determine its fruit color.This paper reviewed the recent research progress on studying carotenoid in pepper fruit by scientists both at home and abroad,expound the biosynthesis pathway of carotenoid in pepper fruit,genetic rule for fruit color change and the research progress made in studying the major enzymes involved in biosynthesis track.
2012 Vol. 1 (4): 19-24 [Abstract] ( 1505 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 345KB] ( 1260 )
25 Research Progress in Identifying Vegetable Drought-resistance
CHANG Qing-hua,LI Cheng-qiong*,REN Xue-song*,SI Jun,SONG Hong-yuan
No rain or little rain for a long time will lead to the phenomenon of dry soil or dry air,which will cause great economic losses in vegetable production.The effective solution to solve this problem is to screen drought-resistant vegetable matearials and breed drought-resistance varieties.This paper summarizes the methods and indexes for identifying vegetable drought-resistance,the comprehensive evaluation methods of vegetable drought-resistance at home and abroad.It also analyzes the existing problems in identifying vegetable drought-resistance and discusses about the research orientation in the future.
2012 Vol. 1 (4): 25-30 [Abstract] ( 1685 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 400KB] ( 1196 )
31 Pathogenicity of Fusarium oxysporum Cu20 on Cucumbers and Its Biological Control Effect against Root-knot Nematode
WANG Gang,LI Er-feng,MAO Zhen-chuan*,YANG Yu-hong,XIE Bing-yan
Fusarium oxysporum Cu20 was evaluated for its ability to colonize in cucumbers(Cucumis sativus L.)‘9330’and its pathogenicity on cucumbers.The results showed that Cu20 could not lead to disease symptom on cucumbers,despite the disease infection rate were 100%.And we studied the ability of Cu20 to control root-knot nematode(RKN)disease,caused by Meloidogyne incognita through a vaccination of nematodes on cucumbers,which are inoculated with Cu20.The results showed that having an inoculation of F. oxysporum Cu20 could decrease the infection rate of RKN,with the amount of root-knots cut down by 38.0%,which is significantly different with the CK.
2012 Vol. 1 (4): 31-36 [Abstract] ( 1452 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1138KB] ( 1363 )
37 Effects of Root Aqueous Extracts of Wheat Cultivars with Different Allelopathy Potential on Cucumber Seedlings Growth and Physiological and Biochemical Characters of Cucumber Root
YANG Ping,WU Feng-zhi
With cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.)seedling as receptors,this paper studied the effect of different allelopathic aqueous extracts of wheat root on cucumber seedling growth,the physiology and biochemical characters of cucumber roots.The results indicated that the stimulated aqueous extracts of wheat root can improve the activities of protective enzymes and the content of osmoregulation substance,reduce the membrane lipid peroxidation of cucumber roots in different periods after treatment,and increase plant height,stem diameter,dry weight in whole plant,leaves area,and photosynthesis of cucumber seedling.The suppressive aqueous extracts of wheat root can reduce the activities of protective enzymes and the content of osmoregulation substance,increase the membrane lipid peroxidation of cucumber roots in different periods after treatment,and also inhibit the growth of cucumber seedlings.
2012 Vol. 1 (4): 37-42 [Abstract] ( 1409 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 411KB] ( 740 )
43 Preliminary Studies about Allelopathic Effect of Sophora flavesecns Extracts on Verticillium dahliae of Eggplant
JIA Li-yuan1,ZHANG Shu-hong2*,ZHANG En-ping2,ZHOU Bao-li2
The main active substance extracted from Sophora flavesecns is flavonoids and alkaloids,determine the inhibitory,study the effect of extracts on mycelium dry weight,toxin contents and the activities of extracelluar enzymes,analyze allelopathic inhibition mechanism.Extracts of S. flavescens showed inhibitory effects on Verticillium dahliae allelopathicly owning to its active substances flavonoids and alkaloids.The inhibitory rate is 100.00% 7 days and 98.28% 9 days after treatment with concentration 4.00 mg?mL-1 flavonoids,the inhibitory rate remained about 90% on the 12th day with the concentration 1.00 mg?mL-1 flavonoids.Lower inhibitory rate was found when treated with the same concentration of alkaloids.The mycelium dry weight,toxin contents and the activities of extracellular enzymes decreased with the increase of S. flavescens extracts concentration.The inhibitory effects were significant compared to the CK with the extract concentration over 10 mg?mL-1.By reducing the activities of extracellular enzymes and the toxin content,the growth of mycelium was inhibited,mainly expressed as the reduced dry weight of mycelium.
2012 Vol. 1 (4): 43-47 [Abstract] ( 1195 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 400KB] ( 825 )
48 Quality Traits Analysis of Corm in Arrowhead Germplasm
LI Feng,PENG Jing,LIU Yu-ping,YE Yuan-ying,LIU Yi-man,HUANG Lai-chun,ZHU Hong-lian,LI Shuang-mei,KE Wei-dong
In order to provide theoretical basis for germplasm development and quality breeding of arrowhead(Sagittaria sagittifolia L.),the quality traits of corm in 100 arrowhead germplasm,conserved in Wuhan National Germplasm Repository for Aquatic Vegetables,were tested.The normal distribution,pearson correlation and cluster were analyzed.The results indicated that the average dry matter content was 30.87%,ranging from 23.55%-38.82%.The average starch content was 16.36%,ranging from 11.44%-22.58%.The average crude protein content was 4.67%,ranging from 2.89%- 6.98%.The average soluble sugar content was 2.67%,ranging from 1.55%-3.94%.The distribution of dry matter content,soluble sugar content and starch content are normal,but the distribution of crude protein content is not normal.The accession number of high dry matter content and high starch content is higher than the others.The dry matter content is very significantly positive correlated with the crude protein content,and so is the soluble sugar content with the starch content.While the crude protein content is very significantly negative correlated with the soluble sugar content and starch content.The soluble sugar content is significantly negative correlated with the starch content.The 100 arrowhead germplasm resources are divided into 5 categories according to their quality traits.In the 1st group,all quality traits contents are lower.In the 2nd group,only the crude protein content is higher.In the 3rd group,the soluble sugar content is the highest.In the 4th group,the crude protein content is the highest.In the 5th group,the dry matter content and starch content are the highest.
2012 Vol. 1 (4): 48-53 [Abstract] ( 1285 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 352KB] ( 730 )
54 Correlation Analysis of Fruit Color with SPAD Reading and Leaf Color(Hue Angle)in Bitter Gourd
CHENG Jiao-wen1,CUI Jun-jie1,TANG Xin1,WU Zhi-ming2,HU Kai-lin1
The leaf SPAD reading and hue angle(H°)of both leaf and fruit in 26 Momordica charantia L. inbred lines were measured by Minolta SPAD-502 and Minolta chroma meter CR-300,respectively.The correlations between leaf SPAD reading,leaf color and fruit color were calculated.The results indicated that leaf SPAD reading,leaf color and fruit color have very significant differences in different bitter gourd inbred lines.Meanwhile,both leaf SPAD reading and leaf color showed a significant correlation with fruit color,and leaf color was very significantly correlated with leaf SPAD reading.
2012 Vol. 1 (4): 54-57 [Abstract] ( 1760 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 307KB] ( 902 )
58 RAPD Analysis of Genetic Relationship in Salt Tolerant Eggplant Cultivars
WU Xue-xia,ZHA Ding-shi*,ZHU Zong-wen,LI Xian
Genetic diversity in salt tolerant eggplant(Solanum melongena L.)cultivars was analyzed with RAPD technology.The results showed that 10 primers were screened from 100 RAPD primers and 102 polymorphic bands were amplified,the polymorphic band percentage was 77.45%.Clustering analysis showed that the value of genetic variation indexes of 14 eggplant cultivars based on the RAPD data were varied from 0.316 to 0.975.They could be classified into 3 groups at coefficient of 0.47 with UPGMA method,and most of the samples(85.71%)were gathered in the 3rd group(cultivated cultivars),indicating the collected germplasm with closer blood relationship.
2012 Vol. 1 (4): 58-61 [Abstract] ( 1379 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 332KB] ( 678 )
62 Effect of AG and AGPs on Microspore Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration of Chinese Cabbage and Pakchoi
Effect of AG and AGPs on microspore embryogenesis and plant regeneration was investigated by using 3 late-bolting hybrids of Chinese cabbage〔Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis(Lour)Olsson〕and 3 hybrids of Pakchoi〔B.campestris L. ssp. chinensis(L.)Makino var. communis Tsen et Lee〕as material.The results showed that adding 10 mg?L-1 AG,10 mg?L-1 AGPs or 10 mg?L-1 AG+10 mg?L-1 AGPs to the medium of NLN-13 could improve the ability of microspore embryogenesis and support plant regeneration.
2012 Vol. 1 (4): 62-66 [Abstract] ( 1588 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 364KB] ( 760 )
67 Comparative Analysis of in viro Induction of Autotetraploid of Tomato and Physiological Characteristics
WU Zhi-gang1,LIU Dan-chi1,SONG Ming2,DING Li-xiao1
In this paper,in viro induction of autotetropolid tomato(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)with colchicine was studied on the basis of building regeneration system,the appropriate induction method of tetraploid tomato was culturing cotyledon and hypocotyl callus with buds in medium with 0.2% colchicines for 48 hour.Some indexes of diploid and tetraploid plant were compared and analyzed.The tetraploid plants were found to have stronger growth vigor.Its total chlorophyll contents in tomato leaves and POD activity and SOD activity and soluble protein content were higher than those of diploid.But its MDA content was lower than that of diploid.
2012 Vol. 1 (4): 67-71 [Abstract] ( 1366 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 805KB] ( 769 )
72 Effect of Storage Time on Garlic Plant Regeneration
SUN Qi,LIU Shi-qi*,ZHANG Tao,CHEN Xian,MENG Fan-lu
The effect of different storage times on garlic(Allium sativum L.)asexual propagation system was studied in this experiment.The results indicated that the best time for garlic tissue culture reproduction was 61-122 d after harvest(i. e. garlic shoots break bud dormancy period).During this period,various indicators of  garlic tissue culture including callus volumerate,rate of embryogenic callus,meristematic bud diameter,germination rate,average germination number,meristematic adventitious rooting rate,the average root number,etc.all reached higher levels.
2012 Vol. 1 (4): 72-77 [Abstract] ( 1422 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 435KB] ( 729 )
78 Measuration of Antifungal Activity of 28 Medicinal Plants against 6 Plant Pathogenic Fungi
ZHAO Gong-wen1,2,LI Chang-song2,LI Lin2,ZHANG Bo2,LIU Jian-jun1,3,QI Jun-shan2
Six kinds of plant pathogenic fungi,Pythium aphanidermatum,Phytophthora capsic,Fusarium oxysporium,Fusarium solani,Botrytis cinerea and Fusarium graminearum were used to measurate the antifungal activities of acetone extracts from 28 medical plants by mycelia growth method.Eugenia caryophyllata showed potent antifungal activity with 100% inhibitory rate against all tested plant pathogenic fungi,Armeniaca mume,Stemona sessilifolia,and Aucklandia lappa also possessed over 70% inhibitory activity against five of the six plant pathogenic fungi.The high active medical plants above were further studied by spore germination method,and the inhibition rates against Botrytis cinerea conidia were above 90%.
2012 Vol. 1 (4): 78-82 [Abstract] ( 1122 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 457KB] ( 947 )
83 Selective Studies on Delia antique(Meigen)to 4 Host Plants
ZHANG Yun-xia1,2,WANG Zheng1,SU Mao-wen2,ZHAO Hai-peng1,MA Xiao-dan1,XUE Ming1*
Explored the onion fly〔Delia antique(Meigen)〕adult oviposition selection in field cage and pot experiments and larval feeding preferences through indoor experiments.The results showed that the highest onion fly population occurred in onion,and the next population was in garlic and scallion,the lowest occurred in leeks through field cage experiments.The results of oviposition preference in pot experiments indicated the same trend as the field cage experiments.The lay eggs reached the most amount at onion,the lowest at leeks.The most favorite plant of the 1st larvae was onion,the next was scallion and the least were garlic and leek.The 3rd instars larvae showed the same preference as the 1st larvae.In a word,the most favorite host plant of onion fly was onion,the next was scallion and garlic,the least was leek.Moreover,we found that the oviposition selection of onion fly was the important factor in its population occurrence.So trapping and killing adult flies have applicable value in controlling onion maggot.
2012 Vol. 1 (4): 83-86 [Abstract] ( 1171 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 343KB] ( 776 )
87 In-door Toxicity and Chemicals Sensitivity of Verticillium lecanii on Aphis sp.on Lycium chinense
LIU Hao1,2,ZHANG Long1*,ZHANG Zong-shan2
To definite the chemical inhibition to Verticillium lecanii and control effect of V. lecanii to Aphis sp.,4 strains Verticillium lecanii were studied by methods of testing the percentage of bacterial inhibition and conducting bioassay in door.The results showed that the fungicide Kresoxim-methyl and the insecticide Acetamiprid were safe to V. lecanii.Conduct results showed that No.1 strain was the best.LD50 and LT50 of which were 1.8×105 spores?mL-1(regression equation y = 0.209x + 3.904)and 4.89 days(regression equation y = 0.650 3x + 1.840 4),respectively.
2012 Vol. 1 (4): 87-90 [Abstract] ( 1192 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 329KB] ( 770 )
91 Optimization of Mycelium Strains for Yibin Bean Sprouts
ZUO Yong,JU Shuai,LIU Li-ping,XIE Hui,LI Yang
The optimum strains were selected from bean sprouts using rapid separation high performance liquid chromatography(RP-HPLC)to determine organic acids contents of different bean sprouts.The composition and content of different organic acids were determined by this method.By combining sense test with physical and chemical properties tests,the types and contents of organic acids from different fermentation strain samples were tested.The results showed that optimum fermentation strains were AN1∶AE composite bacteria.The total content of organic acids was the highest in the fermentation product.It can reach 35.97 mg?g-1.
2012 Vol. 1 (4): 91-96 [Abstract] ( 1120 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 326KB] ( 642 )
97 A New Cabbage F1 Hybrid —‘Zhengniu’
BO Tian-yue,CHEN Jin-xiu,MIAO Ti-yun,REN Yun-ying
‘Zhengniu’is a new cabbage F1 hybrid developed by crossing cytoplasmic male sterile line CMS-101 with an inbred line 2004-30.It belongs to upright plant type with 53 cm in expansion diameter.Its outer leaves are obovate type in deep green with light wax powder.The pointed head is compact with good quality.Its leaf head is 20 cm in height,14 cm in diameter.The center core is 8.5 cm in length less than the half of head height.The average single head weight is 1.04 kg.Its yield is about 40.5 t?hm-2.It can be used as overwinting spring cabbage with tolerance to bolting and also as autumn cabbage with resistance to black rot.It is suitable to be cultivated in east China and central China.
2012 Vol. 1 (4): 97-99 [Abstract] ( 1277 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 0KB] ( 70 )
100 A New Overwintering Cabbage F1 Hybrid —‘Sugan 26’
WANG Hong,WANG Shen-yun,DING Wan-xia,YU Li,LI Jian-bin*
‘Sugan 26’is an overwintering cabbage F1 hybrid developed by crossing self-incompatible lines N583-2-2-3 and M4-2-3-1.The overwinter growth period is about 145 days.It is tolerant to stress,storage and crack.It has dark green leaves and good quality.Its wax powder is secondary,Its head is round,and the average head weight is about 1.5 kg.Its yield is over 72 t?hm-2.It has stronger resitance to sclerotia and soft rot than‘Bijiu 1038’.It is suitable to be cultivated in the Yangtze River valley and the southern areas.
2012 Vol. 1 (4): 100-102 [Abstract] ( 1347 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 256KB] ( 557 )
103 A New Summer Squash F1 Hybrid —‘Yuying’
WANG Chang-lin,WANG Ying-jie
‘Yuying’is a new summer squash F1 hybrid developed by crossing excellent inbred lines 06-74 as female parent and 06B61 as male parent.It is early maturity,dwarf plant,medium vigorous.The first female flower starts from the 5th node.The long cylindrical fruit is 18-20 cm in length,about 6 cm in diameter with light green skin.It yields about 70.5-100.5 t?hm-2 under protected cultivation in early spring.It is suitable for protected cultivation in north of China.
2012 Vol. 1 (4): 103-104 [Abstract] ( 1198 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 234KB] ( 674 )
105 A New Wax Gourd F1 Hybrid —‘Heiza No.2’
LI Li-kun,YANG Fu-qiang,LI Da
‘Heiza No.2’is a new wax gourd(Benineasa hispida Cogn.)F1 hybrid developed by crossing inbred line BH3031 and BH2783.It grows vigorously with middle-late maturity.The fruit is of column shape with black and glossy shin.The fruit is 80-90 cm in length and 18-21 cm in diameter.The fruit flesh has thick and dense texture.The seeded sac is small.It has good commercial character and tolerant to storage and transportation.The average single fruit weight is about 15 kg.It can yield 120-165 t?hm-2 in open field cultivation.
2012 Vol. 1 (4): 105-106 [Abstract] ( 1138 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 229KB] ( 691 )
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