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2012 Vol.1 Issue.10,Published 2012-05-15

1 Research Progress on Eggplant Germplasm Resource Classification
SU Xiao-mei1,LIU Wei-dong2*,LIU Li-wang1,GONG Yi-qin1
It is a fundamental work to classify eggplant(Solanum melongena L.)species for collection,conservation,studying and utilization of germplasm resources.The paper expounds the application of morphological marker,cytology marker,biochemical marker and DNA molecular marker in eggplant species classification and the research progress made in these areas.It also prospects the research in eggplant species classification in the near future.
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 1-6 [Abstract] ( 1272 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 361KB] ( 986 )
7 Research Progress in Cucumber Resistance to Watermelon Mosaic Virus
ZHOU Jian1,GU Xing-fang2,ZHANG Sheng-ping2,MIAO Han2,CHENG Fei1*
Watermelon mosaic virus(WMV)is one of the most popular viruses,which can infect cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.).This virus has brought severe loss to cucumber production.This paper briefly introduces WMV and expounds the methods for identifying cucumber resistance to WMV,resistance inheritance rule,resistance germplasm resources,and selection and application of molecular markers linked to WMV gene.It also analyzes the existing problems and prospects the future research tasks.
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 7-13 [Abstract] ( 1202 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 452KB] ( 857 )
14 QTL Mapping of Leaf Length and Width in Brassica campestris L.
DENG Jie,WANG Hui,CHENG Feng,WU Jian,WANG Xiao-wu*
The aim of this study was to map and analyze QTLs controlling leaf traits in Brassica campestris L.,so as to provide information for molecular marker assisted selection(MAS)of breeding.QTL analysis was conducted for leaf width,leaf length,and leaf index in 2 Brassica campestris L. DH populations.The results showed that 9 QTLs located on 6 linkage groups were detected,including 6 QTLs for leaf length,2 QTLs for leaf index,and 1 QTL for leaf width.These 9 QTLs explained 7.1%-28.1% morphological variations of the 2 populations.QTL analysis indicated that the QTLs controlling leaf length and leaf index were located on adjacent positions in the 2 DH populations.According to genome re-sequencing data of parents,more markers were mapped in the QTL region of leaf index on A03 in the Z16_SZQ F1 DH population.Further analysis showed that the QTL controlling leaf index trait was located on the BrID111431 locus.One candidate gene,e. g. BrXTH9,was found by analysis with annotated genes between A. Thaliana and Brassica campestris L. which was 54 Kb physical distance from BrID111431.The transcript me analysis of natural population showed that BrXTH9 was highly correlated with leaf index,indicating that BrXTH9 may involve in regulation of leaf index in Brassica campestris L.
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 14-25 [Abstract] ( 1255 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 1245KB] ( 893 )
25 Effect of Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus on Female Body Length and Egg Size of Bemisia tabaci Biotypes B and Q
XU Yan-xia1,2,WANG Xiang-jing1,JIAO Xiao-guo2,PAN Hui-peng2,WANG Shao-li2,XIE Wen2,WU Qing-jun2,ZHANG You-jun 2*
The infection of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus(TYLCV)have influence on the biological characteristics of Bemisia tabaci.The differences in female body length,and length and width of eggs ovipositied by viruliferous and non-viruliferous B. tabaci B and Q biotypes were compared.The results indicated that there was no significant difference in female body length between viruliferous B and Q biotypes B. tabaci and non-viruliferous B and Q biotypes,respectively.The length and width of eggs oviposited by viruliferous B biotype B. tabaci were significantly larger than that oviposited by non-viruliferous B biotype,respectively.However,the length and width of eggs oviposited by viruliferous Q biotype B. tabaci were significantly smaller than that oviposited by non-viruliferous Q biotype,respectively.Therefore,the egg size of B and Q biotypes B. tabaci responded differently to TYLCV,whereas no impact for female body length.
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 25-30 [Abstract] ( 1368 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 463KB] ( 902 )
31 Analysis of Combining Ability and Heritability of Economic Traits in Chinese Kale
WU Wen-lin,CHEN Guo-ju,ZHENG Hua-jie,ZHU Wan-li,LEI Jian-jun*
Ten hybrid combinations were obtained from 5 Chinese kale(Brassica alboglabra Bailey)inbred lines with better productive performance and significant different traits by Griffing incomplete double-row crossing design.Combining ability analysis was conducted on 8 economic traits,and genetic parameter analysis was carried out on 5 economic traits with significant difference.The results show that the 5 economic traits are affected by the additive and non-additive effects.Among them the quality and thickness of carex dispalatha and leaf width are mainly controlled by gene additive effect,the quality of single plant is controlled at the same time by dominant and additive effects,while the internodes length is controlled mainly by dominant effect.By comprehensive comparison between 5 inbred hybrid offspring performances of Chinese kale,we find parent strain A(0925)and parent strain D(0948)have high general combining ability(GCA).Its distribution group is expected to gain the highest F1 offspring with special combining ability(SCA),but the special combining ability between parents should be considered in the selection.
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 31-35 [Abstract] ( 1101 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 306KB] ( 633 )
36 Orange Morphological Marker’s Applications in Transferring Male Sterile Lines of Orange Head Chinese Cabbage with Anti-clubroot Genes
GENG Xin-cui,SHEN Xiang-qun*,LI Qian,CHEN Yong-hao,GUO Yan-feng
The flower color and cotyledon color could be as morphological marker traits used in transferring orange leaf head Chinese cabbage〔Brassica campestris L.ssp. pekinensis(Lour)Olsson〕for their heredity agreed on that of leaf head color of orange leaf head Chinese cabbage.This color was controlled by a pair of recessive alleles.In this paper,the methods of leaf head color,cotyledon color and flower color were compared during the course of transferring the male sterile lines of orange leaf head Chinese cabbage with anti-clubroot genes under different conditions.When cotyledons were just unfolded,orange leaf head plants were found and picked out with the help of cotyledon color method in situations of seed vernalization or non-seed vernalization survey.Compared with other 2 methods,when screening clubroot-resistant plants,the amount of plants needed to identify were the least by means of cotyledon color method,so did the amount of Plasmodiophora brassicae.Therefore,for it had a wider range of applications and less work intensity,the method of cotyledon color were optimal among these 3 methods.It might be used in breeding resistant varieties or male sterile lines of orange leaf head Chinese cabbage.
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 36-41 [Abstract] ( 1240 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 385KB] ( 673 )
42 Effects of Exogenous Polyamine Application on Flower Bud Differentiation and Flower Development in Muskmelon
QI Hong-yan,HUANG He,ZHANG Duo-jiao
In order to investigate the influence of exogenous polyamine application on the flower bud differentiation and flower development muskmelon(Cucumis melo L. var. makuwa Makino),‘Yongtian No. 3’was used in this experiment.The flower bud differentiation and flower development were investigated with spraying different concentrations of putrescine(Put)and spermidine(Spd)after the cotyledon just came out of the soil.The process of flower bud differentiation and the morphological observation were studied in muskmelon by means of paraffin-cut section.The contents of endogenous hormones and polyamine in flower bud and leaves were examined.The results showed that spraying Put and Spd increased the ratio of female flowers of the first node on the sub-vine,promoted the flower bud differentiation,and advanced the florescence.After spraying high concentration of Put and low concentration of Spd,IAA content increased in leaves,but ZT content decreased,and ABA content reached peak in advance.The Spd content in flower bud reached its peak earlier after spraying polyamine|while the level of spermine(Spm)was relatively low and changed irregularly.Three kinds of endogenous polyamine contents in flower buds were higher than that in the leaves.The appropriate concentration of Put and Spd is 1×10-3 mol•L-1 and 1×10-4 mol•L-1,respectively.
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 42-47 [Abstract] ( 1288 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 374KB] ( 782 )
48 Effects of NaCl Stress on Growth and Rhizoplane Soil Enzyme Activities of Different Cucumber Cultivars with Differing Salt Tolerance
ZHAO Suo,WU Feng-zhi*
Salt-tolerant cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.)cultivar‘Jinchun No.5’and salt-sensitive cucumber cultivar‘Jinyou No.1’were used as materials.Taking NaCl(525 mg•kg-1)as salt-stress condition,the tanks are used to culture 2 different cucumber cultivars in the greenhouse.We compared the effect of growth and soil enzyme activities of these 2 different cucumbers in the root zone.The results show that the yield per plant and dry weight of salt-sensitive cucumber cultivar‘Jinyou No.1’is significantly lower than that of salt-tolerant cucumber cultivar‘Jinchun No.5’.And the leaf area of‘Jinyou No.1’after transplanting 50 d and soil dehydrogenase activity after transplanting 40 d are significantly lower than‘Jinchun No.5’.Under soil salinization condition,the inhibited urease,catalase and dehydrogenase  activity of salt-tolerant varieties‘Jinchun No.5’are lighter than that of salt-sensitive varieties‘Jinyou No.1’in rhizospher after transplanting 30 d,40 d.
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 48-55 [Abstract] ( 2904 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 566KB] ( 858 )
56 Comparative Analysis of Physicochemical Properties of Peat-moss for Vegetable Seedling Production
FANG Man-man,ZHANG Zhi-gang,DONG Chun-juan,SHANG Qing-mao*
In this study,we analyze the physiochemical properties of peat-moss for vegetable seedling production.Some remarkable differences are found between 4 overseas peat-moss(from Denmark,Finland,Germany)and 4 domestic peat-moss(from Qingyuan County of Liaoning Province,Liaoyuan County of Jilin Province,Huachuan County and Yanshou County of Heilongjiang Province).The results indicate that the decomposition degree of domestic peat-moss is H3-H5,much higher than that of the overseas peat-moss(H1-H2).Therefore,the ratio of<0.5 mm particle is greater,about 4-10 folds over the overseas peat-moss.Also,the saturation moisture content of the domestics is lower,only 50% of the values obtained from the overseas peat-moss.Furthermore,we demonstrate that compared to the overseas,the domestic peat-moss contains higher content of total N,P and K,available N,but lower content of available P and K.
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 56-59 [Abstract] ( 1175 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 325KB] ( 1015 )
60 Effects of Chinese Cabbage Nitrogen Application Rate on Chinese Cabbage Yields,Nitrogen Utilization,Nitrate Accumulation(Soil & Cabbage)of Potato — Chinese Cabbage Double Cropping System
HU Bo1,HAO Yun-feng2,FAN Ming-shou1*
The effects of Chinese cabbage N application rate on Chinese cabbage yields,nitrogen utilization,nitrate contents,and nitrate nitrogen accumulation in soil were studied under potato-Chinese cabbage double cropping system in Hetao irrigated area of Inner Mongolia with 5 N application rates at Chinese cabbage planting season.The results showed that the yields and the double cropping net economic returns were the highest with the Chinese cabbage N application rate of 120 kg•hm-2|the double cropping system N accumulation and N recovery ratio were enhanced at the total N application rate from 225 kg•hm-2 to 405 kg•hm-2,compared with that of the conventional mono potato production in the open field at the N application rate of 225 kg•hm-2|the nitrate contents in Chinese cabbage and the nitrate accumulations within 0-160 cm soil profiles were increased with the increscent N applied rates.At the  Chinese cabbage N application rate was≥120 kg•hm-2,the nitrate contents in Chinese cabbage reached a high level,and the nitrate accumulations within 0-160 cm soil profiles were≥162 kg•hm-2,hence the risk of nitrate contamination in underground water was increased for autumn irrigation.Reasonable N application rate had an effective effects on reducing nitrate contamination in groundwater,reducing nitrate content in Chinese cabbage,and increasing net economic return.
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 60-65 [Abstract] ( 1174 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 518KB] ( 695 )
66 Effect of Drought Stress on Micro-structure of Cowpea Seedling’s Leaves and Roots
ZHANG Lu1,KANG Li-ping2*
This paper studied the influence of different draught stress period to the heart leaf of cowpea〔Vigna unguiculata(L.)Walp.〕seedlings and mature leaves and roots.The results showed that the micro-structures of heart leaf and mature leaves were both changed under draught stress.The palisade tissue cells became shorter than CK,and were arranged orderly in the early stressed stage,then the cells became dehydrated,deformed and disordered in the later stressed stage.The changes in heart leaf were larger than the mature leaves.The transverse section of root showed that the influence of drought stress to root came earlier than to leaves.The root morphology and all column cells shrank and became smaller,then deformed.The cortical parenchyma cells in root were atrophy and withered under severe stress and only left the column cells stood.
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 66-74 [Abstract] ( 1233 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 2958KB] ( 695 )
75 Detection of Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus of Watermelon Blood Flesh in Jinan Area
LIU Ying1,2,PENG Bin2,YANG Xiao-hong1*,LI Xiang-dong3,GU Qin-sheng2*
The blood flesh of watermelon〔Citrullus lanatus(Thunb.)Matsum. et Nakai〕out broke on grafted watermelon in Jinan area,Shandong Province in 2011.The viral pathogen was suspected as its cause after survey in fields.Eighty samples of grafted watermelon leaves and fruits with viral symptoms and non-symptom collected from Jinan area,Shandong Province were detected by ELISA and RT-PCR.The results showed that 70 of these 80 samples were infected by Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus,preliminary confirming that CGMMV was the cause of blood flesh of watermelon in Jinan area,Shandong Province.
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 75-79 [Abstract] ( 1357 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 841KB] ( 918 )
80 A Simple Method for Detecting Spongospora subterranea in Soil
HUI Na-na,LI Ji-ping*,WANG Li,MA Yong-qiang,LI Jian-jun,ZHOU Tian-wang,LI Qing-qing
This experiment is to detect Spongospora subterranea in soil of potato cropping and broad bean cropping,using tomato seedlings as bait plants.The results showed that there were Spongospora subterranea with soil of potato cropping.Using this soil to cultivate tomato would cause tomato plant becoming dwarf at different degree,its root being swollen and with tumor shapes in root.The disease breaking rates of tomato plants grown in one year,two years and three years potato cropping stubble soil were 82.35%,100.00%,100.00%,respectively.However,tomato plants were normal in broad bean cropping soil,the resting spores of Spongospora subterranea were not found in roots.
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 80-82 [Abstract] ( 1381 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 267KB] ( 960 )
83 A New Cucumber F1 Hybrid —‘Jinyou No.49’
YANG Rui-huan,LI Shu-ju,WANG Hui-zhe,GUAN Wei
‘Jinyou No.49’is a new cucumber F1 hybrid bred from crossing D53-1 with D59-1-1.It grows vigorously with dark green leaves.It bears fruits mainly on main stem with high fruit-setting rate.The fruit is dark green in color,tender and crisp with good quality.Its fruit is about 35 cm in length and 250 g in weight.The core diameter of its fruit is less than 1/2 of fruit diameter.It is higher resistant to Fusarium wilt,downy mildew and powdery mildew.It is resistant to CMV.It can yield 90 t•hm-2 in open field in spring.It can yield 55.5 t•hm-2 in open field in summer.It is suitable for open field cultivation in spring or summer.
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 83-85 [Abstract] ( 1124 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 226KB] ( 652 )
86 A New Vegetable Soybean Variety —‘Zhexiandou No. 7’
FU Xu-jun,ZHU Shen-long,ZHU Dan-hua,LI Bai-quan,YUAN Feng-jie
‘Zhexiandou No. 7’is a vegetable soybean variety developed by Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences through conventional breeding technique.It has high yield potential,excellent quality and mid-maturity.It has 24.1 pods each plant.The standard pod is 5.3 cm in length and 1.3 cm in width.The weight per 100 fresh pods and seeds were 282.5 g and 70.7 g,respectively.The average fresh seed starch and total soluble sugar contents were 4.9% and 2.9%.It is resistant to Soybean mosaic virus SC3 and medium sensitive to SC7.It takes about 90 days from sowing to green pod harvest.Its average yield is about 9 t•hm-2 in fresh pod.It is suitable to be planted within Zhejiang Province in spring.
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 86-88 [Abstract] ( 1165 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 293KB] ( 641 )
89 A New Chinese Cabbage F1 Hybrid —‘Qingyan No.8’
SI Chao-guang,WANG Yuan,YANG Xiao-yun*,ZHANG Qing-xia,ZHANG Shu-xia,WANG Dian-chun,QIU Shi-zuo
‘Qingyan No.8’is a mid-late maturing Chinese cabbage F1 hybrid.It takes about 80 days from sowing to harvest.It was developed by crossing self-incompatible line Xiaotianjinlv 2001-3- 9-1-6-4 and Shengfushan-1S-2S-8S-11SXiao -13Xiao.Its head is of long ovate shape with 43 cm in height and 17 cm in diameter.The single head weight is about 4.0 kg.The average net yield is about 105 t•hm-2.It is resistant to virus disease,medium resistant to downy mildew.It is suitable to be cultivated in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River,and Jilin,Shaanxi Provinces,etc.
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 89-91 [Abstract] ( 1040 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 239KB] ( 617 )
92 A New Eggplant F1 Hybrid —‘Jingqie No.20’
QIAN Zong-wei,CHEN Hai-li,CUI Yan-ling*
‘Jingqie No.20’is a new long eggplant F1 hybrid developed by crossing 05-20 as female parent with 05-35 as male parent.This variety has strong root system and vigorous growth vigor.Its stem is over 2.5 m in height.The leaves are large and green.The stems and petioles have gray short undercoat.The fruit handles and the sepals were fresh and green without thorns.Its fruit is rod-shaped.The fruit is 25-30 cm in length,5-7 cm in diameter and 200-250 g in weight.Its fruit peel is black-purple,smooth glossy,thick,and difficult to dehydrate.It has long shelf-life and high commercial value.Its yield is over 255 t•hm-2 in the protected fields of long season cultivation.It is suitable to be alltivated in protected field in Hebei,Shandong and open field in South China.
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 92-93 [Abstract] ( 993 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 237KB] ( 734 )
94 A New Hot Pepper F1 Hybrid —‘Longjiao No. 12’
ZHANG Hui1,XU Jian1,MA Hong2,LIU Xi-kun1,CHEN Li-xin1,QU Hong-yun1,LI Yue-fei1
‘Longjiao No. 12’is a red hot pepper F1 hybrid derived from crossing female inbred line A11 and male inbred line A13.Its growth period is about 100 days for green mature and 135 days for thorough mature.This hybrid has strong growth vigor.Its plant height is about 60 cm and plant width is about 55 cm.Its fruit is of long finger shape with smooth surface and relatively thick wax coat.It has a sharp tip and prominent carpopodium.The fruit vertical diameter is 13-15 cm,the horizontal diameter is 2-3 cm,the flesh thickness is 0.12 cm.The average fruit weight is about 16.2 g.The capsanthin content is 162.67 mg•kg-1 and VC content is 772.0 mg•kg-1.It is resistant to phytophthora blight and CMV.Its yield is over 41.445 t•hm-2,which is suitable both for fresh and sundried fruit. It can be cultivated in open field at the area with effective accumulated temperature above 2 100 ℃.
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 94-96 [Abstract] ( 995 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 258KB] ( 615 )
97 A New Potato Variety —‘Tianshu No.11’
LV Tai,HE Er-liang,GUO Tian-shun,WANG Ting-jie,WANG Peng,LI Fang-di,XIE Wei-qing
‘Tianshu No.11’was developed by crossing female parent‘Tianshu No.7’with male parent‘Zhuangshu No.3’.It takes about 135 days from seedling to tuber maturing.It is of late maturity with oblate shape tuber.Its tuber has light yellow skin and yellow flesh.The eyes are shallow and purple in color.It can produce 4.8 tubers per hill.The average single tuber weight is 130 g.The marketable tuber weight percentage reaches 81.6%.It can yield over 22.5 t•hm-2.It is suitable to be grown in Tianshui,Linxia,Dingxi,Pingliang,Longnan in Gansu Province.
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 97-99 [Abstract] ( 1099 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 235KB] ( 703 )
100 A New Muskmelon F1 Hybrid —‘Jinguan’
ZHANG Qin1,JIANG Chun-ming2,LI Jin-long1*,LI Cheng-de3,SUN Ke-ying2,ZHAI Ying-lin1,WEI Li-hua4
‘Jinguan’is a new muskmelon F1 hybrid with middle matuarity.It is developed by crossing inbred line M4 as female parent and inbred line H6 as male parent.It is a variety with medium maturing.Its total growing period is about 97-100 days and the fruit development period is about 47 days.The plant is strong in growth vigor and easy to set fruit.The matured fruit is of oval shape and full netted with white skin.The flesh thickness is 5.2 cm,and soluble solids content is about 15%.The flesh color is light green and it tastes sweet,crispy with fine texture.The average fruit weight is 3.5 kg.The yield is about 57 t•hm-2.It is suitable for protected and open fields cultivation in early spring in Gansu Province and other areas with similar conditions.
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 100-102 [Abstract] ( 1184 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 242KB] ( 708 )
103 A New Watermelon Rootstock F1 Hybrid —‘Yongzhen No.3’
WANG Yu-hong,YING Quan-sheng,WANG Ying-er,HUANGFU Wei-guo,SONG Hui,HUANG Yun-ping,ZHANG Hua-feng
‘Yongzhen No.3’is a bottle gourd type watermelon rootstock F1 hybrid variety derived from a cross between female inbred line JTT-1-1-2-10-5-2-6 and male inbred line T2002-1-1- 1-1-5-4-5.It has moderate growth vigor with well developed root system and good absorption for fertilizer.Its stem is thick and strong and not easy leggy.It also has a good affinity with scion,and performs well as a symbiosis.It has high resistance to watermelon blight,and tolerance to heat.It is suitable for early spring and long season grafting cultivation.
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 103-105 [Abstract] ( 1147 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 359KB] ( 850 )
2012 Vol. 1 (10): 106-106 [Abstract] ( 757 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 205KB] ( 552 )
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